Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, May 3ist, 1978 Planning policy bankcrupt town Mr. Kristof, newly appoint- ed planning director for the Town of Newcastle, on Mon- day night at a Planning Committee meeting said that if development in the Village of Newcastle continuied on the basis of eleven persons per acre the, town would go bankrupt. At the time discus- sion was centred on a proposed 30-lot sub-division in the south of the XT'à',Ilage. Kristof said that there was a real conflict between popu- lation density, total popula- tion and land areal for development in the Village. He said he felt -the Region had missed something and that they shouldbe approached to find out what bas happened. Mayor Rickard 'said that Newcastle Village hIad been designated for growth up to a. population of 7000. He said that the area designatedfor growth in Newcastle may be large but then there could be consideration for estate-type residents. The Mayor pointed out that the water system, now being installed ini New- castle had been oversized by fifty per cent which could alow, for 10,000 people but that the population in the Village was, to increase only to 7000. - (Continued page 2) (iRADUATES FROMI DURHAM COLLEGE The f'olliowing are to be conigratulated on graduating fromn Durham College with Convocation being held May 27th in the Civic Auditoriumn. Those frin the Orono area were Krista Dent, Lynn Lowery, Catherine Milison and Wendy Watson; fromn Kendal, Donald Wooid; fromn Newcastle, Dianne Dallaire, Verna Jordon, Andrea Markle and Cathy Metrailler; froin Newtonville, Catherine Clark, Bob MeQuat and Dwight Searle. Wendy Watson, Verna Jordon and Catherine Clark were among forty o.i the Dean's List havmng an overall "A" average (80 per cent or better). TO TWIN ORONO AND) LOCKHARTS The Orono Public School and the Lockharts Public Scihool are to be twiinned for administrative purposjas of Septembier lst, 1978î. The principal of the new Orono- Lockharts School will be Mr. Johin Reid. A vice-principal is to be appointed for the school systemn. T-AXES UP 9 PER CENT IN HOIPE Taxes in the-Township of Hope are te increase by Oirono hall N'ýot one person fromn the >i1lage of Orono turned 'up last Wednesday evening when the Community Services Commiittee were to consider the appointment of a com- munity centres b oard to operate the Orono Towç Hall. The hall is presently 16oked after through the commu&IY services department of the, Town. A number of months ago the operation and management of the Orono Town Hall was a matter of consideration at a ,meeting called in Orono. At that time a vote of those attending said there was interest in the hall and the appointmient of a board te operate the 'building -on the (Continued page 3) The official sod turning for the new Senior Citizens Lodge in Orono was held last Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Robert Mvoffat, shown above, dloing the honours with MrRa Stewart, president of the Durham Senior Citizens Lodge group seeig a dreamn corne true. During the ermnisAI- lan L rec, Psam Cu'reatz, lv."-pP n ao for th p îjct.Oter digeit- firm ofi Ewert, Frhmand MacGrgorthe contractors, Vallantyne Developmnents, the ýarchitects and others. Although site presentation was well underway atý the time the sod turning officially,, marked the beginin,,g of the $728,692 p.roject fo)r forty senior citizemi is n h Villa7ge. Mvrs. Mloffat, \wife (of the former Robert MoIùffat Who heid( the posibinof sceay treaýsurer for the ïLge and Iodge rmem-bers for thý,,eir effoýrts inpromioting t-he develoIpment of the Senior Cîities I dge and wished them well in the endeavour She said slie was looking forwvard to the officiai open- ing of the complex. Mr. Moffat has been a big supporter of the development of the Senior Citizen Lodge proiect. ThÏ,e Board of Directors weure introduced a-t the cere- moybeinig, Mr-S. Myra page, Bethny; Bey. Gray, Port Hope: CifMacEîroy, Port Hope Edar uttr, ore's Landiing;ÏCoVill Eva ns Orono; Lle Wý%IIood s, Bowman- ville; Geralýd ShacklIeton, Bowmanviiille; RbetHan- cock, n, and Ray Ste- wart, Cavan. Mlr. IL Staples ol roois sýcrctary-treasurer for the lodge.