4-rono) Weekly Times, Wednesday, Novemnber 23rd, 1977 : larke Museum NDP nominations Corner on Decemnber lst You probably all know about - and hopefully approve - our application to acquire the old Kirby School. But perhaps you don't know that we have already received another one of Clarke Town- sip's early buildings this season - fortunately," in an easily managed and space- saving form. 0f course, 'm referring to the beautiful watercolour of the Clarke Cburcb done by Miaureen Remnington wicb was given by tbe Hancock family in memory of John and Mary Modern and Antique NORM FAULKNE R Stouffville 640-5691 EARLGAUSLIN Stouffville 640-3079 ILtteChance Be sure your home is truly protected by a good policy Cafl us now Milison Insurance, .Agency Offc Crner of cburch and Cobledick Street 983-5032 Hancock wbo came from Cornwall in'1864 and settl1ed i n Clarke Township near the church. We are certainly proud to have thîs fine painting of a building which symbolizes community life in Clarke early in those days and we gratefully thank ail the des- cendants of the Hancock family for their donation to the Museum. The Durham-Nortbumber- land New Democratic party are to hold their federal nomination meeting on Dec- ember lst, 1977 in Bowmnan- ville. The meeting will be beld in the Bowmàinville Memorial Park Centre on Liberty Street. Guest speaker for the occasion will'be Cliff Pilkey, presîdent of the Ontario Federation of Labour. Two riding residents to this date have submitted their names as candidates for the nomination of a canididate to represenit the riding in the next federal election for tbe NDP party. Mr. Fred McLaughlin of Janëtville, a teacher, and Mr. John Veldhluis of Newtonville, also a teacher appear to be in the running for the candi- dacy. McLaugblin, 37, is married with a young family of one boy and two girls. He has worked la service industries in Toronto for a number of years. Ia 1969 lie attended Teacber's College, Toronto, and la 1975 received an Honours B.A. in History from York University. He has been teaching since 1970. McLaughlin bas been act- ive in the NDP party and ran in the provincial ridmng of to have to say that Newcastle bas no comment? ". Counc. Hollîday then mov- ed that alternative four be proposed as Newcastle's choice. The motion was seconded by Counc. Dykstra and passed four to two. It was pointed out at the meeting that the road would be a regional road and altbougb the Town bad a preference it was not neces-, sary that their route would be the one finally passed by Regional counicil. Clarke 9Public LIBRARY PHONE 983-5507 Monday, Tuesday, Tbursday and Friday 2:00 to 8.00p-im. Saturday 10: 00 to5: 00 p.mn. Oronio, Ontario The Town councîl on Mon- day after juggling with three proposais for a north-south route into Bowmanville east from 401 highway settled on what was termed alternative four. Alternative four would place highway interchange at the Training School road and travel directly north to the school. The route would be four-la ne from 401 to Higwhay 2 and f'rom that intersection to Mearnis Avenue. North of PUÎMPING OUT SE PTIC TANKS CLAUDE HARNESS (Formerly Bert Tomnkins) L one 8-2552 Introdueing ... IKraft Korner Lfeaturing Mlacrame Supplies * and j made-to-order Macrames and w,,all hanginigs etc. Jans Flîower af Gift Shoppe FOrono 983-9500 Souper Luncheon Specials HeIrp Yourselft to our two soups-of-the-day,, ail you want. Theni choose oire of our four daily specials, enjoy dessert, and finish with tea or coffee ...allforjust $1.95- Perhaps you'd enjoy a brew?.. $.50 with your lunch. And take a look at our new COPPER BOILER LOUNGE NEW DUTCH OVEN IlIy. 115 at Tauntoni Rd., Orono Highway 2 to the school as well as Mearn's Avenue would remain two-lane roads. The Regional Planning Staff bas recommended' a route that would make use of Cemetery Road fromn 401 bigbway to No. 2 and then nortb to swing west to Mearns Avenue. It was felt by tbe planning department that such a route would serve the comnmunity on a better scale and would take somne of the traffic off Liberty Street. The more eastern route, Training School, tbey f elt, would not relieve congestion on Liberty Street. Counc. Dykstra stated that nine proposals bad been placed bef ore council and that it was now timie to make a decision as the matter was comning before the Regional Public Works on Tuesday. He supported alternative four but was unable to get a secondar. He said alternative four bad less impact on the community of a physical nature and as it followed ekisting roads did not cut up the Town's industrial area. As Councillor Dykstra ecould not get support for bis proposai Co)uac. Taylor imov- ed that couacil support alter- native 3, bis choice. This route used cemetery road by-passing the cburch to the east of Higbway No. 2. He also received no support and the motion neyer was seconded. Councillor Allia then moved that alternative 3 be recomn- mended to wbicb Couac. Taylor seconded the motion. Tlhe motion lost on the floor witb two votes in favour and jour opposed. Couac. Dykstra then said that he would surely be asked at the region wbat route the Town favoured, "AiT1 going Brick - Block - Concrete Stone Work apety-Cabinet Work Floors - Tile 983-5441 Orono Victoria and Haliburton in both the 1975 and 1977 provincial elections. He stat- es that only through a collective action and dedi- cation can the present cli- mate in Caniada be reversed. He states that only an NDP governiment can bring this about. Mr. John Veldhuis, 40, of Newtonville, is married with three teenage children afid also a teacher will also have bis namne placed before the meeting. Mr. Veldhuis is principal of the Newtonville Public School with an bonours B.A. from the University of Toronto, LL.B. from Chicago, B. Ed. University of Toronto and M. Ed. from Queens University. He bas had exper- lence in agriculture, business, sales, industry and education. He bas also bad a number of articles published and is president of Save the Envir- oninent from Atomic Pollut- ion. Artful Artifacts, Bountiful. Booze at, the new COPPER BOILER LOUNGE ci Wat Taping-Spray Ceiings Plaster Repair Painting WaIIy Lucyk 983-5518 ORONO Town chooses new entrances off 401 Charles Reid Orono's Licensed Auctioneer Va luator Specialize in Farm Furniture Sales and dates Phone Orono, 983-5914 Phone 623-3377 -FLOWERSWITH FEELING" 162 King Street East Bowmanvit1le WEDDINGS, FUNERALS, HOSPITAL and HOME