Dial-A-T hought 983-9151' MVRS. G. GREENWOOD (Continued from page 1) audience. Concluding re- marks were made by Mr. Eames., Mrs. Greenwood is flot only completing her 18th year as, principal of Lockhart's sehool but also completing twenty- six years in the teaching profession which began in the mid 1930s teaching in the one-room school, the Sixth Line Sehool in clarke Town- ship. The school since being developed into a residence was typical of the era with wood burning stove, ail eight grades, in fact the first year saw a grade nine student attending school. For a period of seven years Mrs. Green- wood taught 1Lhýthe SixtthIine School at which point she lef t the profession to look af ter her family. In 1960 she returned to the classroom and principal of the two-room school at Lockharts.. The school, now a four-room school, bas this year an enrolment of 126 students. Mlrs. Greenwood recails the early> days when salaries raniged in around $70.00 a year but she had no regrets as others were in the samie salary range for the period of< This is an'appeal for help with our preparations for the Kirby School Centennial cele- bration on August 26th, 1978. The first part of this appeal is for help with the display at the schooi. If you have any old schoolbooks, or souvenirs or photos of schools or school groups, please contact the Museum, Box 150, Orono, Ontario, LOB iMO, or phone 983-9425. We have had some response with our plea for photographs,' but we would really appreciate more. Un- less you would like to donate them to the Mluseum,, ail we ask is to borrow the photos for about two weeks while the ýsi are made, and then the ý,naIs will be returned to yo;u in the same condition they were lent. So if you have any of the Kirby sehool, or of time. She has said that teaching methods and facilît- ies may have changed over, the years but the children are much the same. Mrs. Greenwood has said she has always tried to provide all the benefits of the larger schools but stili main- tain the benefits of a smaller school. She speaks of the importance of the school's ties with the community and sees such events as the Christmas concert as one avenue to keep this line of communication open, t is also a learning experience for the students, she states. Mrs. Greenwood speaks of the involvement of local parents with Lockhart's Sch- ool describing this help as 'terri fic'. She points out that evtenparents assist in the classrooms and with other activities on a voluntary basis at the present time at Lockharts. Changes have been a way of life for Mrs. Greenwood who, has said that she often changed her approach to teaching so that it would not be the same year after year. She also notes newA facilities which, assist with -teaching and the experience of the children. A teacher must, she said, be interestec. in 'what they are doing and 'you have to really like children. any of the other old schools in this area, please don't hesi- tate to help us. If you come to the Centennial anid say, "Oh, they dlon't have one I have at. home", it's too late, and no comfort to tell us we can have a copy for the Bicentennial! Also, if you know the adress Also,ý if you know the address of any former stu- dents or teachers of the Kirby school, now living outside this area, plea5e contact us; we would ike to send them a card about the August re- union. We need your help; please don't be modest or shy or indifferent about this - anything you could give us or bnan us or tell us that would contribute to this celebration will be received with sincere thanks. Expected to agree 'N o ref ine ry at Port Granby,' Alastair Gillespie, Minister construction of the refinery in of Energy, Mines and Resour- their specific municipalities. ces, is expected to be in Eidroado has also stated they agreement of the environ- are studying sites in Hope mental assessment panel's Township as welL as sites in, report which turned aside the Blind River and Sudbury. The Port Granby site in the Town Town of Newcastle bas also of Newcastle as a site for a made dlaim that they have a new Eldorado refinery. site- available other than the t bas been reported that Port Granby site which they Gillespie is giving audience to would like to be considered. a number of groups for the Northumrberlanid d um§%Ips restructuring A week ago last Monday Campbellford and Hope council members of North- Township split their votes. umberland County dashed any hope of restructuring in the county, at least for the time being. Council members voted 29 to 16 against restruc- turing an overwhelming vic- tory for opponents of the scheme. t has been reported that the bill for restructuring in the legislature of Ontario will die and no further action will be taken. Restructurlng proposais have been a part of negotia- tions in Northumberland County since 1972. t was întended that Hope Township and Port Hope would be part of the Region of Durham but opposition in these two municipalities to such a move cancelled out that they be part of the Region. t was then considered that Hope and Port Hope would be part of a restructured county system in, Northumberland and since 1974 numerous studies have been undertaken and discussed with a view toa restructured county systemn of government for Northum- berland County. In the vote on June l3th Port Hope, Cobourg, Colborne and Hamilton Township al voted'yes for restructuring. Alnwich, Brighton Town- ships, Brighton Village, Hald- imand Township, Cramahe Township, Hasting Township, Murray Township, Percy Township and Seymour Township' alI voted 'no'. last summer. The show will be on display at Kendal His, county road' 9, somnetime'during August. Fresh - Young -e Backs, Necks, WVings Attachied Quartered Chickens Fresh Cut - Backs Attached "Perfect for the Grill" Chlickeln Legas Fresh Cuât - Backs Attachied Chicken Breasts1 Chicken Wings at "Burns" 2 oz. Size Beef Stea kettes 21lb. pkg. e "Burns" SmalI Link Sa usa g e efadP Tasty - Tender Beef Liver lb,69c By-The-Piece Peamneal Back Bacon Enld Cenitre Portion IL,1.78 Portion lb. 1.88 CO R N 1IS HS- SPECIAL Ail the Fish and Chips you can eat, $1.85 Tuesdays and Wednes- days. MOM'S KITCHEN Main St., Orono 983-5310 l.88C lb .1,08 lb. 78C Da, 2.88 lb.' 1.08' Clarke Museumn Corner