Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 3 Mar 1982, p. 1

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J-onoured at Kirby Son and Parent Night Commends Taylor for workshop sessions, On Monday at the Town of Newcastle council meeting Counc. Hamre commended the work of Counc. Taylor in his promotion of a workshop for memnbers of area hall boards. The words of praise came forth during a discus- sion of the îreasury depart- ment and the handling of funds for individual hall boards throughout the Town. lt was pointed out that most hall and community centre boards do contravce provincial legislation by 'hav- ing ther own bank accounits, a fact that is normal throughout many parts of the province. ILt was pointed out that community hall boards and the buildings they manage are part of the Town and as such finiancial ryiatîrs paying of bills and receipts should properly pass through the Town treasuiry. Counc. Hamire pointed out that Counc. Taylor had held a mrost successful workshop for commrunity hall boards and was to be commended for his effots. Counec. Taylor said a fur- ther workshop would be held in late Mar-ch when represeni- tatives fromi the province would be present to further address provincial regula- tions. He said hec hoped ta services and operations could be upgraded in the Town by a-11 boards. Regional Police seek newv Town of Newcastle office, Wotten cails for termination A dministrator s' employment Arnot P. Wotten, speaking on bebaîf of unsatisfied tax- Payers1 in the Town of Newcastle, at council meeting on Monday night, called for council to terminate the emnployment of 'the ad- ministrator. Wotten furtber said that council hiad abrogated their duties and had allowed the ad- ministrator 10 attempt 10 build an empire in Newcastle wbich was flot needed, nor wanted and one the taxpayers could flot afford. A copy of tbe address to, counicil is as follows: WITHOUT PREJUDICE Councillors have led many taxpayers down the garden path again. They stated that they would love a chance to () fapjpt nit,. TAXES IN PORT HOPFE INCREASE 401 to 75 PERCENT Ratepayers in Port Hope are being told their local municipal taxes could increase from 40 to 75 percent due to committ- ments being mbade and already carried out by the Town. Coun- cil miembers do point out that the final figure will flot be known until the end of Mardi when the b udget is finalized. The clerk--admfiistrator estimnates a 65 percent increase. NEWCAST'LE lIAS SECOND HIGHEST FIRE LOSS IN REGION Over the years of 1979 and 1980 Newcastle has placed se- cond ini fire losses iii the Region of Durham with the City of Oshawa baving the highest level of loss during the two years. mn 1979 fire loss estimate in Oshawa was $1 ,344,929. while in Newcastle the estimate totalled $994,370. In 1980 fire losses in Oshawa increased to $2,526,325 while in the Town of Newcas- tle the losses dropped to $98,26?. There were a total of 115 fire calis in 1980 and 172 in the Town of Newcastle. INThRE$T IN GENIE AWARDS The Cienie Awards for the Canadian Film lj ndustry is to be, televised this Wednesday evening over Ch.annels 3, 5 and .2 comrmencing at 8:00 p.m. 0f interest locally is t1he n)omnation of the filmi "Ticket for Heaven" for a niumber of awards on which Donald White, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carman White, Orono has played a part ini the sound effects for the filin. Mr. White is employeed by Pathe Sound and is credited with sound effeets on the film. Congratulations! talk to Jack Dunham and Bll Ashton in camera. When the opportunity came through a request from Bill and Jack, councillors voted five out of seven "No Way", at the same tîmec telling everyone, including the press, that thie men would not talk 10 coun- cil. t just proves 10 the Municipality just who bas something to bide. t certain- ly is flot Jack Dunham or Bill Ashton. The taxpayers were obliged 10 pay $90.00 per hour to a lawyer for the Town, advis- ing Staff and Council 10 in- vite Dunhamn and Ashton te the meetings. Dunhamn and Ashton were phoned by the Admninisîrator on October 27th., 1981, advising them flot to attend -the October 28th., 1981 -meeting. These men were flot notified of any other -meetings. The lawyer sted that If the Police report and Audîtors report focund no criminal or dishonest acts, the case could be closed, and everyone couild be back ta their Jobs, including Counicil, Jack Duinhamr and Bill Ashton. So we w,,ere "screwved" again, pa'ying Out, money 10 the lawyer whose advice Counicil and Staff ignored. You dîd m vs ou please, dismcissing these mer, who liail been proven innocent. S Our Muýýniciîpality is suffer- ing, with this foolish spen- ding of hard-earned money, and t-he loss of these highly respected meni. (Cr£c l 2) Durhamn Regional Police has as a priority for 1982 a new police building to house the force for the Town of Newcastle. In 1981 a two-acre parcel of land was purchased on the north-west corner of Regional Road 52 and Highway 2 just west of Bowmanville. A cut in budget in 1981 delayed plans for construc- tion of the new building whicb is to house fromn 50 to 60 officers with additional space for a detective office, com.muniîy service office and Lewis sparks youth bureau. t has been stated that the present office in the Town of Newcastle building in Bowmanville is inadequate and does flot serve the forces needs. There is a Iack of Storage space, no interview rooms and little office space. The Region of Durham has passed a resolution restricting the police Ibudg-et increase to 14 percent in 1982 which is an amrount less than being re- quested. The Durhamr Regional Police department now has 3901 officers, 65 civilian per- sonnel, 20 auxiliary memnbers and. 115 vebicles.- The force controls over 1000 square miles in the Region of Durham. .PD P .Irograietond spcfci,"b Joe Clarke, the use of Stephen Lewis, keynote dience in his graps with his parameters, the program speaker,' aI the Secondary wit and eloquence and open- reference of "informatics" School Teacber's Profes- ed his address with the state- and the relationship between sional Development day ment, "I know nothing about the teaching of history and sparked the program with his education but will now ad- the micro-coinputers. He 'said eloquençe and bis subject dress you on education with history use to explore ideas "Ontario Education: The autbority. " but now the microcomputer. Best Possible Education?" Lewis said the programi as Lewis referred 10 the Lewis, a former provincial outlined for the day was on Secondary Education Review NDP leader, beld bis au- "Ode 10 captialism." He (QlimI .fl2) Walter Pilman, former and S.B. Rutherford, Orono dary school teacher's Profes- president of Ryerson take a few minutes to discuss sional Development Day bield Polytecbnical linstitute, education following Stephen in the Port Hope High Toronto, Stephen Lewis, Lewis' address at the secon-- Scbool last Friday. former NDP Provincial leader F~rn eekp tmt l Published Every Wednesday Orono-Weely -Tims WdesaMarc- 3 18~ .. . ................. . . . ... ..

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