lay,, June 28th, 1978-11 Monuments and Family Memorials Our quality and service leaves nothing te b. desired Ask the person who bought f romn us, a neigh- bou r, fIriend or relative The Rutter Granite Company 73 Ontario Street, PORT HOPE * Phono Collect V.W. RUTTER Off ice 885-5216 Home 885-5522 Phone 416-623-3393 For prompt, courteous efficient service when buying or selling and for the largest selëction of properties in the area. CONTACT ORONOAREA REPRESENTATIVES Ron Hurst 983-5131 W illiam -Turansky (Kendal) 983-5420 Christa Winterhelt 983-5465 Charlie Reid 983-5914 John Pritchard 705-944-5519 Pat Yeo 983-5725 W. Frank Real Estate Limited 234 King St. E. BOWMANVILLE 6 2 3-3393 WORK WANTED Will do any odd jobs or outdoor work. Phone 983-5716. 28, a c. WORK WANTED GUITAR LESSONS Modern - Conservatory Call Tom Gustar, 983-5111 after 5 p.m. 28, a p. WORK WANTED Will do typing, dicta or copy in my home. Witt collect and deliver. Phone 983-9701. 28, ap. HELP WANTED WORKING MANAGER WANTED Working Manager for Orono Arena and Community Centre, year-round employ- ment starting August 14th, 1978. For application form, list of du lies and responsibililies, please write to: Orono Amateur Athletic Association, Box 165, Orono, Ontario. LOB 1MO 28,5, ac. SWIMMING POOLS TORENT Witt lease and install for homeowners, family size alu- minum swimming pools with patio. Choice of styles, meet- iing ait fencing regulations on a one, two, or three year rental basis with option to own. Try before you buy! Cali toll free anytime 1-800-263- 1944. WORK WANTED Ear piercing service. Phone 623-5747 for appoint- ment and information. Hooper's Jewellers Ltd. WORK WANTED FURNITURE AND UPHOLSTERY REPAIRS Steveý's Furniture Shop Furiiitu re Refinishing Dining sets to occasional pieces 't'es, we do re-upholstery Fabrie Samples Free Estimates STEVEJOHNSON R.R.1,Oropo. 983-9630 WORKWANTED Peter Sutherland Aluminum Prod. Sîdiiig - Soffit - Fasia Trough - Shutters ývindows - Doors - Awaings 623-4398 For Freè Estimates Now Handling Vinyl Siding. %NIOHKWANTED ' ' D. & Rý Custom Fencing and custom chain-sawing 983-.5005 or ()83-9627 Orono, Ont. NOTICE Monte Carlo Draw and Night, which was to be held on July I.,-)th, in the New Orono Arena and Community Cen- tre, has had to be postponed until August 19th due to delays and completion oflhe facility. orono Amateur Athletic Association. 98,5, ac. WANTED TO BUY Cribs, 1 Vacant lard, 20 acres up, t Baby prefer mostly bush. soine I Pad; water, road frontage not .iursery necessary if access by case- i-rient. Private party. Write: 28, ac. Orono Weekly Times, P.O. Box 400 ' Opono, Ontario. COMING EVENTS MeRea's Cemetery Decor- ation Day Service will be held ,Sunday, July 9th at 3 p.m. Guest speaker Rev. Halden- FORSALE 2 Baby Carriages; 2 C large and 1 small; 1 Loungerý 1 Bumper Bottles and musical ni birds. Phone 983-5191. RProgram'me-Analyst Required for our Coinputer Centre presently eq ed yst eqitipped with an R.J.E. UNIVAC 9200 system and planning conversion by the end of the year to a mini computer. The successfui applicant wili be responsible iraj for programming and capable, of working with minimum supervision. ýo.-P'ter- TI" or prog'am ný-'h'um sur lan-ing (.0-' n - pp 'v-t] Applicants should have a minfinum of two years experience in analysis and programming with knowledge of R.P.G. and COBOL. Other languages would bc considered an asset. Expected starting date to be approximately August -1, 1978. