Ili-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, June 21at, 1978 Council setties tax rates 1978 Clarke up 2.,2 poco On Monday afternoon Town council approved the recomn- mendation of the finance -committee whereby taxes in Clarke will rise for 1978 by 2.2 percent, in Bowmanville by 1.8 percent, in Darlington by 9.2 percent and in Newcastle Vilage by 8.5 percent. The majority of council felt this was the most equitable distri- bution of taxation in the Town that could be undertaken at thîs time. As a result of the by-law passed on Monday the aver- age residential home in Clarke assessed at $2,248 will pay a total tax of $591.36 for region, education and muni- cipal purposes. The average residence in Darliagton as- sessed at $2,743.00 will pay $639.94, in Bowmnanville with an average assessment of $3,225.00 will pay $544.06 and ini Newcastle Village an average tax of $472.22. The residential milîrate in Clarke Township for public school supporters will be 263.07milîs, in Orono with an additional area rate for street liglits a mill rate of 270.64. There has been an increase In, the area rate from 5.6 to 7.57, an addition of almost two mîlîs. The milîrate in Bow- manville has been set at 181.63 milîs, in Darlington at 233.3O.mills and in Newcastle 193.98 milîs. Ia diîscussing the taxation proposai which vwas confirm- ed through by-law Counc. Allin questioned tlie legality of arriving at the figures for 1978. Hle asked that they continue as in the past using the 1970 equalizing factor. He asked what shif t there had been in tax dollars from one Ward to another. Mayor Rickard stated there had been no shif t of tax dollars and to continue as in the past it was flot fair toý residenta of Clarke. 11e said the changewa being made onfly to9 level out taxation across the Town. Counc.. Taylor said if there wvas any shift in taxation it was to Darlington. The whole exercise, lie said, has been equity and lie supported the treasurer proposai to estL- M. lish a base rate of $4.78 for each $1,000 of market value assessment. Taylor said this is the most equitable systemn anyone has come up with and lie realized it was not perfect. It is a step in the riglit direction and liewas hopeful that council would continue to brinig equality of taxation across the entire Town la 1979. Counc. Jasper Holliday also supported the proposai as being the most equitable- at this time. If there is a better system, let us know about it, he said. Counc. Bob Dykstra said lie had spent some time with the treasurer and lie was to believe they were using the 1970 equalizing factor but that the treasurer was using the unconditional grant to level out, as mucli as possible, taxation across the Town. He said he was concerned with increased taxation in Darling- ton and Newcastle Village but then the load had to be taken off residenta in Clarke., Dyk- stra pointed out that regulat- ions in Darlington forced residents to build large homes on large lots and this is now proving costly. Counc. Dykstra said the system of taxation for 1978 was by far the most equitable. lHe said Bowmanville did go up bit it was a very small increase. He said he feit there were stili great inequities and that council sliould continue strong dialogue to bring about better equality of taxation througliout the Town striving for one mill rate to al property ownfers,. This is a interim measure which I can support, he said: In accepting the recom- mnendation from the finance committee Mayor Rickard, Bob Dykstra, Jasper Holliday and Bruce Taylor voted in support with Couacs. Allin and Gray, voting opposed to ,he plan. Separate school supporters have a less overail rate than do public school supporters due to.a Jesser school tax. No tendering auto supplies Council memnbers on Mon- day threw out a tenderiag procedure for auto supplies for the Town after a number of councillors claimed tlie systema was not in the best interest of the Town. Oron o E lectric I4erb & Gerry Duval 983-5108 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTR1C HEATING Electrical Appliances T.V. - COLOUR T.V. RADIO - HI1-Fi WESTINGHOUSE RCA E LE CTROHOM E Guaranteed Service Prior to the move on Monday the Town had called tenders for certain automot- ive supplies and had received four bids with Pineridge price for a selected 60 items coming in at $866.46, W.R. Chapman $876.18, Wallace Auto Supply $937.61 and Herb Robinson at $944.51. 