Big B5rothers, celebritybowl The "Bowl for Millions" fund-raising project of the Big Brother Association of New- castle was officially conclud- ed on Saturday with the "'Celebrity Bowl" at Liberty Bowl.'However, some bowl- ers who were unable ta complete their games during the past week. will bowl their games during the coming week. The receipts from this activity will be down consid- erably from last year. The Association accepts ful blame for this and is making plans to overcome the prob- lems which impaired this year's program. To save embarrassment for some of the "Celebrities", no scores are being reported. The following is a list of those who participated: Sam Cur- eatz, M.P.P., Mayor Garnet Rickard, Dianne Zinn (Bow- manville Lioness Club), John, Pogue (Bowmanville Cham- ber of Commerce), Bill Boyd and Jim Robinson (Bowman- ville Kinsmen Club), John James Jr. (Caýnadian States- man and Newcastle Indepen- dent), Bob Reid (Durham Regional Police), Stan Powell (Newcastle Lions Club), Gary, Carter (Libelty Bowl), Big Brothers Bob Kreasul and Orono Landscapfin S NOW PLOWING 9,83-5598 j PUMING OUT SEPTiC TANKS CLAUD E HARNESS Formerly Bert Tomkins Phone 786-2552 BYAMS'" PLUMBING - HEATING Sales a nd Service 24 HOU R BURNER SERVICE GUIF FINANCING Low lnterest Rates Phone: (uf Tyrone 263-2650 Electric Herb & Gerry Duval ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTRIC HEATING Electrical Appliances T.V. - COLOUR T.V. RADIO - H I-Fi WESTINGHOUSE RCA ELECTROHOME Guarantieed Service Willie Woo and Little Bro- thers Paul Canfield and Robbie Meyers. The Big Brother Associat- ion is very appreciative of the aid of ail who assisted by bowling.,or sponsoring bowl- c, O. Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday. March lst, 1978-7 Clarke High School Band and Choir Annual Magazine Campaign Ma rch 3rd - l3th Your support will be most appreciated bring you thechance to win one of I F contest open to aduls only. Employae« or their immediate familias of IGA stores or their supply depot are ineFigible. An unbelievably beautiful setting for the activity minded traveler - with everything to do right on the property. From golf and tennis to fishing, sailing, scuba diving or just sunning on the beach. INCLUDES: Welcome rum swizzle cocktail "Round-tnip jet transportation Party ta Grand Bahama Island from An invitation ta the manager's Toronto via Nordair or cocktail party with Quebecair entertainment and hors " Complimentary in-flight meals d'oeuvres >and bar service Colorful floor show featuring *Round-trip taxi between native f ire dancers and a airpart and hatel limbo exhibition *Baggage handling from *Camplimentary green tees on airporita hotel the hotel's 27-hale *Standard accommodations at champiorsship oceanside golf the Grand Bahama Hotel & course Country Club's 2,000 acre Complmentary tennis on resort for one week hotel's 10 solt-cushion courts *Full breakfast daily Adventure Tours escort *5 full dinners, dinners wiîî located at the hotel consiet of a native cookout, a 1978 Departure Dates: fish fry and three deliciaus May 12th ta JuIy-l5th, buffets in the hotel's Out September lst ta 30th, Island dining room). December let ta l6th. What else is there ta pay for? $800 Canadian departure tax. Bahamian airport tax of $300 US. per person and a weekty service charge which includes taxes and tips for maids, belmen and waiters of $2000 US. per person. \\~w~ria. ~ ~TRAVEL ARRAÂNGEMENTS SV: M VUAdventue, oureï7) \-5 1 5B oe S ee We stSuie 480. Toronto. Ontaro M53 1 S4 (416) 967-1112 who lso andl pakagetour 60Nmusd J.aa. Peterborough Civic Band Presented ini concert by Clarke High SchooI Band and Choir Under the auspices of the Peterborough Federation.of Musicians Clarke High School Auditorium SUN DAY, MARCH 5,2:30 p.m. Admission free Refreshments available.