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. Written applications stating qualifications and experience will bc received until 3:00 p.m., Thursday, July 6, 1978 at the office of: Mr. M.A. MacLeod Business Adininistrator and Treasurer P.O. Box 470 834 D'arcy Street Cobourg, Ontario. K9A 4Ë2. Our Fireplaces 00 NOT Smoke OXFORI) Bricklayers - Stonemasons Ltd. ORONOONTARIO P HON E 983-5606 a-mm m mmum m m mummum mmdl NOTICE 28, 5, a c. Dr. NIcKenzie's office will bc elosed July Ist to Julv 9th nce Ser- inclusive. Wednes- 28, 5. ac. ine 28th, )th, 1978 FORRENT Bachelor apartment, corn- 28, ac. pletely furnished with stone fireplace. All services includ- ed. $250.00 per month. Central Orono location. Call 983-9171 in Groot from 8:30 to 5:00. ince the 28,ac. age of to Clark, ,S. Colin ýa. Wed- on July Yqu're in 00 iiard- Wjth A S )ot resi- 'FF'or car insu 1 rance Phone 9M7591,5ý 28, ac. 14,21,28, ac. FOR SALE Boxed plants, summer pri- ced at 50 cents per box. Good selection including: Fiberous and Tuberous Begonias, also Impatiens. Hanging baskets, $3, $4 and $5. Sandy loam topsoil, load your car $1,00. Orono Garden Centre, 1 mile West of Hwy. 115 on Taunton Road. Open 7 days a week. Phone 983-9308. 28, 5, a c. FORSALE 1969 Chev Impala, 4 door hard top, 327, power steering and power brakes, $200.00 or best offer. Phone 98,3-5510. 28, a p. CONIING EVENIS PAPER DRIVE Orono and area, Saturday, July 8th, 1978. Pick up to start at 9 a.m. Drive to cover from the Ith line to Ochonski Rd., Leskard, Kirby, Kendal and built up areas around Orono. Newsprint only please. For information call 98.3- 5840. In case of rain drive will bc the following Saturday. Orono Amateur Athletie Association. 28, 5-, ac. NOTICE Hamiltons Insuran vice wili be closed 1 day afternoons, Jun 1978 to August 30t inclusive. FORTHCOMIN( MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs. Norm are pleased to annour forthcoming marria their daughter Lydia tc son of Mr. and Mrs Moffatt of Mississaugz ding will take place ( 14, 1978 at the Groc dence, R.R. 1, Orono. ggistered 1, ideal ýE reg old FORSAL Irish Setters, puppies, 4 weeks family pet. $125. 987-5036 or 987-474( ,.oo. Phone ý6. 21,28,5, ac. FOR S41LE Gas Stove, 24 inch, excel- lent condition. Available July 3rd. Best offer. Phone 983- 5:379. FOR SALE SWINIMING POOLS While they last! We have ABOVE GROUND pools with all equipment complete for $1,295.00. We can fit an INGROUND or ABOVE GROUND POOL into any budget, RENTAL POOLS also available. Don't delay - call right away - collect 416-878-4151. 21, tf. ARTICLES FOR SALE SVININIIN('. POOLS Leading swimming pool -,umfactijrer must dispose of brand neg, 1978 models. Fully warranteC, complete with PumP, motor, filter, fencing, walkaround and deck. Sug- gested retail price $2,350. Available at pre-season spe- 'ciai of' $1,322. Call now for early installation. Long term finaneïng available. Call toll free anytime 1-800-268-1944. ý rlelfwî% Wanted The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education invites applications for the following position, duties to commence Sept-, ember 5th, 1978 Ontario Street Public School A teachers aid to assist, the teacher in a Grade 1 French immersion classroom. The appli-- cant must be bilingual and able to communicate both in written form and verbally in French and English. Please app'ly in writing stating qua lif ications, andexperience to: Mr. W.R. Heinbuch, Principal, 116 Ontario Street, Bowmanville. L'IC 2T4. Phone: (416) 623-5437. IFMM M M'MMMM mm MMMM mm MW« Attention Come out and choose your farrr produce f rom our large Apples' selection. 5 Northern Spies Maple Syrup - M MacIntoSh Honey Strawberr'y Time à à Illick your own or buy at the stand HoursforPicking 9a.m.to8p.m. 50C. a quart with your container 'Fred's Fruit nna rket' 8 Hwy. 115 - 1 mile sôuth of Orono 8 Telephone 983-5628