Oronio WeekIy Times, Wednesday, November l1st,,197945 Artificial light for house plants Growing houseplants under artifficiai light openls up a whole new wý,ýorld ofgardenîng for, hobbyists, says Bob Flemi- ing, Onta'rio Miistry' of A)griculture and Food horti- culturisi. During the duli, short dayvs of winter, many houseplants s;uffer fromn lack of natural light, he says. Using artificial light, home gardeners can maintain plant growth. Although artificial light is no match for natural sunlight , many common houseplanits will grow successfully witb 14 to 16 hours of artificial light daily. For light gardbhns, MVr. Flemning recommnends flour- escent lamips rather than conventional incandescent bulbs. Flourescent lamips are more economnical because they providie more ilmnt ion per watt of electricity used. Most filuorescenit lamips provide a good spectrumi of light, and are cooler than incandescent bulbs. Myl es Pepper, Robert Cliffordi Tate pull down se- Public School on Tuesday._ French, Janne Tamblyn, Ste- cond place in the pumpkin- They are known asthe phen Murree, Jim Sharp and face contest held at the Orono Dragons. The Cobras, Steven Clap- ice Grey, Angela West, Cath- Duesbury display their third dorp, -Murray Demnis, Maur- erine Blaschke and Andy place pumkin-face. BOB DYKSTRA A MAN WITH EXPERI ENCE! Bob Dykstra understands the needs of Newcastle because he has been involved in municipaïl politîcs for a number of, years: Councillor, MuniiicipalitN of Bowmanville, 1968-69 Reeve, Municipality'N of Bowmanville, 1970-71-72 Councillor, Regional Municipality of Durham, 1977-78 Menmber, Bowmanville Planning Board for five years Chairmian. Nevvcastle Planning and l)evelopment Commit- Newcas tle r The next t-wo years are vital to the future of the Town of Newcastle. On November 13th, it's your choice whether we There are a variety of fluorescent lamps designed for plant growing. How,\ever,. Mir. Fleming says cool light white tubes are satisfactory for mnost home gardeners. 'The better-known house- plants such as philodendrons, African violets, germnan ivy, begonias, pothos and cinda- psis mill gIrowwell under artificial light", he says. Lights should be set about 0.ý in directly above the plants for maxi-mm ight. Rtaisýe the lighit as plants grow in height. "Most flowering plants will not grow successfull indoors bjecause o! insufficient light. The best artificial ight pro- vides only a fraction oifthe lighit of a suniny da," says -Mr. Fleming.' cul-e prograinsi n ouuî BOB DYKITRA A MAN TO BELIEVE IN! Bob Dykstra knows that for Newcastle to reach its fuli potential we need strong leadership and progressive plans for the future: Sstrong, united Town oni More industrial growth to provîde more -jobs Vianned commercial development A co-ordinated approach to bousing growth \dequate housing foi our senior citizens \n equitable tax svstemn for ni ieeds stron g IeaclersÊêhip have a strong Mayor in Bob Dykstra or continued disunity and Iack of progress. Newcastle needs Bob Dykstra! Elect DY KST RA' MAYOR, on November i Il RE-ELECI Marg Ibbotson BOARD OF EDUCATION 1.The continued strengthening of basic sKIins ailu schools. 2.Maintaining a fair level of salary for Board employees while. showing concern for the taxpayers. 3.Obtain maximum efficiency from the existing transportation system. ADVANCE POLL If * ýou expect to be out of toWn on November E13 You can votew in the :dvance Polil any time between 9 a.m. and 8 p.m. on SaturdayN, November 1. If for any reason your mne has bven left off the v oters' ist and you wish us to ais sis t «you ini having it put on the list or if vou require transportation to) the Advance Poil Novemiber 4 or on Municipal Election Day,- November 13: Ca il: 623-2303 Or 623-2304 TH E FACTS it,ý iiunfortunate xMien a imayoralt aN11paign gets hogg-ed dowi )N bylte tact that opponenits to any caidi(late start circuilating damaging rumnours about hii. The Btob D1)kstra Election Commiittee feels compelied to set the facts straight .As 'May*Nor of Nevcaiste, Bob D)'y-kstra will flot ban Sýund(a, sports. There have bren other runiouirs spread coîlcerning Bob D)y ýkstra's relig-ion and political affiliations. If you want He truth: Cati: 623-2303 or 623-2304