Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 2 Aug 1978, p. 1

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2nd, 1978 ltp Following a special meet- held Septemoer 7th to 10 ing of council last week called At the tiîme of writing w to consider the plight of the is at a standstill at the ar Orono Mrena completion date due to the carpenter's sti Counc. E.R. Woodyard said it in Ontario. Counc. Woody was anyone's guess when the said it would take an ee project would be completed settiement of the strike or whether or net it could be have the arena completed used for the Orono Fair to be the annual fair. )th. vor. em rikt yarc anb B t( 1 foi WEDDING PARTY REJOINS AFTER FIFTY YEARS - Mr. Ernie Nicholson along with son Mr. Floyd Nicholson of Orono travelled to Carman, Manitoba, recently where they attended the fiftieth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Jin Finnie. Mrs. Finnie is a neice of Mr, Nicholson. The saine wedding party w,,ere seated at the bead table as they were fifty years ago. CALGARY MAN DIES ON 401 HIGHWAY A head-on collision on Highway 401 east of Newtonville on Sunday morning claimed the life of John Towers, --%, of Calgary. O.P.P. said the Towers .car was travelling west in the eastbound lane when it came into, collisi 1on with a second car. Occupants of the second car had only minon injuries. STILL TALKING Some political leaders in Northumberland County are still looking for muans te restructure the system, of governiment. Earlier tis year the majority of county councillors turned down a restructured system for the courty. Suggestions have now been made that possibly Cobourg, Port Hope, Hamilton and Hope Townships could join together. Other combinations have also been suggested for the western portion of the ceunty. The restructuring of Northumberland bas been under consideratien for a period of at least five years with the solution no dloser now than wben the area fouigbt te stay out of the Region of Durbam. LINE UP. FOR 80.9 GASOLINE long Snday on travelling north froin Orono. on H-igbway 115 loglineups were noted at the gas pumps at the New Dutch Oven Restaurant selling gas at 80.9 cents per gallon. The saine was also true some two heurs later. Most stations in Oshawa charge 90.9 cents and in Whitby 88.9 cents for regular. CABINET SUPPORTS 0MB RULING Mr. Guiler, Town Manager for the Town of Newcastle, înforrned a special meeting of council on Thursday afternoon that the Provincial cabinet had supported the findings of the Ontario Municipal Board concerning the Ceuntice Heights developinent. He said that the project could now go ahead unbindered. Tis developinent bad been objected to by the City of Oshawa and a citizens group in the Courtice area. Oshawa bas since withdrawn frein objecting while the Courtice group appealed the 0MB decision to the cabinet. Cabinet have ruled their objection eut. The Courtice Heigbt developinent will provide some 1100 residential units in thie Courtice area. DARLINGTON PROJECT UNAFFECTED BY STRIKE The Ontario Hydro Danlington Generating Station project proceeds regardless of the carpenten's strike. It appears that carpenters on stnike are net memnbers of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Jeinens. -COULD IT BE A couple of mnontbs ago we wrote a story on the possible sigbting of a Kirtland Warbler in the Wawa area by three local so-called fishurmen, Wm. Bunting, Wm. Carman who was sure it was a little bird and Roy Forrester. The Kintland Warbler is frein ail reports a rare bird indeed and during 1978 a ruai effort is being made te investigatu any possible sigbting of the bird in certain areas in Ontario. In speaking witb Mr, Bunting on Monday be said bu was informed that onu experienced birder bad flown into the camp used by the so-cailud fishermun in an effort te make positive identification. Mr. Bunting bopes te have word back witbin a wuuk or two on the outcomu of the trip. It may bu just as well if the bird bas flown the cool because identification could bu an embarrassinent te the s tbreu frein Orono. $1,113,800 FOR WAVERLEY SCHOOL 'i'ie BdUUof L £duVa'tîon IUstweek accepteci a tend of $1,113,800 from A. Petersons, Willowdale for the construction of the new Waverley school in Bowmanviile. This must now iieapproved by the Ministry of Education. Ground breaking y ,remonies are te be held on Sunday, August 13th. Mn. '-imser, former principal at the Orono Publie School wil be principal of the new se.hooI. He said if a new contract rk was agreed to at the first of ia the week wonk could be e compîeted by the date of the El fair. Coune. Woodyard said 'y carpenters could return to the tO job even though the contract 5r had not been ratified by ail locals. It is expected to take thnee weeks to have a contract ratified. At the special meeting of council council went into commnittee to discuss the Orono Arena problem. Counc. Woodyard said council did consider ail approaches to the problemn but passed a resolu- tion that they would