6-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, February lst, 1978 McKay addresses area Conservatives Elmer McKay, guest speak- er at the Durham-Northum- berland Progressive Assoc- iation annual meeting last Wednesday told his audience of some 225 that Canadians lacked patriotism for their country. He also said the Progressive Conservative party at Ottawa had provided good opposition in the House of Commons and had been responsible for numerous needed changes through their challenge of in the house of commons. The speaker also came out in support of Joe Clark, leader of the progressive conservatives stating that Clark was an amazing man who had kept the conserv- ative together. "He is a leader not yet 40 years of age and with 20 years of political experience behind him", he said. Elmer McKay, an MP from Nova Scotia brought a well- balanced address to the meeting mixed with humour and determination. He pre- sented a cheque for $100.00 to the riding association stating that the cheque was given to him earlier in the day in Washington by a concerned Kansas City lawyer over the plight of affairs in Canada. Orono Country Jamboree The Orono Country Jam- boree has a whooper of a show coming up on Sunday after- noon, February 5th in the old Orono Town Hall, Orono, Ontario starting at 2:00 p.m. It will be a busy afternoon for Orono's M.C. Sterling Mather as he announces the guest artists: Bill Leggette, son Mark and daughter Mich- elle, Carole Jean, Fiddler; Rick Stephenson, Singer; Terry Moffatt and Julie Wilkin, a duet; the Pine Ridge Tradition. (Dave, Mickey, Don, Lauril and Bob), a Blue Grass Group. Our House Band Fay Adams and the Country Hits with Glorie and Don Adams, Len Somerscales, Herbie Wasson and Lori Allen will be on hand to back up our special guests. This show is sponsored by the Newcastle Parks and Recreation Department. Do.nLeave l to Chance Be sure your home is truly protected by a good policy Cali us now Milison Insurance Agency Office: Corner of Church and Cobbledick Street 983-5032 The cheque was presented to Jack Lord, treasurer for the Durham-Northumberland Conservative Association. McKay said that at times the Tory opposition could be called destructive but in general the Tory opposition had been good and construct- ive. He cited the unearthing of the Skyshop scandal at Mira- bel by the conservatives, the Hamilton Habour dredging affair, the sales of Nuclear reactors and the RCMP security activities as a few cases where the PC opposit- ion has opened the door for change. He said there is more to be done and he would like to see change in the Capital Gains tax system. He also condemned Cana- dians about speaking of other Canadians as though they were strangers. "There is not enough patriotism in this country", he said. McKay attacked Trudeau for his lack of leadership. "I don't know how we could have elected a leader to do a worse job of leading this country", he said. He said the most embarrassing things is the answers the cabinet minister gives to questions from the Conservatives in the House of Commons, he said. Trudeau said the speaker has not proven the leader he was supposed to be. He said the Trudeau deficit is now as large as the last budget submitted by John Diefenb- baker. McKay said the conserv- atives would attack the liber- als on their handling of the economy and would also press for parliamentary re- form. The speaker also made a scent remark over the defect- ion of Jack Horner to the liberal party and predicted he was facing defeat in his home riding in Alberta. Horner who defected from the conservat- ives now holds the position of minister of Industry, Trade Lord, make all clever people kind, Grant tired people rest; With all who mourn or toil or fear Abide most friendly Guest. In sickness Lord grant com- fort sweet To all who are in pain; And those who've strayed from life's true path Bring gently back again. January has been a very strange month weatherwise this year, with so many ups and downs. It rained all day, January 8th. On January 14th cars got off the road in the blinding snow. January 20th at night cars could not get through the sixth line. Some men left their cars and walked home. On January 25th it rained fron the east all night. In fact January came within a fraction of an inch of setting a rainfall record for that month. On January 26th the barometer fell till there was just 27.9 inches of mercury breaking the old record for low pressure set away back in 1870. That