Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 14 Dec 1977, p. 1

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T Orono SflQWmobï te Santa arrives in Onono oven a-iblanket of snow at the Orono Park. Orono Weekly Tunes, Wedneýday, December l4h 977 Twod'lein Sunday afternoon, and in had made arrangements to below zero temperatures, have four hugndred bags of Santa arrived in Orono to candy prepared for the after- greet his young, eager follow- noon. Attendance did fail ers in the- Orono Park. The short of expectations. youing, the younger and olden Hlot dogs, hamburgs and hot were ail out to greet Santa as chocolate was available. hie skirted across the basebail A popular event of the diam-ond on a baanket of snow afterno7on was a wýagon ride travelling in a snowmobile. thnougb the Orono tree nurs- From the records he distri- ery and tw;o wagons drawn by buted a few over three tractors were available for bundred bagus of candy to the the tnp. Tw,,o trips were made youinger set wb lned up with the wagons loaded witb under the shelter at the park. children and aduits for every The dJay was sponsored by tnip. the Oronto and District Chamr- in speaking with Mn. Hazel- ber of Cmec and due to den, president of the Chamn- the demolition of the Orono ber, he said] he was pleased arena the annual visit of witb the ouing and witb the Santa was held ini the Orono support of local citizens withi Park under real winiter condi- their attendance of the event. + ~qThe cfmr~rpr o-pver Pr esent 41th Almôostj- Christmas coencert An evening of music and song was thonoughly enjoyed last Tuesday evening at the Clarke Hligh Scb"ool! when the Fourtb Almost Christmas Concert was presented -i th gym o ,f the school. The programi with a Christ- m as flavour was presented wihmusical selections by the i.ntermediate and senior (Continued pa&e 2) Newcastle Tw,,o men died in a fire in the 'Town of Newcvýasï.l jÜst east of the Oshawa Town fine early Sunday mnorning' Dead are Curtis Joseph Gearing, 63, R.R. 3, Bowmanville and Remi Blanchette, 23, Chicout- imi, Quebec. The fire was in a farm bunk house on Tooley's road north of Highway No. 2. fire three hired hands from Que- bec xho were working on the pottofarm of Mr. Gearing. It appears that two of the helpers were away at the ti.me 0f the blaze with Blanchetie and Gearing being the only occupants of the house at the timne of the blaze. Mr. Gearinig lived a mile and a haif fromr the scene of the fire, Botb bodies were burnepd beyonig recognition.Ip sfi thati a Quebec hebater înstalled in the bouse on Sunýday couljd have been the cause of the fire but investigation is contin- uing. ivrs. Sto1k andciMrs. H-ear(t. This was in enror as the sale and travvwas-orgâtmized by i Ie rfïttbrs.' CONMTTEE WOULD SEND SIX TO SWITZERLAND The Regional Planning and Development committee wants to send three staffiTuembens and three politîcians fnom Duirham to an industnial semninar in Basel, Switzerla,,nd ini Mlay 1978. The punpose to attract industny to the Region. The cos5t is nowý estimated at $2.500 for each member attending. The proposai will have to be approved by the regional council. THE NEED FOR~ MORE HIOUSING?- Ini speaking necently witb Counc. E.R. Woodyard lie states that Mayor Potticary dlaim.s tbere are at least nine hundred unsold new bhouses in Oshawa. Hol also Lsigits that close toý two bundred stili remain unsold in Bow,manville. It alnmost makes one wonder wbhy the big rush to apprveZniore residential subdivisions in the area From rianothier report it is sbown that there bias been a decrease in building in COshawa this year compared to Pa record yèar ini 1976. Althougb there bas been a drop in total industnial value bas increased while residential develepment bias decreased. THERýE ARE OTHER STORMS TOO At the present time mnost people are concerned with snow stormis but some local politicians were bit witb another storm last we following a move by the Town council to support a bus service from Orono to Newcastle to Bowmanville. Newc\,astle busine-ssmen vwere apparently up in arnms seeing their tax dollars being uised to transport customers out of theVillage to shop in Bowmianvlle. No d4ubt theyv will wait out the sixteen day trial period before pouncing on council. The bus service through Ononio and Newcastle to Powmnanville is not really a newý venture as in the past it bas opena ted from year to year fer a limited peniod of timeý. ;t bas nieyer, as yet beeni successful enough to run on a regular scheduled basis. JOIN J(<î3,t-SS RANKS Over the pasit-two to tbree weeks about 150 workens at the Chrysien planit in Ajax have joined the Jobless ranks. Fortyý-nine senior em-,ployees wene laid off last Wednesday,. At the same time bowever the plant pnoducing tri-m matenials is almost, at a higbi level of emrploymnent e-ven after the lay-offs. FUND;I UP TO $1;2,317.00 The Orono Arena complex fund bas now reached a total of $12370o. 0f this amount ,159s in cash givings with $57,158 in future pledges. In speaking with M Nr. Canles cGray to be bheld on Wednesday evening whecn funther plans are to be consideredi. l'le saidf there are stili some twelve to fiftleen ca;,nvassers w\ho have not reported as yet. It was also pointed out, that the committee would be c.onsderin-g the disposition ,)f the cash fundsnw on hund. rono Liquor store n Churcli street in ness section was omnetime eaniy Fni- * ning durjng (lhe ow storm. Thirteen scotch and bad n from tr-he promu- 'd a" a littie over It was almiost a year ago that the same store was bit b)y thieves and undeýr simnilar tuiutiol, Onn a snowý% stonm. At that time liquw-maýs stolen valued at $1,300,00. Entry last Friday m-orning was made by forcing open the entry door causin-g somje ùone b-undred dollars lin damage. Liquor cases piled cýlose b'y were taken. Th-e break-in was noticed due to the door being openl by a neigbbour earl1y Friday mnornling arounj.d six a.m-. The O).P.P. inj Newcastlje weenotified.

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