take no action te alter the contract in anyway. Mayor Rickard before going into committee said work was at a standstill but be held some optimisin that it would be completed for the fair. Counc. Dykstra said_it was most unfortunate but couincil could flot do the work itself without having the union-, on Our backs. He said it was eut of the forte of couneil. It now appears that the use of the Arena f'or the Monte Carlo night on August l9tb is dfinitely ruled ou.. The Orono Amateur Athletic As- sociati on is expected to make other arrangements for the saine evening. In speaking with Mr. Wood- yard he said he understood there was 300 hours of work for carpenters inside the building and 200 hours outside to cemplete the project. It was expected tg take somne three weeks to complete the job ready to be turned over to the Town, Sue funther story page 4_ Back into business Bob Stevens, former owner of Glen Rae Dairy, is back in business in Bowman- ville with the opening of the Dari Dreamn fast food outiet located in the former Dairy Barn store on King Street West. Bob's Dari Dreai officiaily opened on Monday in a completely remodelled store and wîth a temptmng menu of burgers and milk procluet items. Dari Dream is offering Char Broilud Burgers, milc shakes, cones, sundaes, floats and chips. Its ail a new venture for the former dairy- man of Bowmanville and district and it is apparent that he is meeting the challenge witb aIl the vigen and expertise bu gave to the dairy business. Bob explains that bis time with Beatnice, who purchased Gien Rau, is ail but over and that he will have plunty of timu to givu to bis new venture in Bowmanville. Workers at Eldorado back Workers have returned to the job at Eldorado, Port Hope, following agreement last week to a contract between the Union and the Company. Workers have been out on strike for a period of eight weeks. The contract wiIIl run to March 31, 1980. The company states the overaîl average increase amounts to 10.41 percent for the period to September lst, 1979 when an additional 55 cents per heur will be added for the remainder of the contract. Three Bowmanville youths have been charged following a number of incidents Ilast Saturday night or early Sunday morning by Regional Police. Ten incidents of wilful damage occured including the breaking of store wind- ows and a number of mail boxes destroyed or damaged. Kennetb Auger, 19, Robert Taylor, 18 and Stephen Tha- jer, 18, ail of Bowmanville were charged by police f ol- iowing the incidents. Two windows at Alice's Restaurant. on Highway 115 north of Orono were broken with damnage estimated at $500.00. A windowv at the Durham Farmer's Co-op was also broken valued at $200.00 as well as a window in Armstrong's Dry Goods store valued at $150.00. Gord Low- ery also reports a window broken in the front of his bouse by a stene. A car window valued at $100.00 was broken out of a car in Tyrone with another similar incident at R.R. 1, Orono. A number of mail boxes were also destroyed in the R.R. 4 Bowmanville and Leskard Road area. Orono man drowns Mink Lake Mr. Tomn Lewis a resident of Orono drowned Saturday wbile swimming in Mink Lake some 90 miles nerth of Orono. At the time of the accident he was visiting with bis daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Kaye Lycett at their cottage. Mr. Lewis, 67, is believed te have suffered a beart attack wben swimming. The body was net recovered by divers until Sunday morn- ing. Mr. Lewis prier te bis netirement had been super- visor at the Pine Ridge School for seventeen years. Hie leaves te mourn bis death, bis wife Jean Rans- berry, two daughters, Lorna (Mrs. Gondon Atkins) and Marie (Mrs. Kaye Lycett) both of Onono and seven granidchildren. He was a brother te Ethel and Lily, both of England. The funeral service is beîng held today, Wednesday, at the Onono United Churcb. Inter- ment Onono Cemeteny. William B1unting, super- evur expected. spruce wbicb on an expeni- intendent at the Orono Tree These bybrid poplar, sornu mental basis tis year was Nuiseny, stands amidst a 1500 in total, will be lifted tins started frein seed in the planting of Hybrid Aspen fail, root pruned and placed in spning, after ail tbreat of which on February 22nd, 1978 cold stonage for shipinent te fnost. was a mere seed dropped into Kapuskasing in the spring of The bybnid aspen seed was a composition of soul and peat 1979. sown in the gneen bouse in mess. The hybrid poplar new' Mn. Bunting explained that sterilized soil on Fubnuary reach up te ten feet in beigbt the bybnid poplar projet is 22nd. It remained in tbe green and bigher after a short part of the tree improvement bouse until tbe first week in period of only five montbs. prograin now being canniud June wben it was transplant- Mn. Bunting states the young eut at the nursery. The ed te its present location. At trues are much biggur than prwognam also includes white (Continued pagez2) Anyo»es Gu'ess ifi,

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