Oi'mf Wookly TinIeg, Wedn@gdây, Mrch hM, 1¶64 Monuments and Family pMemorials Our quality and service leaves nothing ta b. desired Ask the person who bought fromn us, a neigh- bour, friend or relative, The Rutter Granite Company 73 Ontario Street, * PORT HOPE * Phone Collect V.W. RUTTER Office 885-5216 Home 885-5522 Phonie 416-623-3393 For prompt, courteous efficient service when buylng or selllng and for the largest selection of properties ln the area. CONTACT ORONO AREA RE PRESENTATIVES Ron Hurst 983-5131 Bill Grady William Turansky ( Kendal1) 983-5420 Christa Winterhelt 983-5465 Charlie- Reid, 983-5914 John Pritchard 705-944-5519 Pat Yeo* 983-5725 W., Fra nk Real Estate Limited 234 King St. E. BOWMANVI LLE 623-3393 WORK WANTED Ear piercing service. Phone 623-5747 for appoint- ment and information. Hooper's Jewellers Ltd. WORK WAN TED Peter Sutherland Aluminum Prod. Siding - Soffit - Fasia Trough - Shutters Windows - Doors - Awnings 623-4398 For Free Estimates Now Handling Vinyl Siding. WORK WANTED FURNITURE AND UPHOLSTERY REPAIRS Steve's Furniture Shop Furniture Refinishing Dining sets to occasional pieces Yes, we do re-upholstery Fabric Samples Free Estimates STEVE JOHNSON R.R. 1, Orono 983-9630, WORK WANTED D. &R. Custom Fencing and custom chain-sawing 983-5005 or 983-9627 Orono, Ont. WANTED Instant cash for new and used furniture. No article too small or estate too large. Cal 623-2431. - 1,8,15,22,29,ac. Orono Building Contractor Brick - Block- Concrete Stone Work Carpentry - Cabinet Work Flobrs - Tule Phono 983-5441 ORONO FOR SALE Scratch Pads, assorted sizes and colours. Also Tele- phone- Message Pads. Orono Weekly Times, 983- 5301. FOR SALE 1971 S kidoo, 18 h.p. hooker header B.D. carb. 1966 Chev, 1962 Ford. Make offer. Phone 983-5059. 1, ap. FOR SALE Polaroid Camera Model 440 and 1972 Moto Skeeter. Also, wanted, base amplifier and gitar. Phone 983-5835. 1, ap. FOR SALE Husqvarna Motorcycles now available in Newtonville area. Priced from $1,400.00. Also $25000 accessory bon- us on any 1976 or 77 Husqvarna motorcycle. See you at the Toronto Cycle Show, March 3, 4, and 5th. Hodaka and Husqvarna motorcycles, Warren Sports, 786-2836. 1, ac. FOR SALE SWIMMING POOl?, SPECIALS We have some 1977 and 1978 inground and above ground pools at greatly- reduced prices to clear. On a first corne, first serve basis. ALSO: We rent complete above ground pools to home owners. ALSO: Some great specials on complete above ground aluminum pools. Regularly $2,295.00 reduced to $1,298.00. Includes walkway, patio, motor, filter and accessories. For more information cali collect NOW 416-878-4151. 22, tf. ARTICLES FOR SALE SWIMMING POOLS Leading swimming pool manufacturer must dispose of brand new 1978 models. Fully warranted, complete with pump, motor, filter, fencing, walkaround and deck. Sug- gested retail, price $2,350. Available' at pre-season spe- cial of $1,322. Caîl now for early installation. Long term financing available. Cail tol free anytime 1-800-268-1944. Film - . Processing CUSTOM FRAMING Cameras and Photographic Supplies 78 King St. W. BOWMANVILLE 623-2404 BEFORE YOU BUY OR SELL Shop Around Your enquiries for homes, high income or hobby farms, country estates, land, building lots are ëordially invited. Apprais'als, mortgages arranged. Call us anyt'ime without obligation. SWIMMING POOLS TORENT Will lease and instaîl for homeowners, family size alu- minum. swimming pools with patio. Choice of styles, meet- ing ail fencing regulations on a one, two, or three- year rentai basis with option to own. Try before you buy! Cal toli free anytime 1-800-268- 1944. NOTICE World Day of Prayer Ser- vice will be held in the Main Hall of Orono United Church on Friday evening, March 3 at 7:30 p.m. Speaker, Mrs. Dora Morris of Kirby. Various denominations par- ticipating. Everyone wel- comne (including gentlemen). 1, ac. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All daims against the Estate of GESUALDO TARLATTINI (also known as JOSEPH TARLATTINI), late of the Town of Newcastle in the Regional Municipality of Durham, retired, who died on or about February l8th, 1976, must be filed with the undersigned personal repre- sentatives on or before March 15, 1978;, thereafter, the .undersigned will distribute the assets of the Estate having regard only to the dlaims thon fîled. DATED February l3th, 1978. MICHAEL TARLATTINI and JOE-ANN RUFFO, Administrators, by their Solicitors, KINGSMILL, JENNINGS il Richmond Street West, Toronto, Ontario. 22. 1,'8, ac. COMING EVENTS Orono Country Jamboree, Sunday, March 5 at 2: 00 p.mn., Orono Town Hall. Entertainment for the whole family. Adults $1.50, children $.50. 1, ap. COMING EVENTS The Orono Figure Skating Club and Orono Hockey Mothers will be having a Rummago Sale on March 3 and 4, 1978. Anyone with any used articles to donate may contact any skating club member or Hockey Mothor or phone 983-5717 if pick-up is necossary. Proceeds to New Arena Fund. 22, 1, ac. Don'B-t Leave Ih te Chance Be sure your home is truly protected by a good policy Cali us now 1 1 Mison Insurance 1Agency office:- Corner of Church and Cobbledick Street COMING EVENTS Free Child's Portrait, at Armstrong's I.G.A., Wednes- day, March 8th, 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. 1 day only. 1, ac. COMING EVENTS Ontario Paint Horse Club presents a free colour movie, "The Sports Model", March 3rd, 7:30 p.m. Darlington Sports Centre. Refreshments. For further information cali Kathy 263-8248. 22, 1, ac. COMINC. EVENTS Meeting of the Durham Northumberland Liboral As- sociation for Orono-Clarke area, Oddfellows Hall, Orono, Monday, March 6, 8:00 p.m. Speaker Dr. Ian Wilson. Everyono welcome. 1, ac. COMING EVENTS Peterborough Civic Band, prosented by Clarke High Band and Choir, under the auspices of the Peterborough Federation of Musicians, Clarke High School Auditor- ium, Sunday, March 5, 2:30 p.m. Admission free. Bake sale afterwards. 22, 1, ac. FOR RENT 3 bedroom apartment, heat and hydro, available April lst. References required. Phone 983-5658. 1, ac. COMING EVENTS AUCTION SALE Saturday, March 4th 1 P.M. Welders, drill press, and complete equipment Of LESKARD WELDING and FABRICATION, Leskard, 2 miles west of Kirby then one mile north, including 65 ton hydraulic press, 300 Amp arc welder, 180 amp wire welder, power hack saw, vert. beit sander, Buffalo 18 drill press, air comp., oxg. and Acet. equipment, torches, lift cart, floor grinder, sander, air drill, welding table, 2 chain hoist, motors, pipes, bars, angle iron, steel plates, I beams etc. Terms cash, Dennis Thom- pson, Owner, 983-5760. Steve Liptay, Auctioneer, 263-2961. 22, 1, ac. HELP WANTED BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Opportunity to earn $200 '- $300 weekly in your spare time doing mailing and stuf- fing envelopes. Please send stamped self addressed env- elope to: BISSON FORWARDING C0. P.O. Box 99, Westmount, Quebec. H3Z 2T1. 1,8,15,22, ac. NOTICE MARCH IS RED CROSS MONTH Durham East Branch The Canadian, Red Cross Society serving the people of the Region of Newcastle We are bore to serve you. Please cail 623-3115 1,8,15,22,29, ac. Rutter Granite Company Limited Annual Winter Reduction We respectfully wish to announce a SPECIAL REDUCTION on ail cemetery Memorials and Markers ordered and paid for between now and April lst. for Spring erection. This of fer is made annually. We have an excellent selection of domestic and foreign granites in many colours and designs from which to choose your Monument or Marker. If we can be of service to you in any way, please do not hesitate to visit our indoor display at 73 Ontario Street, Port Hope, or telephone us at 885-5216. *Corne out and choose I your farmI produce f rom * our large . . ... selection.à I Apples Bagged Potatoes I Northern Spies Red &Golden * Delicious I :FRESH APPLE CIDER 1 Maple Syrup- Honey ~Fred's Fruit Market." a Hwy. 115 - 1imile south of Orono l * T_ýelephone 983-5628