Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 5 May 1982, p. 4

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4, Omo Weely Times, Wednesdgy, May 5t' 1982 Prom the Wizard of Oz A vocal solo Roaddebate has The animais of the forest no ending After cOnsiderabie debate at, the General Purpose meeting reiating to a propos- ed road closing of Park Street i Bondhcad at the lakefront mi Newcastle Village members ended with receiving a report. fromn the administrator and in talcing no action. The debate centered over charges for those portions of the road to be ciosed and deeded to Messrs. Ewert and Wynn, ad- joining property owvners. The Town was to retain, a waikway portion to the lakefront. The Town has had the pro- perty to be conveyed apprais- ed at a value of $2,000.00 ta each property owner. Mr. Ewert has objected to the charge and a settiement rests a a a in limbo. The propertY to be con- veyed is a, 16.5 foot strip along side bath the Ewert and Wynn lands. Mr. Ewerts garage does exist on a portion of the Town Road allowance. The land to be conveyed has been valued at some $ 19,000 an acre which somne members of council feel is too high. Both Counc. Hamnre and Mayor, Rickard attemp- ted a valuation less than $2,000 but were flot sup- ported in the lesser charges. Town administrator had suggested hi a report that Ewert secure a second' ap- praisai at his cost and which appraisal wouid be binding on both the involved proper- ty'owners and the Town. OPP to hold Open, House, May 9-15 members of the Kirby right) Sarah Woods, Anita Waterman, Brandon Kindergarten. (From l eft to Perez, Christine Lynch, Ryan Meadows and Vicky Baker. Summer Sports Sch edule, Orono Amateur Athletic Assoc. Orono Public School Grounds Mon, - PeeWee Soccer Trues-Mosquito Soccer Wed,-6 p.m. T-Bail 7 p.m. Dariington League Soccer Thurs-Atom Soccer Fri.-Squirt Soccer Sat.-7: 15 Darlington L-eague Soccer Sun.-Orono Oldtimers Soccer - 10 a.m. Orono Park Mon.- Pee Wee Baseball 6:15 Tues. Girls Softball 6:15 Wed. Girls Softbali 6:15 Thurs. Tyke Basebail 6.15 Fni. Ginls Softbail 6:15 Sat. 8:30 A.M. >1 P.M. Boys Basebali Orono Fair Grounds Fni. Girls Softbali 6: 15 Sat. 8:30 AM. 1 P.M. Girls Softbali Ail Girls Softball players ta report ta Park May 7, 1982. A Il Tyke and Pee Wee Basebail ta be at Orano Park Saturday, May 8th at 8:30 a. m. Orono Arena Roller Skating Tuesday and Friday - 7 p.m. ta 9:30 p.m. Propose new local fundraisin g group An effort ls ta be made on May 16, at 7:30 p.m. towards the formation of a new fund-raislng commit- tee. Russ Major pointed out that the original fund raisIng committee had been disbanded after the mortgage. He stated there was still a need for funds ta not only keep the arena and community centre in good repaîr but aiea in paving the parking lot or a portion of the parking lot. The Athietlc has pur- chased a new flooder which wiIl corne into use- in the fali of this year. "We want ta keep ahead of things at the arena", stated Rues Major. A statement fromi the audience at this -point referred fo the Orono arena as the beet main- tained and cieanest in the district and that it was No. 11, ail of whlch the Orono area should be proud. Discussion at the meeting also centred around the possiblllty of Orono colours for ail teamns sweaters, jackets and jerseys. This would also involve other groups in the Town. It was pointed out that a survey of ail parents would be undertaken this comlng fali as ta the posslbility of establishing teamn col- ours. Colours suggested at the meeting were Royal blue, white andi red, There was some opposi- tion ta establishing Orono team colours as it dld limit chol ce by sponsors and ln- dividualteams. TORONTO--OPP Com- missioner James Erskine has invited Ontario residents to visit one of their 16 district headquarters or 185 local OPP detachments during Police Week, May 9-15. The traditional open house held by the OPP will be repeated this year ta mark Police Week 1982. Many detachments will have displays showing how the men and women of the OPP serve their communities. The Police Week slogan this year is: "We are ail vic- tims of crime. " This theme will be stressed by police of- ficers right across the coun- try. "This year's slogan really hits the spot," saîd Commis- sioner Erskine. "We are al paying in the end, whether it's higher prices in stores ta compensate for shoplifting, higher insurance premîums ta pay for stolen cars or higher taxes ta pay for vandalized schools." ( Iappei 119.5 SMany of the police displays in various shopping mails will emphasize how- people can help themnselves by tryîng te prevent- crime. From a youngster who makes sure he padlocks hýs bike ta the cot- tage owner who marks his pr operty and records serial numbers of valuabie items, everyone can play a part in reducing crime. The people of Ontario value the safe way of life ta which they have become ac- customed.: With support fromn the public, the police are better able ta preserve the public peace. "Police forces are moving more and more ta proactive policing, or striving ta pre- vent crime rather than just catch the criminals after- wards," explains Commis- sioner Erskine. "But the finest technology and latest police equipment are useless without the help of a concerned community." TURN DOWN PURCHASE 0F LANDS FOR PARKING A proposaI ta make an offer of $165,000 for the purchase of lands across from the Bowmanville Fire Hall for Bowmanville parking was turned aside by the General Purpose committee meeting on MoPnday. Il has'been requested that the Town make the purchase for parking purposes in Bowmanville by the Bowmanvilie DBIA. In their presentation they point out that the property, now operating as a parking lot, is lossing money. The action of the committee cames before council Monday when it is expected the issue will be re-opened. Some of the animais ini the Wizard of Oz made their ap- pearance on stage, ail

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