Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 3 Mar 1982, p. 7

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~High ligh tsj Clarke IHigh School by Jim Devins There have been rmany ac- tivities happening at CIarike and those are many more coming up. WXednesday, February 24th. was "Ice Da." On thlat day the teachers phone the parents of the studentswh are failing or heading in that direction. From this parents are aware of their son-'s or daughter's difficulties before it is too late to do something about it. Many students attended the Goddo concert at Clarke on Thursday, Feb. 25th. It was greatly enJoyed by ail. Friday, Feb. 26th. was a P.D. day for ail Clarke students. A well appreciated break ! 'Fle junior boys basketbali L.O.S.S.A,ý. playoffs were heldi on Friday, Feb. 26th. Thc idcget boys basketball C.O.S.S.A. playoffs wiil be beid Friday, March 5tb. Good luck to ah Clarke players. The Adams Scott Stage Band wiil be vitiipg our school, Wednesday, Miarch 3rd. The assembly, will be fromn 11:00 - 11:40. A parents night-výiII be heid on Wednesday also. It wili last f'rom 7 tô 9:30. This time interviews wiil be made seperately. Each parent will, get to talk to the teacher privately. Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, proposes an estimiated $1.375 million re- alignmnent of facilities at the hospital wihich would create acdditioniii. beds for chronic care anid an overaîl iniicase in beds froi the present 86 to 100 pe'rcent. The proposal adopted by the Hospital Board wili now go to- the Hospital Commitcee for consideration and recomn- menpdation Io the Durham region District Heaith Coun- cil. The proposai will also be sent to, the Ontario Ministry of Hlealth where approval will be soughit rpsulting in fundinig for two-this'els of the project. Mr. Eiston, Administrator, states that the hospital now operating at capacity cannot waît for provincial approval of a' new 1ýng whîch could take until 1985 or 1986. He states tiîat the presenit plan would, $1.375 million, could \weil see the hospital through to 1985 or 1986. He said the proposaI is a compromise as no decision has been madle by the province on the new 'wing. The latest proposai to in- crease bedis to 100) fromt the present 86 isý required to pick up the loss of space due to the fire in the 1950 wing. Elston said it miay be that the Board have Io turn to public subscriptions for fun- ding if the vne is flot willing to provide their- tradi- tional totid of the cost. The recent proposal would increase chronfic beds at Memnorial fromn the prescrnt 15 to 30'and as well provide minimal increase for materni- ty. The increase in chronic care would also include a dn- ing are? as well as facilities for occupational support. There would be a slight change in the number of beds for pediatrics and surgical. The Ministry of Health recenitly- turned down a capital expansion program at the Dr-.J.O. Rudy hospital in Whitby where the province was a1sked to support finan- cially two-thirds of the $3 50,000 expansion plan. The Ministry informed the Ruddy Board that capital funds oudnot be availabie until 1990 due to budget restraints. Thne province did say however they wouid provide operating funds if thie expansion pro- gramn was comnpleted. J.O. Ruddy hospitai bad proposed their expansion to take care of chronic patients with somne comning from the Ajax-Pickering Hospital which is now over crowded. The District Health Coun- cil has now called a meeting with t he Minister of Heaith, Dennis Timbreli, to outline the need for additionai chronic care patients and the elevaion of over crowding at Ajax-Pickering. Some are-now advocating, due to the provincial cnt- back, that the Regional government wîll have to take another look at their position in flot providîng funding to hospitals. Regional goverfi- ment last yecar voted against a proposaI to provide hospital funding. Harwood to get Fiesh Hatchery Alan Plope, NMinlister (of Naitura Rsures aa- nou:nced that a $5 millio-n fs haceyis to fbe constructed at Hri~d imallo- Pr ope' acquisition is 0 unde1ry with a portion OU the property being thel'formler Hardwocod Cemeyproper- ty. .It i xeîd1npîdc 750,000t trolit at te hat-chery annuailly,. At the2 prescrit time the Provinïce operates fourteen f'ish hatcheries producing someit- 6.2 million fisb an- Th le Harwood Hatchery wIlould riebouîh Lake and Rainbow T rout for the stock- ing of' Lake Ontario. Oropio Wcekly lime, Weý%dnesday, Marchi 3, 1982, 7 Governmeniît order Bob -Rae to attend angers Lawrence Coniservative MPs in- cluding AlnLawrence, NMP. for Duýir ham ý Nor- thumberland, charged in [lhe House of C-omimonis iast wcek that a quiietiy-movýed cabInet order authorizing thle establishmnent of civilian in- ternmen,,it camps and other associated items in Canada represents a new and sever limitation of civil rights. Thle order was approved by the fedierai cabinet in May and authorizes the solicitor general to estabiish intero- ment camps for civilians in time 'of war and as weli authorizes the prime minister to impiement war time cen- sorship controls', and authorizes the minister of employment and immigration to regulat e the movement of the couintry's work force. The order also spelis out speciai responsibilities for government cabinet ministers in case of a national emergen- cy in peacetime, defining an emergency as any "abnormal situation which requires pro- mpt action beyond normai procedures to prevent or limit injury to persons or damage to property or the environ- ment." Prime Minister Trudeau said the order was simply part of an exercise to update al emergency action which is provided for in the case of floods, the case of natural disaster and in the case of in- surrection or invasion. "Il covers the guamnet,- satid Trudeau. The Hon. Allanr, Lawrence in the House asked dhe Solicitor General is the order placed the Solicitor General in charge of the establishment and operation of civilian in- BILD grant assists Durham Growers An Ontario grant of $ 100,293 from the Board. of Industrial Lecadership and Deveiopment (BILD) has been received by the Durham Growers' Co-op Storage. Ltd., of Newcastle Village. The grant is to assist in the construction cost of their new addition to the plant. 