day, January 26th, the high winds and blizzard conditions brought traffic to a and Commerce in the liberal cabinet. Allan Lawrence, M.P.P. Durham, thanked the speaker for his address and thanked all those who attended the meeting under adverse wea- ther conditions. Attendance at the annual meeting on Tuesday outnumbered the former annual meeting held in Bowmanville a year ago. Lunch was served. stand still. People abandoned their cars. Thirteen perished in Ontario. Some roofs were blown off buildings. Rev. A. Tizzard took his message from Jeremiah 6:1- 17. Jeremiah prophesied one hundred years after Isaiah. He compared Jerusalem to a boiling pot. He warned the people of the danger of worshipping false gods. They said it was too far to go to Jerusalem. They didn't have time. We have God's promise as I have been with Moses so I will be with you. If we take the best from the past and weave it into the future we have the promise that God will be with us. The people who are using wood stoves for the first time must remember to clean the pipes once a month. This writer went to a summer camp on the Ottawa River during the year 1944. There was a very fine beach and we were quartered in a large old fashioned farm house. All our provisions were sent out and it was up to us to cook them. On top of the stove was a large sign, "This oven will not bake. Cook everything on top of the stove." Signel by our officer, a University grad- uate. You have all heard the ditty, 'O, it's not for know- ledge that we go to college.' Next morning when 1 awak- ened my girl friend was gone. I found her down in the kitchen. She had tacked a square chip on the end of the broom handle and taken a pail of soot out from under the oven. She was from the prairies of Finnish ancestory. She said, "No wonder it wouldn't bake". It had pro- bably been owned by a bachelor. Mr. and Mrs. Somner Cheeney of Niagara Falls were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Reg Elliott. TRENTWAY TOURS Special To WWVA JAMBOREE (Wheeling West Virginia) Show Stars Merle Haggard Mar. 3rd to 5th, 1978 For Details Contact: Trentway Tours P.0 Box 772 Peterborough, Ont, K9J7A2 Phone Toli Free 1-800-461-7615 LOCAL FLORIST ACCEPTED INTO INTERNATIONAL GROUI SOUTHFIELD, MICHIGAN -Florists' Transworld Delivery Association (FTD), the worldwide floral delivery organization, announced today that Jan's Flower Gift Shoppe, has been selected as a member florist. The owner(s> of ne new FTD member shop, located at Main Street Orono are Jan & Paul Shmyr. Through the guaranteed FTD service, flowers may be sent to any place in North and South America and topractically every countryabroad There ire more than 15,500 FTO member florists in the 'Jnited States and Canada. Overseas the organizzlion is represented by Interflora, its inter- national dafiliate. The FTD-Interflora network of 44,000 florists provides a floral delivery service to virtually every country in the world. 7e,' 11740Wer Protect yourself from mail order fraud. Mail order gimmicks to guard against, along with a checklist to help you avoid problems when ordering goods, are spelled out in a new Information Bulletin from your Ontario Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations. The bulletin tells you where and how to check a company's reputation and outlines your rights under the Ontario Business Practices Act. For further assistance, or a free copy of the Information Bulletin "The Mail Order Business: Protecting Your Dollars."--write to: Consumer Information Centre Ministry of Consumer & Commercial Relations 555 Yonge Street Toronto, Ontario M7A 2H6 Also available is a new Information Bulletin on Phony Charities: "Avoiding Phony Charities: How To Be A Cautious Donor". O Larry Grossman, Minister of Consumer and Commercial Relations William Davis, Premier Province of Ontario Today you can order almost anything by mail-seeds, books, department store merchandise, body-building exercises and even "diplomas". Most mail order organizations are honest, but a small percentage are not -and give the entire industry a bad name. So before you deal with a mail order business, ask yourself: " What does the offer really promise? " Is the advertising actually informative? " Do I know this company's reputation? " Do I really need the article? " Could I purchase the same article at a lower price ocally? " Can 1pay c.o.d.? (cashon delivery) " Is thére a money-back guarantee? Kendal News Thisiswhat Ontariois doing tohelpyou get a fair deal. k