K'enal-Kirby produce smash hits Oronio Athietie holds appreciation night The Orono Amateur Athletic Association held their annual appreciation Night last Saturday'evening i the foyer of the Orono Arena with fifty coaches, managers a-id helpers of the various teams under the jurisdiction of the Athletic present. A buffet was provided for thse occasion and a social timne followed the dinner and business meeting. Russ Major said it was an opportunity for the Athletic to say, "Thank You"l for the assistance given to the youth prograrn in Orono and under the banner of thse Athletic. Students at thse Kendal- and as weil, assisting parents. mainute program had a lot to Ian Andrews, Andy Kirby Public School exceled Music for the evening was offer with lines coming off on Rorabeck and Steve last Thursday evening with presented by the Kendal- cue and evidence of total en- VanderSchee. their presentation of three Kirby students accompanied thusiasm by the youngsters. Even the program showed short plays, Little Red Riding by Lesie Campbell at the Pictured is-a scene from that extra effort with the Hood, Snow White and the piano. Their music carried Snow White and the Seven covers bemng individualiy col- Wizard of Oz. along with the plays keeping Dwarfs. Snow White, Bar- oured in an array of colour The evening was a lively the tempo at a good pitch bara Byers with the dwarfs by the students at the school. one, well rehearsed and well throughout. being Brian Mereweather, A great èffort and a great presented. It was a credit to The hour and twenty Fraser Lee, Michael Hinton, success. thse students, their teachers Puhlished Every Wednesday Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, May 5, 1982 He further pointed out that withouit this assistance noue, of the excellent progr am could be undertaken. Mfajor said it was unforý tun.ate that on ly about half of the coaches etc. were presenteti but it was difficuit to get everyone out on any given night. The group did support a return this coming fallinii joiniag the Tri-County Hockey League. It was felt that the league was, better balanced than the United Counties League. Last year was the first time the Oroao hockey teams were part of thse Tri-County system. Councillors approve seniors rezoinng plan Eugen Timoon, archltect for the proposed Forrester's Senior Citizen complex in Bowmanville, presented prellminary plans to the general purpose commnittee on Monday i support of a rezonjing application for lands including the Registry office on Liberty__Street North. Timoon said the proposed complex would make use of thse present Registry building for support services and an assembly. room. A second storey would be constructed on this building to include resideatial units. A new complex to thse west of thse prescrit Reistry Office would be joied by a modular node including a greenhouse, elevator and lobby. The new complex is to be a, three storey structure with eacis unit having inidividual patios or balconies. Plans show a total of 54 senior citizen units in the total complex with three units designed for handicap and four being two bedroom un- lus. There is also provision for an assembly room, craft room and smaller assembly ns in ech. of the fthree levels in the new portion of the Complex. Timoon stated the cost per unit is expected to bc within a range of $43,000, Inftormation Nigh t Wants Board Apple Blossom Newcastle flo wer at Orono Scoo Last Thursday evening from 'sevefi to nine the Orono-L.ockhart Public School pr-omoted an Infor- mation Night for residents and especially parents of children attending the Orono Public School. The night was held la the Orono Public School and thirty displays by thse numerous organizations providing services in the coin- munity. John Reidi, Principal, was most pleased with the turnout andt iterest in tise promotion called, Informatidn Night. Taking part in the Night wer*: Orono Home and Sehocl, 4-H Club, Skating Chrb, T.O.P S., St. Saviour's Sunday School, United Church Sunday Scisool, Orono Athletic Association, Newcastle Recreation, Summer School, Swimming, Tennis, Badmin- ton, Brownies, Guides andi Pathf'inders, Beavers, Cubs andi Scouts, Junior Giardeners, Guitar (Tom Gustar), Gymnastics, Dental Health, Drug Information, Kinsmen, Knettes, Orono- Businessmen, Big Brothers, Youth Bureau, St. John Am- bulance, Pony Club, Durham Fair Board, Community Care Services, Famfiy Childrens Service, and Kirby Museumn. SEARS C-ATALOGUE SHOPPING AT ORONO Sears Catalogue shopping can now be done through Marg West at J'Me Fashions in Orono. Annoucement was made this week of this service in which ordering may be done, accounts paid and parcels picked up or returned. The Orono centre is to service the Village, and surrounding area, Hampton, Tyrone, Haydon, Pontypool, Kendal anld Elizabethville. We understand that orders can still be taken througph phon- ing Oshawa and delivery to the door can be requested. Delivery of large items front the Orono centre cani be arrang- -ýd through j'Me Fashions. of Education to protest Harriett Reisier, a Port Hope trustec on the Nor- thumberland and Newcastle Board of Education, sought support from board mewbers- last week to protest the cut- ting of funding by the Pro- vince for night class non- credit courses. Reisler called for a letter of protest to the Province with a copy of the protest'also being sent to ail board of education asking for support. Reisier, commented that' the continuing education courses and programs were not'frivolous and that they menat a great deal to a lot of people. She stated that the province thought enough of macrame, ceramics and, quilting to offer credits for themn when taught in day scisool. On the other hand the province is not to funid sucis courses for nlight scisool. Hope Townships trustee, Jackson Peacock pointed out that there wvas not enough moniey for day school and he failed to support provincial monies for such as bridge and ballroomr dancing at night school. George Cameroni, Newcastle trustee fell in wfth support to Peacock aithouaghi (Continuaed page 2) Councillor Diane Hamire pins an apple blossom on the lapel of Councill-or -Ted Woodyard folowing the pro- claiminig of the apple blossomn as the official flower of thec Townl of Newcastle. Onl Friday at a luncheon following the opening session of the Newcastle Promotion Day Mayor Rickard in ad- dressing some 220 in atten- dance at the luncheon pro- laimedth ie apple blossom as tise official flower of the Town. He spoke of thse im- portance of thse apple in- dustry in the Town andi saiti it was a decision of council that t'he announcement be made at the Promotion Day. The Mayor also stateti that he was impresseti with what he hiad seen îin the opening sessions of Promtoion Day and said tise'Town was rich in heritage and indlustry. He said tise Town hati so mucis to offer and that through such as the promotion da!y bricks were being laid for the foundation of tomorrow. He also stated that thse Town wanted to hear from its residents anti those interested in tise Town from outside the Town boundaries.