4-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, June 219t, 1978 Orono Public School Ngews Our students made an excellent showing at the Track and Field Meet at Carke High School on last Thursday. A special thank you to Carol Baiiey, John Witheridge, Fran Lunn, Ina Brown and Joan Deremo for helping the participants to train. Our own Russe] Tate was overail winner from ages 9-13 with a collection of4 firsts in 4 tries. Our final presentation for the arena fund will be heldz Thursday morning in our assembly. On Thursday the Home and School are giving a graduat- ion party at the park for our grade six students in the afternoon. On Wednesday morning Canada Fitness Awards wil be presented to the students. We are pleased at the interest the students bave takeni in this program. Students tabs and awards will be given out the last days of scbool during morn ing assembly. Canada Fitness The monta of May bas been a busy time for ail pupils age 7 and over at Orono Public Schooi. We have been running the Canada Fitness Program. There are 6 events a chiid must do. They are sit-ups, flex-arm hang, 50 yd. dash, 300 yd. run, shuttie run, standing long jump. There are three levels or standards for each event. If a child gets a high level in each event they receive an award of excel- lence. If they get a high level in four of the events they receive a 'goid, if level 2 in four events they receive sul- ver, if level1 1 in four events they receive a bronze. Orono has 20 pupils receiving an Award of Excellence. They are: Rina Carr, Dana Shetier, Shawn Bailey, Andrea Burn- ham, Brent Gatcheli, Darren Lewis,.Cary Melville, Scott McCullough, Nancy Patter- son, Russell Tate, Kim Croz- ier, Angela Kemp, Eric Dreslinski, Steven Clyens, Sherry Morrison, diii Martin, Kim Moffat, Clifford Tate, Paddy Breen, Sandra Wil- liams. There- were 219 pupils taking part in these events. 37 pupils will get a gold crest,, 66 pupils wili get silver, 67 pupils * ORONO N URS ERY SCHOOL e Register Now * for September, 1978 We off er a half-day enrichment program for 3* * u to-- year old children. Qualified staff, licensed * premiseS. *Cali 983-5402 a.m., 987-4012 p.m. 31,7,14,21,28,n. Town of Newcastle Public Meeting There wiIl be a Public Meeting under the auspices of the Planning and Development Commlittee of the Town of Newcastle in the Orono Town Hall at 7 p.m. on Thursday, June 22nd, 1978. The Agenda will be as follows: 7 p.m. - Approximateiy. 'Discus- sionl of proposed use of Town owned land in the Home Smith 8:30 p.m. - Approximateiy. Dis- cussion of application of Arm- strong Store Là-imited for a 60,000 ft. Shopping Centre in Lot 11, Rer Range Block 1 on the East Side of MAiii Street, Orono. Robert Dykstra, Councillor C'hairmran of Planning and Development Committee. J.M. cllroy, A.M.C.T. Town Clerk, 40 Temiperance Street, Bowmianville, Ontario. will get bronze, 29 pupils will receive a participants pin. Pupils deserve a hearty thanIk you for their eagerness, effort and desire. A job well done. It's Magic One day Julie, Jackie, Tîna, Jill, Janine and I w ere riding our horses. Ail of a sudden I got a strange sensation to snap my fingers so 1 snapped my fingers. Then God told me to wish for something soI1 did. I wished for happiness and I got it. Then Tina, Julie, Jackie and Jill snapped their fingers and got their wish. We ail rode homne to tel Aunt Kathie and Uncle Bob. Uncle Bob believed it but Aunt Kathie didn't. So we showed her how to do it. She tried to do it and it worked. It ended up being a dream. Pod B News On June lst the K-3 held a Play Day. There were 10 events we were to do. The winning team was No. 4 Dragons. Penny Bô'ughen was the captain. The second place team was No. 3 Scott McCul- lough. The third place team was No. 5 Bill Buchanan. The winning boys and girls from each grade were: Kindergar- ten, Michael Goodmurphy, Michael Kiose, Tami Wood- ward, Kim Davie; Grade 1, David Keetch, Rina Carr; Grade 2, Wayne Atkins, Dana Shetler; Grade 3, Brad Rob- erts, Kim Woodward, Christ- in Roberts. Oppose principal tfr aIn Sf er1 The foliowing is a press release given to reporters on dunhe lSth from the Parent- Teachers Assoc. of the South Eric Dreslinski of the Orono Public School was the field day champion for boys ten Cramahe district. Our appeals to the North- umiberland and Newcastle Board of Education to keep our principal, Mr. Robert W.T. Miliar have been denied. Mr. Millar has had to be, of necessity, neutrai in ail of- this. We wish to make it clear that he has had nothing to dû wîth organizing the proceed- ings. Our concern now is that our actions might hurt hlm in his position with the Board. Our reasons for wanting Mr. Millar to remain are evident in our presentation prepared for the Board, The reasons why our appeal was denied are as we see them: 1. Administration made a decision to rotate principals. After lengthy dissertations it bouls down to the fact that they f eel " cha nge is good f or the system". 2. We have been led to believe that the iflcoming principal had been promised either Hastings Public School or our school! This bas since been denied by the board. 3. The real reason? We really think it appears they have become stubborni. Our real complaint. After private conversations with administrators and trustees it appears that'there are two different, positions taken by many of them, one publicly and one privately. We feel we have been euchred. In summation, we feel we have been treated unfairly and misled by memn- bers, of the Board and administration. As it stands, we are seeking a legal opinion as to whether we have any further recourse in opposition to the decision. We have approached the ombudsmn at CBC. His office is busy, but they are reviewing our file and we are awaiting the resuits. We are investigating the possibility of setting up our own school. years of age. Hie proudiy wears his medal. 1A big smile comes to Russel Tate of the Orono Public School for being the winner in the boy's class for nine year olds as weil as receiving a trophy for the Kim Crozier representing the Orono Public School took the championship for ten year old gn at the recent public schooi f ieldi day held at Clarke H-igh ShL"0. The top nine year old girl in, the meet was Erie Park1er .from iKirby-Kenidal Scheoo. The Newtonville Sclà0oo pro- vided the top eleven year old boy with Allen Reinstra taking tais honour. overail . w inner o)f ail age groups in the boy's division. Russell's accomplishments were won at the recent public school field day held at, the Clarke High School. Beverley Henderson of the Newcastle school was the top' eleven year old girl. Connie Luke was the top twe ive year old girl and Manfred Rýeuer being the top tweilve-year-oid- boy. Both students are from the Newcastle PblcSchooi. The studenits from thePi" Senior School assisted ink running of the events which-, tae Kirby-Kendal school sup- *plied lunch.