Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 7 Apr 1982, p. 6

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6, Orono Weekly Tintes, Weditesday, April 7, 1982 Teacher of the woek - Coun cil submits statement for delegation consideration Mins Abrutis. Miss Abrams, also referred to as Miss "A" by students was born in Port Hope, and as a matter of fact sbe bas spent most of ber life in the Port Hope/Cobourg area. At variouas points in ber scbool- ing, she had tboughts of be- ing a Vet or even a Medical -Lab Techniïcian. Those tbougbts neyer did mnateriaulize as Mtb and Sciences weýre certaînly flot Miss "ýA's" str-ong points. Moving rigbt along, she realized overaîl that ber main concerni was "to experience and learn fromn life as mucb as possible." Ultimately, sbe found berself amidst a very large scbool in Kingston also - known as Queen's Universi- ty. During ber stay at Queeni's, she went tbrougb the program taking Bachelor of Fine Arts and a Bachelor of Education. Needless to Say, she came out witb "1fly- mng colours." Wanting to teach in the Ot- tawa Area, but ending up at Clarke High School after answering an ad in tbe paper, she "got tbe picture" that you. just can't be too picky these days if you want to get somewhere. Upon arriving at Clarke, sbe bas ever since, for 51/2 years been teacbing Art and Guidance. Miss Abrams finds teacbing very rewarding, especially wben sbe is able to know tbe students individual- Iy and watch tbemn progres s. Do not mnistake me, sbe ad- maits that there are times .. Sbe bas many outside in- terests like working on ber own art, playing barpsicbord and tracker pipe organ, sîng- ing in a cboir, pbotograpby, tbeatre--especially set design, costume design, and make- up, skiing downbill and cross-country, canoeing and camping. I see wby she didn't mention tbat sbe liked going to tbe movies, as sbe bas once informed me of tbe after- effects---nigbtmares??? Oh yes, tbe future. At some point sbe'd Lke to return to school to study more Pbilosopby, Psycbology, Music, Art, French, Religion, and to learn Hebrew and Greek. Another area wbicb greatly interests ber is, Art Therapy. We may just be in for a womnan Einstein. Miss "A's" future goals are to travel to Europe and =Israel. Most important in ber future is to remember the words of the great cellist Pablo Casals--tbat, "eacb se- cond we live in a new and uni- que moment of tbe universe, a mloment that neyer was before, and neyer will, be again." Hiigh ligh tsj Clarke tligh School a,: liaiDeins Last week was a very busy one for ail Barriere and Clarke students involved in the excbange. The Barriere students ar- rived Saturday, Marcb 27, 1982. At the scbool tbey were given à warm greeting by Allan Lawrence and the peo- pIe tbey were to stay with. On Sunday, Marcb 28, botb bands and. choir went to the University of Toronto Wind Symnpbony in tbe after- noon. During the evening, the students were entertaîned by two shows; "Rings" and "Laser Rock Gold." Botb Clarke and Barriere Band Studenits along with tbe Choir, returned t0 Toronto to visit Queen's Park, the Science Centre and the Cinesphere at Ontario Place on Tuesday, March 30. On Wednesday, Marcb 31, the Barriere students bad a tour of General Motors, the Auto Museum and the Pickering Nuclear Station. Tbursday, April 1, was the day wben both Bands and Choir members went out for a pancake and sausage luncb at AI Downles Maple Sugar bush. On Friday, April 2, the Barriere students bad a day of many activities in Niagara Falls. I am sure that 1 can safely say tbat aIl Barriere and Clarke students involved in the exchange bad a really great time. Thse Clarke Band and Choir are looking for- ward to going to British Col- umbia in May. The Town of Newcastle council, at a special meeting on April 5th. endorsed a report from Major Rickard in which coun- cil replies to the delegation which bas been approaching council as to what bas been termed "adverse publicity of the public works department." Jasper Holliday who bas been speaking for the delegations on a number of occa- sions again addressed the general purpose committee meeting on Monday stating that although lie bad been included on the agen- da be would be saying very little at this time in vie-w of new information just received and would await the termination of the general purpose meeting. Counc. Hubbard asked Holliday if he would inform council of bis new informa- tion to whicb Holliday replied be couldn't as it was confidential. Counc. Hamre in speaking to Holliday commented "you do recognize tbat some tbings cannot be released." The following is tbe prepared statement as a reply to tbe delegation: As a resuit of numerous delegations to