Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 3 Mar 1982, p. 9

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Big Brother Association of Newcastle Cams port uPne Man - One Boy A toms Robert Bartley (Bob) shows bis concern for bis cbjîdren and bis community by being a Big Brother voiunteer. The result is one happy nine year old boy nam- cd, Chris Adams. Chris is an energetic and active youngster who needs male companionship. Robert Bartley, The union of tbese two in- dividuals was supervised by the Big Brother Association of Newcastle in Bowmanville. Bob was attracted to the organization by a Big Brother poster. He went to the office, filletI out an application, went through the screening andI matching process, and six weeks later bie found bis Little Brother. Chris' mother heard about this service and its benefits through a friend who had been pleased with ber son's match in the Big Brother Association. Altbough Chris' mother and sister, Leslie are bis home team, the. need for a male comrpasion for Chris is recognized. The Big Brother Associa- tion strives to match a male of eighteen.years or older to a boy witbout any maie in- fluence, on the basis of comn- patible interests and per- An extremely large au- dience of fans from Clarke andI various other schools ap- peared at Clarke on Thurs- day, February 25tb. On this evening, Clarke presented the group "Goddo "and also a back up group for Goddo wbicb was "The Reactors." The Reactors wvere given a warm applause as the memnbers of this band are from the local area. Nearly 750 people attended the concert and the Student's Council certainly made a pro- fit on this very successful evening whicb had people in high spirits. Friday, February 26th. was a Professional Development Day for ail schools in the area. Students didn't mind the break from their books and should also be looking forward to the March Break beginning on the 19tb. sonlities. The volunteer is asked to make the commit- ment of tbree boursper wcek to bis Little Brother. The rclationsbîp is based on a one-to-one friendsbip. This type of rlationsbip en- courages youngstcrs to gain self-confidence and self- respect. A Big Brother is not expcctcd to -portray, the role of a parent, but to hclp a boy form moral standards and goals. Hc also hclps bis Little Brother cope with the pro- blcms of adolescence. Bob is a crane operator and works shifts. He co-ordinates bis time to include bis wife Linda and Chris. on special outîngs. Bob also Includes Cbris in some of bis everyday activities like shopping or having dinner together. Cbtis describes bis Big Brother as, "nice, kind, and fun to bc with."' Chris looks forward to spending time witb Bob and appreciates the time and talks thcy have already shared. For more information con- tact the Big Brother Associa- tion of Newcastle, P.O. Box 13, 19 Temperance Street, Bowmanville. Clarke is pleased to inform the Public that Garnet Duet- ta, a student of Clarke Higb Scbool, is once again the champion of a recent wrestl- ing tournament. Many wrcstling matches have been in progress and there will be more information of the up- coming tournaments. t is noted that recently Garnet flew to New York to participate in a touirnament witb al expenses paid. 1 guess you could say that's one person 1 wouldn't want to tangle witb. The school play "The Clumbsy Custard Horror Show" being directed by Mr. Amesbury is well on its way. Characters for the play bave ail been chosen and the play practises bave beeni regularîly- scheduled. The play will be presented sometime during the month of April. JOB PRINTING ORONO WEEKLY TIMES <Continued from page 8) bard but Just couldni't get the puck in the niet. Richard Stolk did a great job between the pipes. Orono tiow advanccs to the B. Consolation which is a Round Robin. On Friday, Orono bosted Keene to be defeated 5-0. Orono just couldn't get it together. Keene dominating the gamne, Lets go guys you can. On Saturday, Orono hosted Woodville dcfeating tbem 4-3. At tbe 8:26 mark first period Brent Stapleton put Orono on tbe board scor- ing unassisted. Kevin. Murray for Wood '- ville scored unassistedl in the second to tie the game. Derek. Zander assisted by Brent Os- mond to regain the lead. At the 9:31 mark Chril Teel. assisted by Tom Vineholm to lie it again. Derek Zander assisted by T.R. Poliitt and Robbic Wagenaar to regain the lead at 6:25 mark. Jeff Money assisted by Stewart MacDonald for Woodville to) tic again. At the 3:31 mark Brent Stapleton assisted by Trevor Bogdanow and Garrett Jones to win the gamne. A great teamn effort way to go. Keep up the good work guys. You can do it! Stiumtt's Bmantams win opening round On Tues. Feb. l6tb., The Stutts Pbarmacy Bantams won their sixth game of the playoffs by beating Minden 9-1. Greg Vey lead the Orono attack with 5 goals, Paul Henry had 2 goals with singles going to Rich Dupe and Stepben Murree. Ken Bailey had 2 assists with singles going to Rich Dupe, David Dawes, Eriç Dreslin- ski, Greg Vey and Paul Henry. Ken Bailey, Eric Dreslinski, Keitb Vey and 'Paul Rosseau, played strong games on the defence. The Stutts Pharmacy Ban- tamas hosted Little Britain on Sat. Feb. 2Oth. Orono won the game by a score of 4-2. Greg Vey scored a bat trick