coming tlfe Last week we reported the rem-oveti from the building theft of parts of the jown early last week. The parts of dlock in the Orono Town Hall. the dlock were found on the The article produced a lot of Partner property to the forth discussion of the dlock during and appear to have been the past week and ail expres- thrown over the fence when sed disappointment in the removed fromn the Orono possibiity that the Town Town Hall. Some damage was dlock was done for. done to the parts but it is However in-speaking withi expected this can be repaired. MVr. Hiarry Mercer~ who has A few smnaller parts are looked after the dlock for a missing but here again it is gsood numiber of years he said felt new parts cani be obtained he hopes to have the diock or made. !n any event the running again sometime in CIock is to run again. the eariy parteof the new year. Last week we had a numnber It now appears the dlock of calis about. the dlock and' was vandalized as the pendu- A'Mr. Clarence Tïfline of Oro- lum and other parts have fa niu okhbis been found along wi,,th exit said thlat it was possible to fixtures wich were also (Continued page 21 CHRSTASDANCE PARTY Sunday evening theý Orono Ballroomn Dance Club whicb hiolds forthi every Sunday evelnng at the Oronio Town Hall helid their Christmas dance party enjoying an evening of dancing, lunch and a social hour. Brian, and Shairon Smnart, dance teachers, addeýd to tbe : evenig wîth a couple of dance demonstrations. l'he class niumbering over twenfty cýouple-s now takes a break unii Janiuary th whien a second session commences. Anyonie wishing to participate in the weekly classes May join at this týime. Everyone wloe MIAY LIE FIR-ST 11N, NORTH AMERICA The Port Hope triple sports complex, arena, swirriming pool and therape-dtic pomay be the first recreation complex in North Amierica to incorporate sol)ar energy and energy conservation tec1hniques as part of the reguilar heating and operating systemn of the comiplex. Tlhe green light has becen given to the commiittee iromn the Town coun.cil to proýceed providfing funds are available from the province and federal government, toi implemnent the use of solar energy techniques. The commnittee will be looking For somne $130,000 i grants for the systemi. The overall cost of the cýomplex is estimnated at $1-7 million. Port Hope citizens and businesse-,s have contributed well ov,.,er $600,000 'L the project to date. A NARROW ESCAPE James Rqout, 20, of Oshawa narrowly escaped death eariy Saturday morniing wvhen a CN freighit train demnolished his car as it became stuck on the tracks west, of Newc1ýastle. Rout was able to jumrp clear just prior to thle impact. OSAACENTRE TO EXPAND, Last week anucm tswere miadýe concerning; a $15 m.ililion xasonpooa for the OsaaCentre. The eýxpaînsionî would add an adiinî50 stores to the pr esent 90 and would injue By store. BACK TOý PLANNING OMTE Last WednesdayI Coeunc. Dykstra atï Reýgïinal Counc> ba d a report oi th'e Ric Constructýi on copay for a pýroposedj mobile horne dev"elopmnt east o 'f Necle lifted fromi the table -where il has rested for a numiber of m.onth1s. The proposai is no 10go ba-_ck to the planning anddelo en commnittee for further cosdea ionan report. Couac Dyktra states that th1e report submit1ted toconcl a INý CASE 'YOU W ERE UNý_AW1ARE1ý Monday right regîiered the largest snow stormL of h yerwith Iitte traffic mnoving during the early hours of the eveninjg. If this snow should stay, whichý is unlikjely it coid be a long winter. Eowever snow is the n.ame of the gamne cornMe winter. Ki1NSMEN DRAWý Th' The Great Pine Ridge Kinsmen draw being ld hi December 13th for sides of" beef will be beld in the Orono Town Hall rather, than in thei Orono Oddfellow's Halljj FUND CONTINUES TO GROW The fund for the Orono arena continues to grow and as of Tuesday the amount has risen to $111,391 in pledges andi cash. Cash amoiýunts to $54,338 wýith pledges amnouniting to, (~l ER ACKRABITSIN I)NTARîr- Mlr. and Mrs. Ken Stephenson of the Newcastle are-a have just returned fromr deer hunting in Pean-.sylvaiýa where Mr-. Stephenison got aj buck. Hîe dlaims he has seen biigger jackl rabbi:ts in Ontario than the d1eer in Pensylvani.1_ bake sale The second Orono Brownies and Guides held a successful bake sale and draw on December 2md operating the venture ou of Hamiltons Insurance Service on the Maiin Street of The group reaiized a sum of $93.00 from the bake sale and W $77.50 from the draw on the hamper of Christmnas goodies. The Brownies and Guides iý ishi to thank al the mothers who helped in donating their time and bak*inig and to those who participated in patroniz- ing their sale. A special thanks is also tendedt[oMrs . Sue Sawyer for the uise of the , premnises. Guide leader, MVrs- Stolk and Brwnies leader, Mrs . Hleard organized 'the sale and Design andtcciqea the Christimasshow last Thurs- igwt draw. annual Orono horticuitural day evenring was outstand- being par Christ.-mas party ÇOýronfi Park Backto.usin Plerhaps the wahra ~ i ha sc-prae with a fal iof sw f or the -ommruniîy Christmnas Party, to be held thiis Sunday at the Orono Park. The party, an anrnual affair, is being sponsored by the Orono and J District Chamn- ber of Commerce. pary ws held as a famnily skating part ai the Orocno, Arena. Due to the fact thlattheic arena is beinýg recLonstructed the event isis year beingc hield at the Orono Park cohinm-en ing at two and (Continutedl page 2) Hydro utiliies under gun t 'he above Nativity r, oïfthe shiow. PrimoArgo blocks The Orono Arenia building comttee has been in7.form-red tha t NewcVastle cement blocks of ten and twelve inch size did not meet C.S.A. requiremenits due b wveb thickness. As a resuit of this information Bei-Con, cýontractîors for the Orono arenia, have noified Newcastle Block domrrpar.y in< Newcastle that they will not Sbotiyaftr te frmtio ofresrucurig.the future. Structures of B3eileville-that, ShorIv aterthe ormtion of rstrcturng.they couild deliver the plannied of the Regioni of Durham Last week eomnmissioners Ail future block construc- precast cement -floor. AI- conlsideain was being giv- from the B3owmanvîlle Hydro tion at the arena wl be with thoughi the precast cernent en, to restructuring local Utility, Newcastle and Orono blocks from Primio Argo in flooring has beeni made the hydro tiflities thr-ougbout the u-tilities 1 met lai Bowmv.ranvilIe Toronto. ; nbet nk rin.Studies have been 10cnieretctigancmpyisubeto ak regin. W onqjer estuctuingand A numnber of weeks ago0 a delivery due to a strike ait the conductedi in other regional specifically the- initiation of a change wa-s made in the plantl. aireaýs-and in some actual regional study for amralga- seiiain o h rn restructfuring has taken mýation. ontrcto t îîowthe-us At the present lim-e mo'st of place. Duiring the discussion dOff: of Newcastle b("locs. Prior to tne steel rmwr is in In Durhamp Regiornantbhing sidjeration was gvn10 om hîs change Primo) Argo place at the ne-ý aïrena andi bsbeen accompiished to- igargoa ytmo uocaebok eebig wr ssiiaedo ce adrstrcuig o o mnical yorm Te aerorked.Future costructionaill dule Wïndui n O ( iC- Thn, -e qrnrtu-1;n ivi- üwe now; revert bac-k t- the use of the auto-elave block fromî Toronto. CHNEIN DESiGN Achange in the specifica- lions for the second-story floor have also !been mnade. The chlange to open-rib steel just was necessitale-d due to the fact that no guarantee'