Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 18 Oct 1978, p. 5

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Orono-Lockharts Harrier participants mo <no We.ekIy Tintes, Wednesday, October Igth, 1978-5 t3eed good andi affordable housinci "We need a real commitment to putting good and affordable housing within the reach of al Canadians," Fred McLaugh- lin, NDP candidate, Durhamn Northumberland, says. "The Tory proposai to make interest payments on mortgages tax deductible would mainly benefit higher income earners and would not benefit those who rent their accomodation at ail. 1 believe it would also drive the cost of housing and initial down payments up and would probably lead to an increase in property taxes and higher mortgage rates. "What we need is more funds for housing which must be spent wisely. We need construction of more non- profit and co-op housing and the building of more good quality rentai accornodations. We need public assembly of land so that speculators don't get rich from the pockets of Canadian families needing housing. If we plan carefully we can guarantee affordable housing in Canada". VegeabIe Can Bc the Focal Point The above photo shows the Oroflo Public School. row) Wencty Hutton, Sherry Ta te, Penny; Boughen, and runners who took part in the (Front row left to right) Morrison, Erie Dreslinski, Donny Brough, <Fourth row) Harrier meet held at the Paula Bryenton, Russell Tate Shane James and Leanne Kenny Bailey, Darlene Den- Ganaraska Forest Centre on Brett Owens, Randy Cowan Lycett, (third row) Colin nis. Scott Yeo, Murray Dennis September 27th from the and Jini Sharpe, (Second West, Richie Dupe, Clifford and Paul Rousseau. Orono Safety Patrol Why not make vegetables the focal point of your meals for the next few weeks? The vegetables which are being harvested right now in Ontario are so fresh, and so good looking, that they deserve recognition. How do you make a vegetable the star of the meal? Food specialists at the Ontario Food Council, Ministry of Agriculture and Food offer these suggestions. Prepare ail vegetables just before cooking-. Long-tirne soaking does thern no good whatsoever. Since most vegetables require short cooking times, be sure the farnily is ready to eat, before even puttîng the vegetables on to cook. Check your herb and seasoning cupboard to get new ideas as to how to enhance the flavor of certain vegetables, or foliow these recommendations. Season rutabaga with nulpieg,, or paprika, or sesame seeds. Toss sliced beets with a piece of butter and a drop of vinegar. Consult a cookbook and prepare a cheese sauce for cauliflower. Serve broccoli topped with a small dollop of mayonnaise to whîch a littie mustard has been added. Give it a try. Make vegetables the focal point of your meals. Ontario Fali Vegetables Pictured above are the Orono Public Sehool patrol- lers who direct students a t the various schooi crossings in the Village. They are Tim- Bradley, Rodger King, An- Darlene Dennis, Anita Zeiger, dorp, Debbie Brough, Andy gela West, Stephen Murree, Lisa Stephens, Sherry Morri- Duesbury, Doug Doxtater, Mrray Dennis, Nancy Cowan, son, Kathy Blaschke, Erie Jim Brown, Rhonda Abram- Paul Rousseau, Leonard Ail- Dreslinski, Janne Tamblyn, off, Cindy Nelson adn Robert dread, Carolyn McCarthy, Clifford Tate, Stephen Clap- French. Student enrolment will decline in sehool area Howard Henderson speak- faced with similar probiems ing to a group of teachers and of declining student enrol- parents said that the Nor- ment as 'has been faced in thumberland and Newcastle other parts of the province. Board of Education would be Trhe executive secretary of BARRY'S VARIETY LOBB BALL CHAMPIONS The Town, of Newcastle has a new LOBB bal championship tearn this year with a victory on Friday night at the Orono Park going to Barry' Variety. t was the final game of the series with Barr"s and M&M tied with two game each. The championship victory by Barry's ended the two-year supremacy by M&M Variety of Orono. The Barry's Variety teamr is from the western division and plays out of Bowrnanville, EARLY EVENING FIRE CALL The Orono firefighters answered a eall to the Orono Estates early Tuesday evening. The cause of the fire a car in which the undermatting had caught fire andi was smouidering. No damage other than to the mats. FORTY PARTICIPATE IN OUTDOOR WALK Forty persons from the area took part in the fail walk out of the Ganaraska Forest Centre on Sunday afternoon. The group enjoyed the last of the fail colours as well as being informed on various happenings of nature that take part this lime of year. The walk camne upon one family of five who had picked green stemns with white bernies which they were taking home. They were quickiy informed that the innocent looking stem with bernies was intact poison ivy. the commission on declining' school enrolment did say that the only different between this area and others is that the peaking of the decline will be somne two years later. The peak for the decline in elementary school is expeet- ed in 1980 when there is expected to be 2,700 fewer students in school as compar- ed to the year 1970. The secondary level is expected to be reached in 1984 when 1350 fewer students would be enroilled comnpared to 1970. He said that natural attri- tion of teachers working for the board may elimînate surplus teaching positions over the next ten years. Henderson also said that educators and the public would not have believed forecasts made by the com- mission if it had corne out two years ago. A final report from the commission on deciining school enrolments is expected to be released on October .31st., Social invitatiors and announce-, ments; busines.s cards and sta- tionery. We car, handie any lob! Rubber Stamps Mode Orono weekly TimieF Take out the big cooking pot. It's timie to0Cook veget ables again. Good looking, great tasting vegetables such as broccoli, onions, cabbage, beets, eggplant, rutabaga and potatoes. Ontario farmers are now busy harvesting the vegetables they pampered ail summer long. The vegetables are fresh, of high quality, and there's lots of thern. So enjoy, enjoy. And remember, since these vegetables have been parnpered, give them sorne of the pampering they have becorne accustomed to, by keeping them properly prior to cooking. This storage information cornes to us frorn food specialists at the Ontario Food Council, Ministry of Agriculture and Food. Broccoli: stcire in a plastic bag, in the refrigerator. Onions: store uncovered, in a cool, dry, airy place. Cabbage: cut a thin slice from the stalk. Wrap in plastic. Store in the refrigerator or in a cool, moist-place. Beets: remove tops. Leave 2-3 inches of the stem, and all roots attached. Refrigerate or store in a cool, moist place. Eggplant: store uncovered, ini the refrigerator. Rutabaga:~ refrigerate or store in a cool moist place. May be stored at cool room temperature for up to 7 days. Potatoes: store ini a cool, dark, airy place or at room temperature. * Group Insurance Up-Date The Orono and Area Chamber of Commerce, Ithrough Hamiltons Insurance Service and Com- merciai Life, are working to determine the Î, feasability of group insurance. The plan wouid I * include life, extended health care and disability * benefits. * Prelirinary interviews are underway and the response had been good. Anyone who has.not beenm contacted to date and would like information, is * invited to cal983-5115.i * Marnillons s ~ Insurance Service à mml&u mm m mmm im . ... ..... .... ..... ... ...... .. ... . ... ........ . ............ .... . .. . ... .......... . ........ .. ................. ... . ....... . . .... . ..... - --- - ---- . ....... .. . ... .... . ..... . .....

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