with the single goal going to Paul Henry. Greg Vey and Stephen Murrec picked up one assist each. Greg Vey and Guy Brachvogel played strong games for the Stutt Pbarmacy Bantams.' On Mon. March lst. the Stutts Pharmacy Bantmas hosted Little Britian for a sudden-death playoff gamne to decide the winner of the Round-Robin. Orono won the gamne by a score of 3-0. Greg Vey, Guy Bracbvogel and Paul Henry scor'ed tbe Orono goals. The assists went to Stephen Mur- rec 2, Paul Henry 1, Ken Bailey 1, Keitb Vey 1 and Greg Vcy 1. The Stutts Phar- macy Bantams got a solid team effort from every player to win an important gaine to send tbem into, the Al On- tario Quarter Finals against Warkworth. The first gaine against Warkwortb is Sat. Marcb 6tb. at 8:00 p.m. in Orono. Kinsmen, Bantams trade win and Ioss Consolation Round as they were defeated by Little Bni- tain. Orono bostcd Keene to be defcated 3-O. Orono just couldn't get anytbing workîng. Come on guys. You can! More Teain Effort. Orono travelled to Keene Tbursday winning. Lets go. MmbH PeeWees win* final playoff set On Monday, Feb. 22nd. the Matthews and HillI ms. O.M.H.A. Peewees played host to Bewdley and came out on the short end of a-3-1 score. This was one of the local boys best efforts of the season with second effort from alI. This was an ex- cellent played game by both teains with lots of end to end action and great goaltendîng at both ends. The first period saw Bewdley jump ahead*2-0 on goals by Kelly Dunford and Terry Bebee. In the second period Dan- ny Cole matIe it 3-0 for Bewdley only to see Orono come rigbt back witb one of their own by David Bailey assisted by Sbawn Bailey and Darren Lewis. The third period saw the local boys outplay the Bcwdlcy team but could not put the puck in the net as tbey were robbed lime and time again. Final score Bewdley 3 and Orono I. Excellent team effort guys. Orono 7 Minden 2 On Saturday, Feb. 27tb. the Matthews and Hill Ins. O.M.H.A. Peewees travelled to Minden for their final playoff game. Aftcr a spirited practice first in the morning and then the long ride to Minden the local boys were ready for ac- tion and wcre Goal Hungry and dominated the game from start t,. finish. Evcn when Minden got the oppor- tunity to score Jeff Martin again camne up witb the big saves i nent. Scoring for Orono were, Brad Roberts- 2, Steven Lycett, David Bailcy, Scott McCullougb, Sbawn Bailey, Kevin Hartwig with assists going to: Darren Lewis 2, Kevin Mumford 2, Kevin Hartwig 2, Scott McCullough and Shawn Bailey. Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, March 3, 1982, 9 Wf e f are ro Il in creases ini ast Six months A plea to filI eight vacant positions in the Regional Social Services department was accepted last wcck by the committce who votcd for the filling of the positions. t was pointed out to the committce that these were not new Positions in the departmnent but rather vacan- cies that bad arisen for one cause or another. Doug Jobs, commi-issioner of the department, said it was taking up to fine days before a case vorker could visit with persons in nccd. Hle said this was just too long for so- meone to wait wben in need of assistance. t was pointed out that there wcre now somne 2,600 on welfare in the Rcgion compared to 2,200 six mon- ths ago. February a busy month, for St. Francià of Assisi The montb 'of Feb, bas been busy for St. Francis of Assisi Parisb witb March looking busy also witb more interesting events. and hap- penings. On Feb. 3rd. Newcastle Chambers of Commerce held their annual dinner party with C.W.L. caterîng to a roast beef dinner. A Valentines Dance was beld for tbe following Sat. Feb. 6tb. whîch was a great success. C.W.L. regular monthly meeting was held Fcb. I ltb. with Father Tom speaking and showing us a film on Developmcnt and Peace, wbich was very informative. Feb. 14th. a parisb wintcr picnic took place at Brownsdale Community Cen- tre. Cross-Country skiing, tobogganning, games and cards were the events of the day witb bot dogs, chili, bot chocolate, coffec, rolîs, and donuts winding up the day. Feb. 20tb. saw the boys scout movement and their parents cnjoy a display of their crafts and enjoy a roast beef dinner with C.W.L. catering again in the Parisb Hall. A parade from the Cenotapb to St.- Francis Church of tbe wbole Scout and Guide movement took Place the next day Sun. Feb. 21st. A Euchre party was beld Thur. Feb. 25tb. wbicb was enjoycd immenslcy by everyone there. 16 tables were filled witb Myrtle Pearce be- ing the lucky lady for high score. Stu Chrisholm of Bowmanville bigh man, Joan ,Murphy low lady and Betty Kelly playing as a man won for low. Door Prize was won by Mrs. Clysdale of Newton- ville. Coming up in March so far on Thursday, March 4th. C.W.L. regular monthly meeting at 7 p.m. with Mr. Alf Brown speaking andI answering questions on first aide. World Day of Prayer is bc- ing heltI this year in St. Georges Anglican Parish on March 5th. at 2 p.m. hosted by The Christian Reformed Church. Everyone is Welcome. Concern for life is holding a white Elephant booth at Bowmanville on March 6th. from 2-4 p.m. and prepara- tions are in the making for Confirmation on Thursday, Marcb 11lth. T-hank You. 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