Regional police on scene Dec. 31 Ail residents of Darlington, Clarke and Newcastle Village have now been notified that as of December 31st, 12:01 a.m. The Durham Regional Police YEONANS & SONS,LIMITED PLUMBING& HEATING * 24 Hour Service Newhistala1ions Aterafions - Repaïrs ýpeci214izing in Hot Water Keating Forcedl Air Heating *iOrono, 983-5624 *Orono Pastoral Charge Minister Rev. B.E. Long BTII. * rganist and Choir Director MIRS. KEITH BILLETT Sunday, December llth, 1977 ORONO UNITED CHURCH Sunday Church Sehool 10 a.m. MorningWorship 11:15 ar. Evening Service 7:45 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 13, 1977 Session meets at 7:00 p.m., Officiai Board at 8:00 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 15, 1977 U.C.W. General Meeting, 6:00 p.m. Main Hîall. Pot Luck Supper. KIRBY UNITED CHURCH Morning Worship 9:45 a. m. Dia]-A-Thought 983-9151 wili be taking over in the above areas the duties now perforrned by the Ontario Provincial Police. The Divi- sion responsible for police work in the area will be situated in Bowm-ranvilie and will be know7n as Number 16 division. For residents in the New- castle Village, Orono and Newtonviile excbange a new phone numiber wiii corne into Supporting a national pol- icy to combat unempioýy- ment Fred McLaugbiin a 37 year old public school teacher from Janetville won the NDP nomination last Thursday at a meeting heid in Bowmanviile. McLaugblin won over John Veldhuis from Newtonville and principal of the Newton- ville elementary scbooi. Fred McLaughlin will now represent the NDP ln the federai election expected lu 1978 for the new riding of Durham-Northumberland. It wili be McLaugblins third attempt to represent the NDP S.Saviours ANGLICAN, CHURCH1 Regular Suuday Worship Service - 10:00 a.mi. Rev. Allan Haldenby B.A.L.TIi. > Our Fireplaces DO NOT Smoke OXFORD *Brick la yer- StOflema sonlsLtd. IORONO, ONTARIO PHONE 983-5606 Thursday Night is Family Night (Starting Dec. 1) HelI Yourself our two Soups-of thie-Day Then enjcy ether A. Il the spaghetti and mneat sauce you eau eat, wvith salad dressing, rol and butter ... $2.95 or *... Super, crisp, B.B.Q. cýhicken, served with cote sla-w, french fries, roil and butter, extra B. B. A. sa u ce *.',chicken ...$29 ....... .12 ckeni.. $3.95 or E. .B.Q. chicken on a bua, cole slaw, french fries .............$1.95 New DutchOlven Your local Family Restaurant Hwy. 115 at Taunton Rd., Orono effeet being 987-4717. The Durham Police at thîs time wiil take over ail police work relating to crime and traffic within the Township of Clarke, Darîington and New- castle Village. This wil include patrol of ail country regional and municipal roads witbin the area. The Ontario Provincial Pol- ice Wiii continue their patrol of the Provincial Highwý,ays in the area, Highway 35, 11.5 and No. Il. and 401, They wili also continue to do al police work in the Townships of Cavan and Manvers. in speaking with the detachment in New- castie we were inforned that in the hôuse of cormmons having run twice unsuccess- fuly in Victoria-Haliburton in the pa st two federal elections. The new riding of Durham- Northumberland replaces the riding of Northumnberland- Durham now represented by Mr. Allan Lawrence,,conser- vative. The NDP candidate, nomi- uated by former'M.P.P. Doug Moffatt, told bis audience of tbirty-five that it was time to, talk positively about ,tbe probiems faciug Canada. He said, we have the resources, the talent and tbe techniques, we do not have to fear anything. He, said the NDP would use the wealtb of the country to build factories and eliminate unempioyment. He also suggested that labour intensive industries must be developed and