"Notice of motion"'ý mystery unsolved When council was about to pass the minutes of the October lth meeting of council Counillor Dykstra asked where a notice of motion whîch he had present- ed to the meeting had disappeared to. He said he had presented the ntice of motion in writing but could not find it in the minutes of the meeting. The notice of motion re- quested that council arrange a meeting with the Canadian Order of Foresters to investi- gate alternate sites for their Senior citizens development wbicb is urgently needed in Bowmanville and that the meeting be held as soon as possible. Mayor Riekard said he had taken the request as a motion and that he had acted upon the motion. Counc. Dykstra said that at the time of presenting the motion that lie (the Mayor) had saidi it should be handled as a notice of motion. 1 presented it as a notice of motion and presented it in writing, said Dykstra. 1 can neither find the notice of motion or a motion to this effect in the minutes. A two month investigation by the Durham Police result- ed in chrages being laid against Ross Raycraft, 30, of Bowmanville Sunday with eight counits of arson, one attempted arson and a charge of mischief related to the burning of a truck. At a special hearing in Oshawa on Monday Raycraft wxas remanded in custody in Ontario Hospital, Whitby for psychiatric examination until November 21st when he will appear in Bowmanville Court. The most serious fîre was that that gutted Stedman's store causing $400,000, dam- age. Other fires involved in the charges included two fires Conce. Allun said he recali- ed that it had been presented as a notice of motion. Later in the meeting the motion was presented by Conce. Dykstra and council gave their approval for the setting up of the meeting with the Canadian Order of Fores- ters. Counc. asked Mayor Rick- ard what action had been taken by him in this matter. Mayor Rickard said he had iiivestigated five sites and that meetings had been, going on with the Canadian Urder of Foresters. A lot of work has been done and one proposai has been examined by the Planning Departmient and by the Canadian Order of Fores- ters. The Mayor said, 1 suggest that council meet with the Canadian Order of Foresters. Coune. Dykstra asked that staff be informed of the mneeting and that ail informa- QronoW.çekly Times, Wednsacter5h 97- tion be available at the meeting. CAUTIONS COUNCIL Counc. Woodyard cautioned council to view senior citizen housing development and-its need in the mnunicipality. He said the Town bas to pick up seven percent of any operat- ing loss. He also said that in Orono prior to the construction of the Senior Citizens Lodge they had two applicants for each of the forty units. To date, or at least two weeks ago, only ten of the forty units were rented. at the Canning Factory, garbage fire behind Copps Shoe store, at the IGA store and behind Lewis Rental. It also inciuded a wooden shed fire and a fire at an apartment at 23 Temperance Street on Saturday evexiing. The charges also included an attempted fire at Dykstras. Inspector Westbrook said that not all fîres in Bowmanville were caused by Raycraft. The Inspector said there was considerable work by the police over the past two months who were greatly assisted by private citizens and the fire chief of the Town of Newcastle. Raycraft was arrested at his home on Sunday. ORONO COUNTRY J1AMBOREE Th) ronio Countrv Uim- b<we ili opCflup the FJ and Winter season on Sunday, November 5th, 1978 at 2:00 p.m. in the Orono Town Hall at Orono, Ontario. Our Jamboree xiii feature the Hlouse Band of "Country G;oldi" led by Hlerb Wasson. Guest artists are Les Powney, George Richards, Stoney Stoneman and Bill Wood- ward. Master of Ceremnonies, Sterling Mather, show co- ordinators, Fay and Glory Adams. ,mr -mmmmmmm ommm m mmmmummm m PROMENADE il Pantho se Il ALL SHEER or DAY SHEER * m 55Shades*g * I Reg. $1.00OeachI * I THISWEEKONLY 2pr. $1.29i MAYOR RICKARD Believes in looking ahead with .positive orderly planning. "A dvance planning of residential and industrial growth is required ini order to maximize use of municipal services. Careful planning will ensure a favourable ratio between industrial and residential expansion. FOR FIJRTHER INFORMATION, CALL TH4E NUMBER IN YOUR AREA. Bowmanville 623-9596 Cou rtice 728-4830 Bowmanville 623-3891 Mitcheils Corners 728-3636 Hampton 263-2669 Newcastle 987-4221 Newtonville 786-2465 Orono 983-5858 Bowmnanville man charged with arson, 1