Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 2 Nov 1977, p. 9

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Monuments, and Famnily Memoria Is Our quality and service leaves nothing ta be desired Ask the persan who bought from us, a neighl bour, friend or rehiti!ve The Rutter Granite Company 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE Phione coillect V.W. BUTTER Office - 885-5216 Home - 885-5522 For prompt, ctLeous, efficient service when buying or selllng and for the largest selection of properties in the area. CONTACT ORONOAREA REPRESENTATIVES Bill Grady 983-5149 William Tura nsky (kendîal) 983-5420 Christa Winterhelt 983-5465 %Charlie Reid 983-5914 John Pritchard 705-944-5519 Pat -Yeo 983-57i2,5 W. FRANK 21. 1 St E ý%jIumiiiinm Prod. Sidîlng - Soffit - Fasia Troug li - Shutters Windows - Doors- Awnings For Free Estimate Nom 11a ndling Vinyl Siding FURNITURE AND UPHOILSTERY REPAIES STEVE'S FURNITURE SIIOP .ER. 1, Orono, Ont. Complete furniture~ refinish, ing. Anitiqlue and modern. STEVE JOHNSON 9831-9630) Expert Ear Piercing PRE-CHIRISTMAliS SPECIAL Ear Piercing, - $8.00, no appointmnent, necessary, plus 10 per cent off first purchase of earrîngs. Gif t certificates available. Hloopers Jewellers Ltd. 29 King St. E., Bowmanville. 623-5747 ARTICLES FOR SALE ANTIQUE CLOCKS Modern watches, and 400- day dlocks repaired. A]1 work guaranteed. Repairs done by Swîss-trained watchmakers. Free estimates available. Hoopers Jewellers Ltd., Bow- mariville. 623-5747. FOR SALE 60' x 12' mobile home located in Newcastle, with 6' x 12' insulated porch, frîdge and stove, utillty shed. For more details cali 987- 5198 after 5:00 p.m. Private deal. 2,9, ac. Beom a I Big Brother Phone 623-6646 HELP IWANTEI) Live-in baby sitter required. To discuass details phone 983-9643. Needed immirediat- HIELP WANTED Mlechanic to work and operate service area ini Bow- manville. Ask for Charlie, 623-6900 or 885-6679. 2,a C. HIELPWA%'!NTED MAINTENANCE PERSON Applications will be receiv- ed by the undersigned until Friday, November 11. 1977, for the position of Mainten- ance Person, schools in the Bowmanville-Newcastle area. Successful applicant must have in depth ground know- ledge and proven ability in oneL o)r more of the foliowing maintenance skills - electri- cal, mnechanical, plumbing, heating, refrigeration or car- pentry. R epy in wriing statng qualifications, add'reSssand telephone numîber toü: MI.A. Mced Business Admnistrator and Treasurer The Nrhmeln and Newcaýst le Board of Euain Box 4170, COBO)URG, OGnt. K9A 4L,2. boree, COMING EVENTS Red Cross Blood Donor Clinic, November 2nd, 1977, 1:ý30 - 8:30 p.m., Lions Centre, Beech St., Bowmanville. 1926e2-a COMING EVENTS Orono Country Jami Sunday, November 6th,2 at the Orono Youth Ci Town Hiall. A 2 hour sho the whole family. A $100, Children $.50. COMING EVENTS Bingo, November î6th, typool Commiunity Cent p.m. Cash prizes. Ge admission $.75. COMING EVENTS Kirby U.C.W. Bazaan Tea, Saturday, Nove sth, at 2 p.m. held inb Centennial School. COMING EVENTS TRENTWAY TOURç SPECIAL XMAS DEPARTURI ta TEXAX - 16 day, depari l7th, 1977 FLORIDA - 16 day, d( Dec. l7th, 1977 DAYTONA BEACH, 9 (night travel), depamt Dei 1977 DAYTONA BEACH, il (na night travel), depart 23, 1977 As well as many winter1 to: FLORIDA-- TEXA CALIFORNIA For details contact: TRENTWAY TOURS I' P.O. Box 772, Peterborough, Ont. K9J 7A2 Phione Toll Free 1-800-461-7615 12. 19,26,: TENDERS Tenders will be receiv( the undersigned until arn. Monda1y, Novemi, 1977 foir thie follow'ing. STAGE DRAPERY - C H'igh Sehool, Newcast.he Specifications may tN tained fromi the officeo M.A. M/acbeod, Business Administrator and Treasurer, The Northumberland' and Newcastle Board of Education, Box 470, COBOURG, Ont. K9A 41 CARD 0F THANKS Please accept our si thanks and appreciatior the kindnesses apd wishes extended our mii Mrs. Rose Youmian.s on 9th birthday. The Family. 