Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 24 May 1978, p. 1

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4lâzzm - 1 1 - MMRM ý ý - 1 - 1 - 1 ý Orono school concert, a hit The Orono Public School spring concert last Wednes- day proved that Public Sel-on] concerts are as populJar today as tbey were in the distant past. During both an after- noon performance and even- ing performance the auiditor- ium was filled to capacity by parents and frîends of the students. Each grade at the sebool along wîthi the tbree choirs as well as a triple trio and a dance group presented a varied programn of song and dance during the perform- ances. The primary choir took as their themne, "P1eopie" sing- ing such as 'Games People Play' and 'Dear Heartsan Geie People'. The Junior Choir undefirhIe direction of? Mrs. Lunnl sang fivesect ions, with such as 'The Belîs of St. Mlar's'. The Witherford Choir under the direc-tor of Mr. Crawford and Mr. With- eridge sang eight short select- ions for their repetoire. Grades 5 and 6 sang 'Top of the World' with gradies 4 and 5 singing three selections inc- luding 'Grandfather's Clock'. A triple trio of Guy Brach- vogel, Jim Brown, Eric Dresinski, Scott Yeo, Ste- phen Mure and Andy Dues- huryv sang Ramn in May. indergarten and Grade One sang a number of selections related to play. Grade fv our also sang a, number of selecti ons. Grades one to 1three sang Walt Disney selctlions including 'Heigh- Ho, Hleigh,-Ho'. A dance group under the direction of Mrs. B. Smart brought a new dimension to the program with a rnumber of dance routines. Long speaks Quinte conference The main street scene at interesting merchandise. On, Russell Best. HIlS Shoe Shop the ClarkPefvMuseum is ofmost display is Bertha Toucbburnis sign in the shape, of a boot and interest outining dress of the doU carniage and a sidesaddle actually used in Orono is on late 188G0s as Well as items of owned by the former Mrs. display in the street scene.' Held Thursday, May 18, 1978 at McArthur College, Kingston, Ontario. "Bend and Don'e Break", New Ministers Advised. Under a cloudy Spring sky, 400 Idelegates to the Bay of' Quinte, Conference heard their retiring President, The Rev. Basil Long, of Orono, Ontaio, challenge five new,ýly ordained ministers to face the new 'w'ilderness'. St. Mlarg- aret's United Church, across from the shopping centre in Kingston, was standing room only as the -Conference or- da ined Reverends Eric Barr, Ross Davis, David Logan, Neil Parker and Gordon Taylor. Altbough not usixaLly seen as a 'traditional' church, the United Cburch ordained its new ministers with an act from the first. century, the Laying On 0f Hands. Officiais of the cburcb and lay people whose lives-were of special significance to the candidates participated in the colourful ceremony. "A reed which cannot bend, will 'break", advised Rev. LIong IWho hais served bis congregation in orono since 1957. He referred to the wordis of Christ when people camne to bim criticising John the Baptist: " What did you ex- pect to see? A reed,- blowing in the wind?" Rev. Long used the analogy of the relationsbip between Jesus and bis cousin John the Baptist to suggest tbat new' ministers are viewed in various ways by their con- glregations. 'But I.1doubt that yýou'll have to dine on locusts and wild honey like John the Baptist, or wear anlimral skins, b e said with a smile. Reý,v. Long pointed out tbat tbey too are, forerunners for (Continued page,6) Ordained Rev. Eric Barr In a colourful ceremnony last Thursday at St. Marg- aret's United Church in Kingston Rev. Erie Barr was ordained during the ,qth animal assembly of the Bay of Quite Conference of the United Church of Canada. Rev. Eric Barr along with bis family were former resi- dents of the Orono area and at one timne Erie was a teacher at the Orono Public School. The Barrs now living in Blackstock wil be moving te Buxton, south of Chatham where Rev. Barr will take charge of the South Buxton Pastoral Charge as of July lst. The South Buxton charge is a three-point charge. Rev. Barr graduated on May 4th from Emmanuel College, University of Tor- '---k> with a Master of Divin- He was ordained on thfiursday, May lBth in the Kingston ceremony along with three other ministers in the Bay of Quinte area. ImmmmmI PORT IhOPE OBJECTS T'O ïEDUCATIOýN SALARIES Port Hope council has passed a resolution suggesting that the annual salary for the six top administrators for the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Eduication should be reduced to the range of $25,000 to $30,000. The resolution is to be circulated to other municipalities within the area. Ti-e range in salary approved by the Board bas ben set from $40,500 to $47,500. SOI) TURNING The officiai sod turning for the new 40-unit senior citizens complex off Station Street West of Orono takes place Today Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. lt is expected that Mrs. Robert Moffat of Orono will turn the first sod for the complex. The former Mr. Moffat, secretary-treasurer for the former Durham County Health Services and the Senior Citizens Lodge was a big push for the construction of the complex in Orono. TRA-,FFIC BACK-UP Traffic was backed-up Moniday afternoon around 5:30 on i-iignway 115 tar north 0fi Enterprise Hiili and even the Newcastle, Manvers Town Line in the north. KINSMEN BIKE-A-THON SUNDAY Don't forget the Kinsrnen Bike-A-Tbon to take place this Sunday starting out from the Nesting Furniture plant east of the Village. Starting time nine in the mnornîng. IT WASN'T LONG HAPPENING îThe matter of cleaning the front street of Orono was brought before council recently and within a few days the job was completed. The action was rather swif t after Couinc. Woodyard noted the condition to council. PETERBOROUGCH St'VMPHONY STRiNG TRIO TO ORONO APEA The Peterborough Symplhony Strinig Trio wîll bc iiak;ing four schooi appearances in the Oronio area Ma.y 30th and :31st. On Tuesday, -May 3oth the Trio wiillpa at the Clarke High Sehool at 9:05 and at the Newcastle Public Schoo! at 10:30 am. On Wednesdary, ïMay 3lst the Trio wil p1lay ai Lockhart's Public School at 9:05 a.m. and at the Oroïw Public. School at 10:30 a.m. Region welcomes longer, éa-n time The Region of Durham council last week took very littie time to agree to a new fînancial proposal as propos- ed by the province in the matterof $5 million in loans througb the Ontario Housing Action Program. Under the new agreement, loan payments for water and sewer developmnent will be spread over a greater period of time as well as being geared te the rate of develop- ment. About a year ago the Region became' aware that development w~as not pro- ceeding as anticipated and it was found tbat it would be difficult for tbe Region to meet their commiritments with the province to pay back boans. Thene agreemecnt shoufld place tbe Regioni in a miore faVourable pÔsition when the timne comnes about to repay the boans for water and sewer developmnent. Miss Jane Miss Jane Staples, Orono, a member of the Oshawa Festi- val Singers has been choosen Miss Oshawa Festival Singer and will compete for the title of Miss Fiesta Queen during Fiesta Week in Oshawa. Miss Staples has been a member of the Oshawa Festival Singera, a large group of young girl singers for the past four years and last year travelledi to Scotland with the group in a singing tour pf the country, The Fiesta Queen will be choosen on Thursday, Jiune 15thr during the Fiesta cebe- brations bemg held in Osh- awa. If is expected there will be upwards of thirty competi- tors in the comipetition. Eacli contestant will have to speak on one of four topies: "Cn ada My Home", "Person 1 Most Admire", "WhatFiesta Week Means to MVe'« andi "My Career". I

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