Orono Weekiy Times, Wednesday, June 21st, 1978 Lockharit princimpal honur-Aed The love of éhildren was reciprocated last Wednesday < hen students, parents and teachers of Lockhart's School honoured Mrs. Gladys Green- wood prior to ber retirement from the teaching profession this month. Mrs. Greenwood bas been principal of the Lockhart's School for the past eighteen years showing a great interest in flot only tbe education of the chlldren but their development within the community. The assembly retirement party saw both parents, teachers and students totally involved in paying tribute to their retiring principal Who through the years bas believ- ed that children need a lot of love and individual attention. The ceremony on Wednes- day opened witb O Canada played by Mlrs. Robinson and opening remarks by Mrs. IVMcBride. It was then the student's opportunity to ex- pand their experiences at the scbool and with the principal. The following students came forth with experiences; Rob Cummings, Leslie Gibson, Jennifer Englisb, Mike BaIl, '41 Julie Green, Jason Smith, Joey Crough, Kelly Allfread, eW4 Scott Moreland and Jef iBeajx1. Davd Brwn, apublic speaking winner, then gave 'À ~ an enlighltened speech on the if e of Mrs. Greenwood. The students at the school then presented Mrs. Green- wood with a heart-shaped Miss Jane Staples, daugbt- er of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Staples, Orono was crowned Sunday evening Fiesta Queen '78 at the Civic Auditorium. The judging of the Fiesta Queen was compheted on Thursday evening from amongst thirty-one contest- ants. The result of the competition was made know,,n on Sunday evening at the concert starting off Fiesta Week in the City of Oshawa. The Queen was selected on poise and personality as welI as a speech delivered by eacb contestant. Iocket with "1978 Lockhart Students" inscribed on the back. A, gift long to be cherished. Denise Pedwell, Kennetb MIunnieke, Janice Williard and -Sandy Beard made the pre- sentation on behaif of the students. The Parents-Teacber As- sociation then presented Mrs. Greenwood witb a painting of the school painted by Rance r-o me UJeUVALweex me uIV JUV and ber court wiîh visit eacb of the forty-one pavilions oper- ating in Oshawa during the Fiesta celebration. Miss Staples, seventeen, bas completed grade twehve at Clarke High Schooî and was representing the Oshawa Festival Singers in the Fiesta Queen competition. She has been a member of the Oshawa. Festival Singers for the past' seven years. He r future interests lie with singing and theatre. Congratulations to a very excited young girl from Orono. Dilling of Bowmanvihle who is a grandparent of one of the students now attendingý the schooî. Following a short address of tbanks by Mrs. Greenwood aR large 'retirem-rent cake complete, with school crest and Mrs. Greenwood's name become the centre of attent- ion and was 'served to the (Continued page 3) Mrs. Gladys Greenwood the teaching profession. As- students, a painting, a gif t (right) is honoured by stud-. sisted by Mrs. Bob McBride from members of the P.T.A., ents, parents and teachers at MIrs. Greenwood displays a and a large cake supplied for school assembly last Wednes- locket, a gif t from the the retirement party. day upon her retirement from Local art in Ont. show COUNCIL HOL1DING ORONO MIEETING THURSDAY The Planning and Development committee of the Town of Newcastle will be in Orono Thursday eveningat the Orono Town Hall to discuss two miatters of interest for residents of the Village. At 7: 00 p.m. the agenda includes a discussion on the use of Town lands in the Orono Estates sub-division. Lands involved is a walkway at the south into the Village and lands at the western entrance at Taunton Road. At 8:30 the committee will consider and discuss with alI concerned a proposaI by Armstrongs Store Limnited to develop a shopping centre in the north-east sector of the Village. Tis proposaI bas been before municipal figures even prior to the formation of the Region in 1974. WINS BICYCLE DRAW AT BECKERS Rhonda Parker of' R.R. 2, Orono is now the proud owner of a new bicycle having won the draw at Beckers last Saturday. Happy riding Rbonda, PUBLIC SCHOOL CLOSES TUESDAY The Orono Public School as ahI public scbools across the province close their doors on the 1977-78 sehool term. Its schooî out for everyone and a full two months for the youngsters to enjoy activities of their own choice. But it won't be too long before somne will be looking for the day to return. ATTEND MUTUAL AID SESSION Five firefighters from the Orono Fire Department attended a Mutual Aid demonstration behd in Bowmanville last Friday eveni-ng. Tbe exercise in pumping under various conditions and circuimstances was presented for ail firefighters in the district. STAR GAZING AT FOREST CENTRE This Saturday evening commenceing at 10:00 p.m. the Ganaraska F'orest Centre staff are presenting an evening of star gazing to whicb alI are invited. The evening wihî also supports pay raise The council of the Region of Durham bas given their support to a four percent pay raise to take -effect in 1979, The proposal bowever before it becomes law must again be given approval of the new 1979 council. The vote last Wednesday passed by 159 to 9 which alots an additional $500 to regional councillors pay bringing the total yearly remuneration to $12,980. The chairman of the region will receive a total of $34,400. Councillor Woodyard of Ward Three in the Town of Newcastle voted in opposition to the pay raise in council. He stated that council must draw the line somewhere and felt this was the time. Counc. Woodyard had supported the raise in management com- mnittee. Mayor Rickard also spoke in opposition to the pay raise and said he feht the salary for the regional chairman was tov hîgb. He did admit bowever that council position was a fuhllime job at this time. Ten water colour painitings by Mrs. Maureen Remington of Orono wihl grace the walîs of -McDonaîd Gallery in Toronto for a period fromn June 27tb to Juhy 23rd. These paintings are part of a show assembled in recognition of Canadian unity by Miss Elva Reid of, R.R. 1, Kendal. The show in Toronto is twinned witb a similar show ini the province of Saskatchewan. Mrs. Remington's paintings are of local scenes within the Village as well as the area and bave been called 'superb' by Miss Reid. There bas been an extraordinary use of colouir throughout eacb paint- ing wbicb wehl deserve the showing in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Remington are leaving Orono the first part of juîy after an eight year stay in Orono. Mrs. Remington said that during this period in Orono she became serious in painting and had brancbed out into teaching. (Continued page 3) A winter scene of the which wilI be displayed at tbe Remington home in Orono McDonald Gallery for a period of a montb.