8-0rono Weekly Times, Wednesday. March lst, 1978 r Kendal News So long as there are homes to which men turn at close of day, So long as there are homes where children are and women stay;, If love and loyalty and faith are found across these silîs, A stricken natiion can recover fro)m its greatest ilîs. So 'long asý there are homes wx.here fires burn and there is bread, So long as there are homes where lamps are lit and prayers are said; Althougb a -people falter througb the dark and nat- ions grope, If God himself is ini these littie homes wýe must have hope. The gardener's spring is March 7. So get those bot beds ready for lettuce, radishes and onions, This bas been a wonderfui winter for the skiers. Bus loads of sehool children have come from Cobourg and Oshawa during the week, and large crowds have come each week end to the ski bill. Farmers are baving trouble keeping their cows and borses in their yards. Tbey simply walk over the fences because the snow banks are so high and the crust so bard. The continuai cold weather is very bard on the bees in the bives. Tbey need a fly every six weeks to keep bealtby. If you want to see bîgb snow banks take a drive along the sixtb line. Tbe road men bave bad a bard winter and put in a lot of overfimre We are pleased to report tbat Mlrs. Bruce Catbcart bas returnied home from the Dr. Ruddy Hospital, Wifby. On Sunday morning, Jan- uary 26tb Rtev. A. Tizzard read the scripture St. Mat- tbewi 27:27-44 and chose as bis topic, "His Abusers". Jesus said, "If I be-lifted up I wili I draw ail mento me".-So bis enemies used ail kind of schemes ta get bîm crucified on the cross. Then when be was on tbe cross they said, "If thou be the Son of God came down from the cross." They wanted to see a miracle. The passers by wanted a miracu- bous proof. He did not give tbem a miracle tben but he did prove be was the Son of God by rising from the dead as the hymn says. "Up from th e grave he arose witb a migbty triumph. o'er his foes". To whicb group do we beiong? To the scoffers, to those who passed by or to those wbo stayed at tbe cross like "John the beloved deci- pie", or ail tbe otber believ- ers? We were pfleased fa have as guest at the morning service the Brownie Pack led by Brown Owl - Dora MacDonald and Snowy Owl - Lexanne Kemp. The Brawnies were Karen Kennedy, Lesiey Bar- rabail, Sandra Atkin, Kristine Woods and Paula Robinson. There were also others in uniform in the audience and visitors who came with tbem from otber points. Tbe one article of food that bas not increased in price is eggs. So wby not boil tbem, fry tbem, poacb them, use them in egg nogs or make an omelette. A salmon omelette is so easy to make. First warm a cup of milk. Add 1/4 tsp. sait, a little lemon, tbe can of, salmon and the milk, turn into a bot buttered frying pan and cook ina 350 degree oven about 15 minutes. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Elliott visited wifb Mr. Arthur Tbompson to belp hlm cele- brate bis birtbday on Feb- ruary 22nd at tbe home of Mr. and Mrs. G. Cathcart. Mr. and Mis. V. Peacock visit ed him later in the week. Wants Darlington assessment hea ring Witn a review being under- faken as fa the amount of bydro required in the future and with a possibility that Ontario Hydro bas been using too great a factor in their past prediction the opposition in the legisiature are again' caliing for an environmental hearing beinig held in connect- ion with the construction of the Darlington nuclear gener- ating station. , Opposition leader Dr. Stu- art Smith points ouf that the greaf rush fa gef the station complefed is nof now required and that fime was availabie fa hold an assessment hearing. He was aiso supporfed in fhis view by the NDP Who are again calling for the environ- mental assessment hearings. Energy Mînister Reuben Baetz bas stated- that he would not consider caiing a hait or make any decision affecting the construction of the Dariington plant until such time as be bad seen the report now being compiied. There bas been some specu- lation