OronoEstate issue The transfer of land bet- ween the Town of Newcastle and Home Smnitb in the Orono Estates along with the devel- opment of a commercial area in the Estates bas been resolved to the wishes of those living in the subdivision. Last week agreement was reacbed between the Town and Home Smith with the Town purchasi ng al] remain- ing lands in the Orono Estates owned by Home Smith for a purchase price of $15,fO.OO. This purchase will eliminate the pursuit to establish a commercial area at the entrance to the sub-division and places tbe lot at the south end in the hands of the Town to be continued to be used as a walkway into the Village of Orono. Previously the Town of Newcastle passed a resolut- ion endorsing the transfer of lands between the Town and Home Smith witb the condit- ion that a commercial devel- opment could be undertaken at Robiri's Road. Wben the intention of the scheme be- came known in the sub-divis- ion residents of the area opposed the plan. As a result a public meeting was held in O)rono when Orono Estates residents stated they were definitely opposed to a comn- mercial area being establisb- ed in tbe sub-division. Since that time the Townl bas been negotiating witb the Town of Newcastle and this week Mayor Rickard announ- ced that the negotiations were finalized with the Town pur- cbasing ail lands ow,%ned by Home Smith in the sub- division at a cost of $15,000.00. Mayor Rickard expects that a further meeting wil be called sometime in tne future wben the recent develop- ments will be presented to the residents of the area. During the d evelopment of the Orono Estates somne years ago the lot now used as a walkway was offered to the then Township of Clarke for a sum Of $8,O0.OO. Sunday afternoon the an- nual Remembrance Day ser- vice was belld at the Orono Cenotaph wi.tb a parade being led througb the Main Street from the Orono Oddfellow,ý's Hall to the cenotaph bv the BowmanvIlle Legion Band. briefly at the cenotaph and Along witb servicemen and. led in prayer. Mr. William women the Orono Scouts, Slater read the names of Cubs and Beavers were also those wbo bave fallen in in the parade. battle. Following a two min- Rev. Basil Long spoke utes silence and the Lament played by tbe band variou organizations, clubs and mui icipal organizationis place wreatbs at the Cenotapb. Th parade returnied to tbe Oron Oddfellow's Hall. (i i i <J Orono Weeklyý Times, Wednesday, November 16th, 1177 Pl'%aza Suite entertaioning night Green beit study US for, Village of ýe Newcastle 'he The first draft of a Greeni- Ilt was pointe( flo belt study undertaken this Mary-Jo Hewitt year by the Ganaraska Con- 'Autbority is resp( servation Autbority was pre- tbe protection an( sented to the Natural Resour- ment of water -ces Advlsory Board of tbe wi*thin the w,ýatersb( Authority on IThursday eveù- th&lew3castle Vi' lng hy Mary-Jo Hlewitt. The was under their ji study involves lands in the t was also pointed floodplain along tbree str- development pres eams in the Village, the rease the nieed1 Wilmot, the Graham and the protection and mn Foster. (Continued pa ýd out by that the jonsible for -d manage- resources -ed and that 'ilage area jurisdiction. Jout that as ;sures imc- for active ianlagement age2) Plaza Suite, a comedy, tbe tbird act wben distraugh staged by tbe Bowmianville parents were unable to copE Drama Worksbop last week with the antics of tbei: was a hll.arious success. The daugbter wbo at the time wa.: climax of the evening came in holding up hier wedding cere. lu. WINTA1IIO CM EMENG DIFFERENCE WVITH GRA'NT It bas been learned that Wintario will pay their share to the additions being miade at the Newca stle arena that being an extra room and a new ice mak'ing plant. Additional costs ainounted to $35,000.00. A SlGN 0F WINTER The Board of Education lias completed agreements for snow removal and sanding for their various schools throughout the area. Keith) Hoskins of Orono lias the contract for Clarke High ýnd the Pines while Orono Garden Centre will look after Kirby, Lockharts and Enniskillen. The contract for sniow remnoval at the Orono Publie Sehool went tü Blayne Flint of Bowmaniville. DONATIONS BREAýK OVER $100,000.0 Donationis to the Orono Arena and Community Centre complex lhas just surpassed the $100,000.00 mark as of Tuesday this week. Total amnount tbrough cash and pledges reached $100,499.00 of whicb amiount $46.879.90 is in, cash with $53,620.01n pledges- ILt has been pointed out that numnerous businesses operatmng in the area are now sending in donations. There is stili local canvassing to be completed iJn the Orono area. NEWCASTLE BOK NOW BEING USED According to a recent report Newcastle cernent blocks are now being used in the construction of the new, Orono Arena and Commuinity Centre. Somie bocks from Primo A'ýrio of Toronto wvere used in the start of the operation. S.A letter bas been received from the engineers, Totten, 1ý-s, Hubicki, that they had redrafted the specifications to allow tbe use of the Newcastle blocks. Former specifications called for auto-clave blocks whicb are flot made in Newcastle witb Primo Argo of Toronto being one of the few block companies in the province producing such blocks. It mony. ýe Plaza Suite was presented ýr in Bowmanville High Scbool s Theatre in three acts. The setting was suite 719 in tbe Plaza Hotel on three different occasions being occupied und- er tbree different circumstan- ces. In act one Karen Nash (played by Elizabeth Prower) prepared for the arrivai' of ber busband Sam (AI Nicb- ols) wben she visioned she was about to recapture the expectations of thieir wedding night in the same suite some twenty-eigbt years ago. As the comedy unfolded Sam wbo did arrive was soon to leave for bis secretary. In act two Jesse Kiplinger (Peter Sobiiî a successful producer using the samne suite somne months later enticed a not s0 innocent Mluriel Tate (Iris Hellam) a former bigb school sweetheart to spend tbe evening. The best comedy of the whole evening came tbrough in the tird act witb Helen Nelles playing Norma Hubley and John Amnesbury playing Roy Hubley, the two parents of 'Mimnsey Hubley (Mary Jane Preston) who was about to be married to Borden Eisler (Randy Aldread). Botb Nelles and Amresbury were acceptional in portray- ing the mood of dîstraugbit parents endeavouring to pas- (Conu nueci page z) IaThe Orono'Band wbich ued tbrough the past fewv Hamm, treasurer and direct- fluThed Orono ford many years following the disband- ors Carman Cornish, Bih decarséd n a ndpaed trougb- ingc of the band in Ot-ono, Allîn and Roy Forrester out the area waàs forced to presents a cheque for $814.47 decided that 'the opportunity disband somie years ago due to -Mr. Charles Gray, chair- bas coi-e to close out business to the difficulty of obtaining man of the Arena Fund by depleting the bailk fund to sufficient mnusicians. At the Raising Comrmittee. Tbe don- the new arena. The Orono timie of disbaading tbe band ation from the band to the Band in the past biad always contributed their instruments fund raising committee closes played a big part in the to the Orono Public Scbool out the Band bank accounit annual operation of the fair in and with many being going to and likely the existance of the, Orono and it was feit fitting the Pines at the time of band committee. that the donation sbould go to OPening thîs scbool. r