people must invest in Canada. "I arn sick and tired of hearing how lazy and iueffic- ient Canadians are", be said. He asked if we cousidered Canadians should be paid tbree dollars a day as in Taiwan and then bopeful of survivîng. Mr. John Veldhuis moved that the nomination be unan- imous. Newcastle bail organizing The Newcastle Senior Base- bail team really started to take shape wbeu the execu- tive was formed at the first meeting on Thursday, Octo- ber 27th. Bruce Aildred a local basebail enthîsiast who bas played basebali in Kendal has been the driving force in trying to bring a senior fran- chise to Newcastle. Executi;ve: President, Doug Walton; Vice-Presi- dent, Bruce Alldred; Secre- tary-Treasurer, Dave Rick- ard; Directors, Jamie Wright, Dan. Norton, Darreil Pickering, John Sinclair and Del Moore, On Saturday, November l9th the executive helds its second meeting at the Elm- hurst Hotel. The team namne was seiected and approved by the executive, with the Vil- lage of Newcastle being located on the shore of Lake Ontario, the word Lake was expanded to Laker, producing the team namne Newcastle Lakers. The next executive meeting is on Saturday, January 7th, 1978 at the Elmnhurst Hotel. as yet no officiai work bas corne to them over any change or reduction in staff at the detachment. The Regional Police do not take over parking enforce- ments within the area but do intend to support the traffic by-law officer appointed by the municipality. 'Corne the first of the year the yeiiow traffic car of h Regionai Police wiii becorne a familiar sight in the area as weii as the two-tone bluae vehicles. I sis Bt mi b]E Ne (Orono Weekly 'Times, Wednesday. December 7th, 1977-3 Jiecember. A service within Local1 Bowmanvileiie lo en instituted on a triai basis and will serve areas ln the east, 4e w s north and south with the main Recent visitors with Mr. business section. nd Mrs. E. Rainey were The first service to Orono Irs. Rainey's brother Edgar begins on Thursday ileaving cCreary, Brantford, ber the Orono Esates at 9:30 and ster, Mrs. E. Teakie and returning from Bowmanviile on, Lauran, of Toronto. at 4:05 to arrive in Orono at ýUS SERVICE 4:52. The service is to be a triai bus service between provided by Charterways ýrono, Newcastle and Bow- with no cost to the Town. anvilie has received the Ser-vice ln Bowmianville will essin.,g of the Town of cost $384 for the period but ïewcastie council and wiil be will be reduced according to arried out for the month of revenue from customers., 4ca Factory and Cheese -z", House Great Ideas for Christmas Giving CHEDDARCHEESE VARIETYCHEESES MiIdBrick Coiby Medium Caraway Gouda Medium Old Onion Swiss OId 1 Year Garlie Camembert Sharp 21/2 Yea rs Wine Cheddar Smoked Hickor!' imported Jams and .Je nies Smokey Kettie Complete Line of Maple Syrup - Maple Candy Biscuits for Cheese. Maple Butter Gift Boxes of Cheese Etc. First Grade Canadian Honey Honey Butter Cheese Trays Mustbeordered OPEN4.7 DAYSAWEEK forParies3 days in advance HOURS Dec. 21, 22 and 23 - Open 9 - 9 Se Our Dec. 2n - g - 5Selection of Warkworth 1IFT Cheese HouseBO ES NEWCASTLE, N Miles N. of 401BO E ONTARIO on Hwy. 115 & 35 Phone 416-9874339 Dutch Copper, Brass and China @ Cut fromn Canada Grade "A" Beef Blade or Short Rib Roasts Glen Rae 12 Milk The Cool Weather Favorite Stewing Beef Fresbl Miuiced Gjround Pork Cet fromi Canada Grade "'A" Beef Blade bSteaks BURNS 16 oz. pkg. Choppîed Suet RHODES Bread Dough 3 qt. bag 1.391 lb. 1. 15 lb. .98~ lb. .98 pkg..9 x16 oz.,ba 1.25 * Order your Christmas turkey today and ~Ten erfake be sure to have thie brand and veght *i 5 0 1 lb. pkg. COR NIS H 'S Fred McLaughlin NDP candidate rý mul.-O, ....