1Counc. Bob Dykstra said lie had difficulty with the pro- posai to tender for supplies from the beginning. Under this system, aithougli a total may lie less the Town would lie paying $12.95 for a gallon of primer paint when they could be purchasing it for $5.45, Counc. Gray said they should continue with the old system whereby the purchas- ing agent was to purchase supplies at the best price. The tenders were thrown out by council and 'purchasing will continue as in the past with prices to be olflained fromn suppliers before purchases are made. Ha m iltons Insurance Service Susan M. Sawyer Off ice 983-5115 Home 983-5270 Main St., Oron BYAMSý PLIJMBINGHETING Sales and Service 24HU BURNER SERVICE GULF FINANCING Low Interest Rates Phone: Q C Tyrone 263-2650 Health care costs reduced by $2 million for highway accidents Fewer deaths and injuries from motor vehicle accidents in 1976 resulted in a substant- ial reduction of health care costs for Ontario said Trans- portation and Communicat- ions Minister James Snow and Mînister of Health Dennîs Trimbreli in a joint statement to day. Statistics show health care costs related to injuries in motor vehicle accidents, dropped $2 million in 1976 compared to 1975 figures. "I believe this decrease can be attributed to the seat beit law and reduced speed limita, " Snow said. "The statistics speak for themnselves. In 1976, the number of hospitalized acci- dent victims dropped 16 percent against the previous year and the cost for treating those patients decreased by almost $2 million". In 1976, there were 13.298 fewer traffic-related injuries and 289 fewer deaths compar- NEWTONVILLE WAT.ERWORKS 7 Days aWeek Wells, Cisterns, Pool and Lawns NE WTON VILLE 786-2381 G. Cowlard General Repairs To ail makes of Vehiciles -TUNE-UPS -BRAKES -ENGINES REBUILT -TO WING MANGERS, LGARAGE ORONO 983-5130j Floral Creations "FLOWERSWITH FEELINGS" FOR ANY OCCASION. FRESH &DRIED FLOWER ARRANGEMENT«IS for WEDDINGS, FUN ERALS, HOSPITAL AND HOME Telephone 623-3377- 162 King St. East Bowmanville I William C. Hall, B.Comm. Chartered Accountiant Phone Newcastle 987-4240 ALL DAY WE DN ESDAY and SATUR DAY ed to 1975", Saow said. "The largest expeniditure, in patient hospital care, was down f romn $14.5 million ini 1975 to $13 million in 1976; while medical fees, tlie sec- ond largest expenditure, tot- alled $2.5 million in 1976 compared to $2.8 million the previous year," said Tim- brell. "And liospital charges for, accident victims wlio had been wearing set belts aver- aged $228., but the charges for those who weren't buckled-in, averaged $419.00". Said Snow, "I am certain the aumber of vehicle mis- haps and their related health costs could be further reduc- ed if motorists and passeng- ers would take those few -extra seconds needed to buckle up every time they're in their vehicles." Clarke Public Li BRARYï PHON E983-5507 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 2: 00 to 8:00 p.m. Saturday 10:0¶o:Op. Orono, Ontario Water Delivery SWIMMING POOLS, WELLS& CISTERNS. 2000 Gallon Tank TAYLOR Sand & Gravel 983-5003 Cha ries Reid Orono's Licensed 'Auctioneer Valuator Specialize in Farm Furniture Sales Consuît Me for terME and dates Phono Orono 983-5914 Orono Landscaping SNOW PLOWING 983-5598 Auction Service Farm & Estate Sales Furniture Modern and Antique NORM FAULKNER Stouùffville 640-5691 EARL GAUSLIN Stouffville 640-3079 PUMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS CLAUDE HARNESS Formerly Bert Tomkins Phone 786-255 2 Tennan t Fuels Lt. Phone 983-5693 *Orono Building Contra ctor Brick - Block - Concroe Stone Work Carpentry - Cabinet Work Floors -Tile Phono 983-5441 ORONO TELEPHONE 623-6555 JOH N MAN U EL, C.G.A. INCOME TAX AND RELATED ACCOUINTING SERVICES 67 KING ST. EAST, SUITEB 2N L T 0.L SDX S ERVI1C ESTATION * Highway 35 mis1, gust forth of Newcastle Featuring: irmu QaiyProdut I Prices I * Stove Oil & * * Diesel Oul E Available in any quantity * Phone 987-4215 * We have a complete line of p *POP-CITY Soft Drinks. Save by L_ buigthese a case at a time.