Council, tbe latest of wbicb was at the meeting on Monday, Marcb 29tb. 1982, wben the resignation of Council was demanded,-Council feels it appropriate to issue a statement. Council appreciates that many residents of Newcastle bave deep concerns relating to Obituar MYRTLE JEAN LEWIS- After a short illness, tbe deatb occured at the Toronto General Hospital on Sunday, February 7, 1982 of Mrytle Jean Ransberry -dear wife of thse late Tom Lewis. Mrs. Lewis was the daughter of the late Florence Anne and James Edward Ransberry. Born in Toronto May 23, 1914, Mrs. Lewis moved witb ber fanfly to their farm at Enterprise, in 1915. Mrs. Lewis attended school at Enterprise and at- tended thse Kirby United Churcb. Mrs. Lewis married Tom Lewis ini 1932 and was a resident of the Orono area al bier life. Mrs. Lewis was a member of the Orono United Churcb and was a member and a Past Noble Grand of the Orono Heather Rebekais Lodge. Left tf0 mourn ber passing are ber daugisters Lorna (Mrs. Gordon Atkins), Orono and Marie (Mrs. Kay Lycett), Osbawa,- seven grandcbildren: Karen, Earl and Wayne Atkins, Kathie, Tomi, Waryn and Robin Lycett, Five brothers: Russell, Montreal; Lloyd, Orono; Melville, London; Xejiaeth. Suidbury; Harold, Orono; and five sisters, Isabel (Mrs. Ralph Tbomp- son) Toronto; Mae (Mrs. Keitb Henderson Orono, the resignations of the Director of Public Works and tbe Purcbasing Agent. A dif- ficult situation confronted Council wben certain allegat ions were made by a former employee. Following a period of delibera- tions, a seutlement was negotiated witb tbe gentlemen wbo were represented by legal counsel. Tbe settlement bas flot been cballenged by the gentlemen and Council bas been assured tbat tbhey are flot învolved in any way witb tbe delegations to Couincil. Notwitbstanding the individual views of the Mayor and eacb Member of Council. Counicil speaks by resolution and the Cor- porationt and every mnember of Council are bounid by its collective decision as expressed by the resolution. Whîle some may question its decision, Council is satisfied that it bas acted at aIl times according to Iaw. The latest delegation has indicated tbat it bias requested a Commission of Inquiry to be appointed by tbe Minister pursuant to Section 180 of the Municipal Act. Concern- ed citizens bave tbe rigbt to make sucb a re- quest ahnd Council wiîi flot take any position one way or the other to sway tbe, decision of the Minister. li is regrettable tha this most unfor-- tunate situation ever arose and that is bas preoccupied so mucb time and attention, but Council feels tbat there is notbing more it cant usefully add at tbis tiîne. Eleanor <Mrs, Cliff Terrili) Newcastle; Norma (Mrs. Harold Forder) Port Perry; Barbara Ann (Mrs. Don McKelI) Howick, Quebec. A brother Gordon predeceased ber. The funeral service was beld at the Orono United Cburcb at 2 P.M. Wednes- day, February 10, 1982. Rev. Wayne Wright, assisted by Rev. Keith Henderson, brotber-in-Iaw of the deceased conducted the service. The Organist was Mrs. Arlene Ayre, Bowman- ville. The paîl bearers were Messrs. Eanl Atkins, Tom Lycett, Don Ransberry, Ross Thompson, Cliff Terril and Harold Ransberry. There were man-y tributes of flowers and donations to the Canadian Cancer Society. The Ontario Cancer Treat- ment and Researcb Founda- tion, the Ontario Heart Foundations and donations of Gideon Bibles and many letters of condolence, speak- ing of the bigb esteemn in wbicb Mrs. Lewis was beld. Spring Interment, Orono Cemetery. Relatives attending thse funeral fromn a distance were from Montreal, Sudbury, London, Hamniiton, Kit- chener, Toronto, Sault Ste. Marie, Oshawa, Ajax, Wbit- by, Bowmanville, Port Perry, .Weston and Peterborough. Met Hartwig Excavating ORONO ONTARIO 983-5140 Bulldozing - Back Hoe Septlc and T ie Beda Sand, Gravel and Tom) 8*11 REALTOR Announcement DARREL DEVOLIN Ken Hockin Real Estate Limited is pleased toi an- nounice the appolntmrrent of Darrel Devolini as Sales Representative for the Bowmanville office. Darrel ile well known in the areas where he bas taught tigh school for maniy years. Darrel le a welcome addition to oui staff and wiII bo pleased to assist you with your real estate ro- quirements., Cali Darrel at 62 3-4115, Ken Hockin.Reai Estate Limited, or at his residence, Orono 983-5817. PROFESSIONAL SERVICE F0RANK Dr. John W. Hawrylak D.C. Chiropractor 270 King St. East Bowmanvilie Phone 418-6233393 Phone 6243-4004. Oron0-Cal ,98349547 __________ JOB PRI NTI1NG WE EK L'Y TiMES SHOW AND TELL Join Us And See French Immersion In Action Ontario Street Publie Sehool BOWMANVILLE, ONTAIRIÔ Tuesday, April 2th. 7:30 P-M.' Everyone Wekcome!

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