1A 60,000 square foot addi- tion costing $300,000 was completedi at Durham Growýers la st year. The addi- tion allowed an increase storage capacity, at Duirhami Growers of 30,000 boxes of apples bringing total possible storageto 160,000 boxes. lMel Hartig1 Excavating I ORONO ONTARIO 983-5140 Bulldozing - Pack Hoc- Septic and Tile Beds Sand, Grave> and Top Soi> ternment amsandc, if so, wherce eyweehow ,iimy are there anid \\who \ill be s ject to initermn!t? Bob KpaSolicitor- Genlera, anerd[hat it has often been alleged that dur-ing World World Il Caniada wýas very unjulst to10 inrority groups and pariculary to Japanese C-anadians. He said one of the reasons foCor this had been the lack of ad- vance planning to prepare the country and the governnenit to deal wvith ani invasioni, possible invasion, war, or other major catastrophies ini the event of wbich Canadianis could rightly look to thieir government to be prepared to deal with such em-erg-enciesý. Kaplan said he had been asked through the order to begin to plan for the even,- tuallities he described. He said he had not yet looked at any plans and was flot in a position to give any concrete details because none has been developed. developed. Hon. Allan Lawrence ask- ed the Prime Minister the reason for the lack of any safeguards relating to civil or political rights ini the cab-inet order, which is broad enough to cover both peacetimie pro- blems as weil as wartime pro- blemns. The Prime MNiister sýaid it was nonsense to sug- gest there are no safeguards and referred to (he Bill of' Rights. Up & Down the Bodokstacks March 1, 1982. ADULT Sea Shephead: My Fighit For Whales and Seals By: Paul Watson (T his younig Canacoian conservationist's fight to preserve ouir animiais) The Peopfle's Alinac No. 3 By: Dav id Waliechinisky The Flyîng Scotsmian By: Sally Magnusson ( Biography of Eric Liddell, now a movie called Chariots of Fire) The Indoor C.at By: Patricia Cuirtis (How to care for hose cats) C.onsequencesu, By: Mlargare( t rdeau Layotfs at Fîttîngs Imc. Oshawva Some 76 empilloyIees of Oshawva's Fittings hnc. wi01 be laid off indefinitely as a resuit Of thle plant operatingp on onle shift. The i -yofi 'idcon- tinue f'or six months for th nmajo-rity . The uco1Mny had aithe layoffs and reduct ion t ie, shift is due to thie trd in the e cnýnyepeciaily n the uto industry. Fittings had oiginialiy Coni sider-ed layinig off 135 workers but Lupon a review of their customers felt they conld operate with a lesser numiber on lay-off. NDP dînner - dance Dear sir: O n Saftir dayý, 'May t81h, the f'ive pr ovica NDP riding aýsso c i atii o nsin 1)tiurham Region arehodn a major furndraising dinner-dance witb Britisbh Colimbhia NDP) leader and former,. premier DaveBart as guest speaker. Joininig him at the head table xill be Federal NDP Leader and Oshawva MP Ed Broadbent and newify-eiected Ontario NDP leadeýr Bob Rae. Also expected to attend the gala event being held wt the Jubiiee Pavilion in Oshawa are mnany prominent labor leaders and New Democrats fromn across Ontario. Sirice space in the hall is lin-itedi, couild you please let us ko in advance if you are planning to cover the dinner- dance so that proper seating arrangements cani be made. If' possible, could you also tell uis who will be covering the event for your organiza- tion. Any mention of the dinner-dance would also be appreciuted. The evening gets under way îat 5:30 p.m withi a com- plimientary wine hour,' anotheri episode in the auithor's ife) Thistle and Comipany By: Era Zistel (The author's life, wvith skunks anjd a tac- coon wvho tbought he was a cal) A Green Desire By: Aniton Myvrer (Two brother's seek the love of one womlanl) Bonte of Myv Bones By: Sylvia Wilkinson (novel of a womnan coming- to termrs with bher life) Orbit By: Thomas Block (suspense novel of a jeliner locked into orbit) PICTURE BOOKS Ira Sleeps Over ByI: Bernard Weber Momoko and The Pretty Bird By:Ciirlask There aret ocsinM socks ,,said thle OxCto theFox By\: Paticia T-homas Victorja's Sno(wflake Net By AneaRippon Mladeleine Hadley f (lod [ b 'dindner at 6:30 m. At:00p.rm. therewLl be speeches by Ithe head table guts anýd from 9 .p.111,to 1 ar.Il danlcjingwthe mus;iitc of ithe Geof RSon OrIdeera. Tickets are $50 per pro andl availiat Ilthe NDP of- fice, 3 ,,, Simicoe St. S., Os-hawýa. Officiai incorne tax receipts will be issued to those purchasinig tickets. For further information cati 723-5917. Thank You Mike Kowalski Program Co-ordinator. NASVILEAYS Y Evening eparture Night Travell OEPART APRIL8 4 OAYS (Evenng Oeparture Night Travel> OEPART APRIL8 14 DAYS Evenipng Departure Ngt Trveit DEPART AY21P ~TOLL FEE 1S800P461-7615' Memorial propose bed expansion SjING LES YWORLD DINING, DANCING, CRUISES, TOURS DANCE NIG,-HTS Members $2.00 - Non Me"Iiý-mbers$3O Wednesdays &Fias 8 p.m. 21nd & 4th Sunciays_,r 7 p.m. Surnday Buffet 5pm - $5.99 in1c!udes Danécedmsso CAROUSEL eINN BLLOO Bloor St & Steve-nson Rd Oshawva Information - (416) 579-6595

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