4-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, May 24th. 1978maldtebeiigofte reesaiinl treti markd te bgining f te ceats aditinalintres in cabin and a school room are Ueigbth year of operation for the displays depicting the hold overs from previeus C ia rke m useu m the Clarke Museum and early life-styles of the inhabi- years. Another interesting Archives i Orono. During tants of this area. and new display is that ofa thatperod te goup avenumber of quilts. Seven quilts w ith new features tnhatpeid the r dip aveo Some of the new features on are on loan by Mrs. Joanne local artifacts and for the past van Kirbyueu i a Numerous features are evi- museum on Sunday, May 21st two and a half years have early street scene of a Rtefr fteKr, ra dent at the Clarke Museum when over fifty visited the hired as a part-time curator business section as well as a The items on display are located in the upstairs rooms display of local artîfacts for the rmseumn in the person early period barbershop, a either owned outrîght by the at the'Library buildings in dating back as far as the of Miss Diana Layng. The use telephone switchboard office, uemo r nbnb Orono. The official opening early 1880s. 1 f apparent -living displays» and a bedroom dating back te' Msu raeo onb for 191,E took place at the The opening on Sunday com plete with mannequins the 189W. The interior cf a area residents. During the past seven years the Museum ffl__ - board has added a great , ~many artifacts through out-. 'ic interior of a school- with other exhibits provide a )m dating back to the mid grand opportunity to realize is is part of the exhibit at the character of if e in early Clarke Museum and along days in Clarke Township. right purchase and this dis- play la greatly enhanced by an increasing interest from local citizens who inake avoulable on a loan basis items of interest depicting the early history of the area. The museum is open daily cxccpting Wedncsday from two to f ive in the afternoon including aIl holidays and weekends. Plan to visit the museum in our midst in Orono at the corner of Church and Centre street. time before election "Canada's cconomic situat- ponement of the electîor t'on requires that wc make gives me an oppertunity tb decisions now," Fred Mc- explain NDP policy. And1 Laughlin, NDP Candidate for appreciate the chance te heai Durham Northumberland, what the people of thbis ridinî told a campa îgn committee think the federal goveramený meeting ast week. should be doing," the NDI "The NDP has an industri al candidate said. strategy which couhd come te ff terms with this country's problems. Therefore I am disappointed that Mr. Tru- deau did not caîl an electien, s0 t hat the eectorate could make a choice," Mr. Mc- Laughlin said. "But I intend te use the next months te knock on as many doors as possible througheut the constituenicy of Durham Northumberland. The, post- The telephone office is a barbershop. Artifacts also' new addition at the Clarke include an early directory of Museum and is complete customers on the Port Hope with an operative. switch- Telephone systemn donated by )n board which is on loan and Mr . Melville Jones of Newton- 'installed by the Oshawa and ville as well as some items of to Lakeshore District Telephone 1Pioneer Club. The telephone interest associated with the ir system, brings a line of former Orono, Telephone ex- 19 communication from the tele- change. A gasoline lamp in nt phone office to another new the office is on boan by Mr. ýP addition atý the museum, the Robert Hancock. For f urther information contact Durham College of Applied Arts and Techn olgy, . . . ....... m' DURHAM COLLEGE of Applied Arts and Technology ~P.O. Box 385, Oshawa, Ontario Ontario Career Action Program ln Industry This is your opportunity to-obtain practical experience ln your desired occupation through training on the job To be eligible for the prog ramr you must: 1. Be betweeni the ages of 16 and 24 inclusive. 2. Have lef t the educatienal system. 3. Have not he!1ý full-time cmployment in yeur selccted occupational field other other than on a seasonal basis (c.g. summer jobs). 4. Have been uncmployed prier to acceptance on OCAP. IF YOU MIEET THE ABOVE CRITERIA YOU SHOULD APPLY AT DURHAMW COLLEGE OR AT YOUR LOCAL CANADA EMPLOYMENT CENTRE. If you are sclcctcd te participate in the pregram you shaîl beceme, in effect, a prebationary empbeyee of your tramner. You shaîl coniferm te all bis rules and regulatiens and be paid $10000 per wcck for a maximum of 16 wceks. By the end of the program you should have acquired sufficient practical experience te gain- fulI-time empheyment. -I