2ap. SPECIAL je Al the fish ana chips you can ent, $1.. Tuesday av znd Wednes day by JIM SMITH 2 p.m. Harry worked hard- per- >entre haps hie worked too hard - w for to build is own business. Aduits Over the years, everytbing, including his family, took a 2. ap. back seat to Harry's work. When Harry d'ed, hie Ieft a Pon- lourshing comipany behind. ître, 8 . PHarry's personal incon'rve- emeral nience aside, there was only one problem witb Harry's 2, ac. deatb: no one was left to run tbe company wben be was gone. None of the employees r and knew enough about tbe ape- ember ration to f111 Hiarry's sboes. Kîirby The family bad neyer been 2, ac. deeply involved in Harry's work. And tben tbe govern- ment tax collectors came by LS ta pick the corporate bonies. Another small company 'cosed its doors forever. 0f ahl the problems facing tDec. Canada's small business sec- tor, none is as serious as tbe Lepart problem of succession: who wlll I the sboes of the own- Day er-manager when that owner- ec. 25, manager dies? Large firrns are structured so that replace- 1Day ments are constantly being -t Dec. groomed to take over fromý the top executives. But smaLl tours entrepreneurs are mruchl more independent and for- £S mal structures often terrify them. Sometimes tbe owner- .TD. manager does train a replace- ment. The government, bow- ever, tben throws up anotber hurdle in tbe firm's patb: capital gains taxes and suces- sion duties. The capital gains 2, ac. taxes are assessed by the fe- deral government on tbe es- ed by tate at deatb and succession 10C: 00 duties are imposed by a band- ber 7, fui of Provincial govern- ~ments. Often tb1ese taxes are slr e 50 eavy that the beirs bave no option except ta seil tbe e ob- comnpany ta pay tbe tax of: collector. The provincial govecrn- S ments, -in large part, have been made to understand thic difficulties that deathi taxes create. Most provinces hv abandonned these taxes aft1er receiving a push in thiat dir c- L2. tion from the Canadian Fede- 2, ac. 'n for best other i hem ration of Independent Busi- ness. Recently, the federal goverument bas also begun to make comforting noises about the plight facing the small businessmnan because of capital gains taxes at death. Tony Abbott, the new Minis- ter of State for Small Busi- nes,,s lost littie time in assu- ring small business tbat bis department sympatbizes witb the prablemns of succes- Sion. sie formi of govera- ment cooperatian can be ex-_ pected soon, overdue per- haps, but welcomne nonethe- This assistance is impor- tant to ail Canadians, even those who bhave no direct ties with snaller business. When sm-all business selis out, it norm-ally becomes part of. a conglomerate. Decisions which were made locally by the owner-mnanager are thent made at the foreign head of- fice. And the profits flom out of Canada. Smail business is the heart of the community. The im- portance of succession for smai business is the impor- tance of commfunity survival. sýWedniesday. Novetuber ?Pd. 1977-4, DEATH DUNCAN, Clarence F. - On Sunday, October 9th, 1977. Clarence F. Duncan (former- l58 Vanier Rd., Belis Conr)beloved husband of Corers) Jean and father of John and Don Duncan and Jean Crabbe al of Ottawa. Survived by several Grand- children and Great Grand- c2hildren. Also 2 sisters Mrs. Alice Ransberry of Monitreal and Mrs. Hattie Wilson, Bow- manville. Funeral Service WasZ held from Hulse and Playfair, West Chapel, 1098 Byron Avenue on 'Tuesday. t? Interment Capital Memorial 2, ac. PUMPING OUT SEPT IC TANKS C LAU DE HARNESS ~Formerly B!ert Tomkins), P'hone 786-2552 M!ajtor & Minor flepairs 130TI FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC -ENGINES REBUILT -VALVE JOBS -FRONT ENDS NIANGERIS GARAGE LORONO 98U-5130 Li FOR BUYING or SELLING Let us help) youi with aur experience - it's our- business. Anylimnie is thieright time, if you c an get the pri ce your praperty deserves. Caîl us to-day for a frvee co0nsultation. Buy yours freshand crisp Ma ntosh, Red & Golden Delicious Russets, Spys I Special:- sBa rlefitand qt$1 .95 I Try our Sweet Cider FREDLi'Sc F r uIt MâVa ir ket l-Iighway 115 South of Orono- Is There SmaII Fîrm Lite af ter the Ownerà Deal 1Susan M. Sawyer Hamilt'ons1 I nsu rance Service Office 9351 Homà le 98S3- 5 27 0 Main St.,Oon 1 . ý ý ý , 1 ý-mi ý, - - wi , m ý 1 1 wm- ý 1 1 ý M 1 ý 1 ! M ý iý --- --- 1 1 ý 1

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