within the iast couple of weeks that the Dariington plant could be one to- be held-up for a couple of years due fa the fact tbat Hydro consumption is not growing to tbe point tha't bas been expected by Ontario Hydro. * Our Firep laces DO NOT Smoke * OXFORD * Bricklayers - Stonemasons Lt. I * ORONO,ONTARIO P HOUE 983-5606 mmumutm kmmm m Pat Griffin president Durhamn Red' Cross The annual meeting of the Durham East Branch of the Canadian Red Cross Society was held at Memorial Park Clubhouse, Liberty St. S., Bowmanville recently. It started at 6:30 p.m. with a pot luck supper, followed by the business meeting at 8 p.m. and ended with -a social hour. Gues t speakers for the even- ing were James McDermott, Development Officer for Ont- ario Division Red Cross and Boyd Che sney, Près. Oshawa Red Cross and Campaign Chairman for Oshawa-Whitby United Way. The foflowing officers were eiected for 1978: President, Mrs. Pat Griffin; IMM. Past President, Mrs. Kay Forsey; Vice Pres. Mrs. Helene Wal- lis; Secretary, Mrs. Helene Wallis; Treasurer, Mrs. Pat Milison; Chairman, Water Safety, Mrs. Lorna Caverly; A.I.D., Mrs. Minnie Evers; First Aid, Mr. Had'Luxton; Loan Cupboard, Mrs, Jean Brownies; Blood, Mr. Fred Griffin; Emergency Services, Mrs. Kay Fox'sey; Volunteer Services, Mrs. Kay Forsey; Public Relations, Mrs. Pat Grîffin, Convenors: Tele- pbone and Lunch, Mrs. Kitty Scott; Cheerful Chuckles, Mrs. Hilda Henning. Up and Down the B3ook Stacks ADULT Basic Wirihg by John Porter (a guide for the home electrician includes out door wiring) Everywoman by Gina Luria (psychology and social con- ditions of women through- ouf history) Cloudburst LL BY Vic Marks (everytbing fromf building your own cabin f0 a spinning whee) Medical and Healfh Annual by R. Pote New paperbacks, including Westerns, Sci-Fi., Mystery and Occuif JUNIOR Israel by R. St. John George Harrison Yesferday and Today by Ross Mich- aels Play Bail, Snoopy by Charles Schulz Y ou're s0 smart, Snoopy by Charles Schulz EASY READING AND PICTURE BOOKS Books for Easter. Madeleine Hadley. Auction Service Farm & Estate Sales Furniture Modern and Antique NORM FAULKNER Stouffville 640-5691 EARL GAUSLIN Stouffville 640-3079 * DX SER'VICE STATION * Highway 35 &115, just north of Newcastle Featuring: At the Most Reasonable PricesI m Stove0Oil& Diesel OI Available in any quantityI I Phone 987-4215 I * We have a complete fine of* *POP-CITY Soft Drinks. Save by I buying these a case at a time. Steve,'s Furniture: Shop Furniture Refinishinge * Dining sets fo occasional pieces e Yes, we do re-upholstery Fabr!cSamples Free Estîmates, R.R Seve Johnson e RR1, Orono 983-9630. Minor Repairs BOTH FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC -ENGINES REBUILT -VALVE JOBS -FRONT ENDS -TOWING MANGER'S GARAGE ORONO 983-5130 SNOW PLOUGHING New Equipment Phone Anytime Cam Olesen 983-5669 Tapung - Spray Ceilings Plaster Repair Paintinga-i WalIy Lucyk Ha mitons Insurance Service Susan M. Sawyer Office 983-5115 Home 983-5270, Main-St., Orono - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - IWilliam C. Hall, 'F B.Comm. Chartered Accountant Phone Newcastle 987-4240 ALL DAY WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY TELEPHONE 623-6555 JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A. INCOME TAX AND ...... RELATED ACCOUNTÏNG SERVICES 67 KING EST. EAST, SUITE 2 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO. LIC '1N3 Dave's Plumbing Heating E lectric Industrial - Commercial 786-2471 R.R. Orono YEOMANS & SONS LIMITED PLUMBING & HEATING 424 Hour Service New Installations Aterations -Repairs Specializiflg in Hot Water Heating Forced Air Heatlng R .R 1 ,O rono , 983 5 62 Clarke Public LIBRARY PHON E 983-5507 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 2:00to 8:00 pm. Saturday 10:OO¶o 5:00 p.m. Orono, Ontario Cha ries Reid Orono's Licensed Auctioneer Va luator Specialize in Farm Furniture Sales Consuit me for terms and dates Phone Orono 983-5914 -I O. Chatterton Electi-ical Confracting Phone 983-5546 or 983-5940 Orono, Ontario