Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, February 8th, 1978-3 Two local juvenile schools could close Trucks ha uling pulp logs on but when they need to take the Mrs. Ken Stephenson is company roads may be as loads onto and along Provin- holding this one up for the wide and uneven as they wish, cial highways, the trucks Abitibi Pulp and Paper Co. Oroo Lndcapng drive very slowly between about thirty-five miles East of Irn adcpn these rollers which press the Lake Nipigon during the 1977 SNOWPOWING logs in to bring ,the load to moose hunt. SNOW POWING legal width. 98 598 St. Saviours ANGLICAN CHURCH Regular Sunday Worship Service - 10:00 a.m. Rev. Allan Haldenby B.A. L.Th. UNITED CHIJRCH Orono Pastoral Charge Minister SRev. B. E. Long ~I B.Th. ~fOrganistand Choir Director David Gray Sunday, February 12th, 1978 ORONO UNITED CHURCH Sunday Church School 10 a.m Morning Worship il :15 a.m. Evening Service '7:45 p.m. KIRBY UNITED CHURCH Sunday Church School 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship 9:45 a.m. Dial-A-Thought 983-9151 IORONO PLAZA-PROPOSAL REFERRED TO DIRECTOR (Continued from Page 1) this meeting. The Town had phoned business operators in the Village on the matter that the proposai was coming up for discussion on Monday. Council members present at the committee meeting were unable to, say when the district or hamiet plan would be completed for Orono. PLANNER'S REPORT George Howdeni in his report recommended that no decision be made on the Orono Plaza application until a district plan has been completed for Orono. He did howev er make some recoin- mendations if the application was accepted expressing that the applicant commission a consultant to des.ign a storm drainage-system to minimize the detrîmental downstream impacts of the proposed development and pay an appropriate share of the costs of these improvements. , Howden feels that not enough emphasis was placed on the draw to Lindsay and Peterborough and also points out that growth in Newcastle Village and ultimate comme- cial development in that area by Carlton MR Perfumes, Colognes, and Bath Products Chanel, Martnell, Shulton, Lanvin,Jean Nate, Yard Iey Candy by Smiles 'n Chuckles and Rowntrees MAIN ST. OROND, ONT.I 9350 .~ *llie, would decrease the potential commercial area for Orono. The planner feels that there could be fragmentation of the shopping facilities in Orono being detrimental to both downtown and the proposed new Plaza. He also suggests in his report that if a new shopping plaza is to be considered other locations should be consider- ed and feit that these investi- gations would most effecti- vely be done in conjunction with the formulation of a district plan for the Hamlet. The planner also points out that the proposed Regional Official Plan would require that a district plan be completed for Orono before "limited convenience com- mercial" development is per- mitted. It was'pointed out at the meeting that the District Plan for Orono is to be done this year but as of the present time no consideration has been made by council on whether the plan will be done by Town staff or by consult- ants. The matter is being held up until such time as the new planning director brings a report to council. The Orono plaza proposaI whîch would incorpora te a large IGA store as well as some twenty other stores would be located in the north-east corner of the Village with the east bound- ary run ning along side High- way, 115 but with no entran ce onto the Highway. Entrance to the site would be from Mill Street over a two-way ent- rance to be constructed east from Milîson Hill Drive. This entrance would require the obtainin g of one residential property and the demolition- of the bouse. SHowden in his report stated that consideration must not only consider the subject site, but also the impact of the proposed development on the Hamlet itself, the downtown area and the surrounding area. His main concern as to the site was the drainage problem and flooding down- stream of the development. He said the only solution to this problemn would be a complete reconstruction and enlargement of the storm sewer runoff drainage ditches from the northern boundary of the site south to the Orono creek. This, he said, would Pine Ridge School in Bow- manville and Brookside Sch- ool, in Cobourg could well be two of seven provincial juven- ile schools to close over the next three to four years. The province plans, under present indications, to close seven of the ten juvenile schools over the next three to four years. Juveniles in such institutions will be reduced from 470 to 120 and accomW- modated in three juvenile schools. It is, a trend of the government to accommodate those with only minor pro- blems in community homes. Those with chronic problems require the acquisition of a number of easements and could also require the enlarg- ing of the pipe under the Orono race track. Access to the site he states would not be adequate for a shopping centre unless the residential lot is obtained. The Howden report points out that the proposed shop- ping centre would contain almost double the retail floor area presently occupied in downtown Orono and the grocery store would be ai- most three times as large as the present IGA store. "This, coupled with the existing parking problems, could pro- bably resuit in the demise of the present downtown", states Howden. He suggests that such an important deci- sion by council should be preceeded by a detailed study of the downtown to see if parking could be resolved and the area made more competi- tive. Howden questions the mar- ket feasibility study under- taken by Mr. Kostka stating that the area seems to be too large and that the growth factor used by Kostka is greater than will exist in the nrea. (d will stili be accommodated in the juvenile schools. The policy change' was noted by Keith Norton, mini- ster of commumity and social services in Bowmanville last week. It has been announced that a school in Hagersville and one in Guelph will be closed in the spring. Three further Dave's Plumbing Heating E Iectric fndustrial - Commercial 78 6-2471 R.-R. 1 Orono I M M M I I I M M I M 4 il 4- 15 sehools wil be shut-down in the second phase of the plan, but these sehools have yet to be named. 1The Pine Ridge School has corne under considerable cri- ticism through grand juries over the past few years as to adequate facilities in the older part of the school. The school in Cobourg now has an enrolment of 70 students between the age of 12 and 17 years. There is a staff of 82 at the school operating on a twenty-four hour basis. YEOMANS & SONS LIMITED PLUMBING & HEATING 24 Hour Service New Installations Alterations - Repairs Specializing in Hot Water Heating Forced Air Heatlng R. R. 1, Orono ,983-5624 SAVE SA VE* !HY PAY MORE FOR HEATING îAVE ON PREMIUM QUALITYI FUELI FOR ALL YOUR FUEL OIL NEEDSM ill WINDAS ST. AT WHITBY Telephone TUaI Cali Collect 668»3381 Prompt, courteous Service M.,, 10la lla Schneiders eef Stea kette Schneiders - Ail Beef Dinner Franks Skinless Wieners 1 Schneiders - Beef, Pork, Chicken, Beefsteak Meat Pies Scbneiders Corned Beef Prime Rib Steaks Perfect for Stew Braîsînq Ribs Sizlerausage 1 Polish Sa usage PorkSIhoulder COVRN ISH'S- 1,09 6oz. pkg. i1.08 oz.Pk 6 9c ,99C IL 1.58 lb. .76c oz. t'kg. i1.25 lb. 1.09 lb.- 1.96