8-rono Weekly Times, Wednesday, October 26th, 1977 No hunting iun forest centre a rea An area of no hunting has been declared'in the Ganar- aska Forest by the Authority with approval by the Ministry of Natural Resources. The area affected is in and around the Forest Centre which is being used as an education centre and where students will be entering the forest for study purposes. A two hundreçl acre plot around the Forest Centre has heen declared a no hunting area for twelve months of the year while an additionial area of about 1,400 acres will be posted with no hunting from January lst tii September ist each year. These areas will be clearly marked through brushing and posting. The remainder of-the for- est, some 8000 acres, will continue with hunting permit- ted as in the past. The move was taken as a protection for those attending the Forest Centre. Snowmobi le operators' licence needed A snowmobile may not be operated except on lands occupied by the owner of the snowmobile, unless the oper- ator is twelve years of age or over and is the holder of a Snowmobile Operator Lic- ence or Driver's 'Licence. ing reports of missing and inrjured persons in the hunting areas of the province. If you become lost whîle in the bush there are ten steps everyong should obey to, decrease the chances of înjury and inc- rease the chances of being fouind. We cali these steps the ten coimandmnents of bush survival. 1. Tell someone where you are going and your expected time of return. 2. Carry and know how to use a compass and map, 3.. Carry- emergency food, matches and a good knife. 4. Check your position fre- quently to know where you are. 5. If you become lost don't panic. 6. Stay put. and prepare shelter and fire.. 7'. Prepare three signal fires in a 60 foot triangle, ready for lighting at first sound of an aircraft. 8. Conserve your food sup- ply and strength. 9. If you do leave your shelter, blaze your trail. 10. If you aren't lost, but only delayed, notifty the OPP and your home. C,J. Strachan, No. 5202, Provincial Constable Community Services Officer. Exchange of Iand thought premature A letter has been received Etts by te Ton ofNewcstle Sims said to the best of dated October l4th, 1977 from knowledge the zoning arrý the law firm of Sims Morton Mclnerney and Brady in which David J.D. Sims, comments on the transfer of II lands within the Orono Est- ates subdivision. BEING INVADED MON Sims was replying to a .h . asge h letter to council from Mr. evening is Hallowe'en a Meipoon of Home Smith in pumpkins etc. maket which Meipoon was request- cmunt.Myw s ing that the Town proceed driving this particulare immediately to fulfill the BLACKSTOCK STUDEN conditions of the agreement Joe Vandittelli of B in the trade of lands tri the the Canada Packers Aw Orono Estates. award is presented tc Sims in his letter to council unde rgraduate of the thrc * said he had reviewed the Computer Data proc& agreement and noted that the leadership and characte exchange was not tii take and participation in extr place until the zoning by-law MIXED VOLLEVRALI had been amended and ap- There is in this cor proved by the Ontario Mluni- in which adults may p. cipal Board. Hie also noted volleyball which gets un that Home Smith was to enter Pines Senior Public Scho into a site plan agreement to, take part in this acti pertaining to Block F in the ment had flot been approved by council or the 0MB and therefore the exchange c lands was considered pre-' mature. Council on Monday was ofhs unable to deal with the letters f his- as they did flot complete their en- agenda. ýDAY NIGHT irter and shorter and this Monday again when the ghosts and goblins,' their appearance throughout the suggest you exercise extra care if evening. :T %VINS AWARD Blackstock was awarded on Monday ,ard in an amount of $200.00. The ,o a Durham College studenit, an ree-year Business and Administrator ýssing achievement, qualities of ter, resourcefulness, financial need ra-curricular activities. L BEGINS ommunity a wide choice of activities ?articipate, none the least is mixed anderwvay tonight, Wednesday at the iool at 7:30 p.mn. You will be welcome tivity. Do drop down to the school. The Snowmobile Operator Safety Training Program, sponsored by the Ministry of Transportation and Commun- P rs ications and administered by r o e h mM W t Snowmobile Clubs is under- o e" a i nî way for the coming snow-, Club Instructors throughout Ontario, registered with the Ministry, who are assigning applicants now to courses of l l instruction that will be given Thisiswhat Ontarlosuggest. during the fail and winter months. Snowmobilers, have a Driver's Licence, aret he p o c t encouraged to sign up early. want to take the courseyo h m en gyc ts together, are welcome to register for six hours of What are some of the ways to cut your Ontario Ministry of Consumer and lassroomn study. heating costs? What types of insulation Commercial Relations and the Onta Club Instructors in your are on the market? How should you Ministry of Energy. area will be holding their choose an insulation contractor What The two minisrries are cooperatin classes at one of three times; does "R-value" mean? What is a vapor inform Ontario residents about hoxw during week nigh~ts in three, barrier? proper home insulation cani help off two-hour classes or two, Those are just a few of the important increasing energy costs, and to poirt three-hour classes; on Satur- questions you'Iî find answered in free other ways of conserving energ y. days, the classroom ins truct- publications now available from the Facts about insulation are include ion will last six hours. in the Ministry of Consumer and Many interesting subjects. Commercial Relations' interèsting cover ail the things you need bulletin Insulation: Heat in Your H( to know to write your examin- Money in Your Pocket. " It covers si, ation for your licence. Long matters as: time, as well as novice stemaigo -ateadvp snowmobilers, found te thebarri o -vlean a course material informative and absorbing when they took proper ventilation thi e curse last year. For«* types of insulation material ~eprienced snowmobilers ite how to, check or hm o xs is an excellent refresher insulation course. * g a reliable contractor einformation to help you understar The ntaio afet Leguethe customer- installer contract urges you to talk to your local snowmobile club this week* how to, check the completed job and ask bow you can register ..........For afree copyof the bulletin, writ with one of the Club Instruc- Consumer and Commercial tors in your area. Relations/Home Insulation, Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario M7A 2H6 Ten commandments Larry Grossman, James' Min ister cf I I Ministe foi- survival Consumer and Commercial Relations William in bush With hunting season upo Province of Ontario us again the Ontario Provin- cial Police are again receiv- ion and heat ýeyou money. s iL 1F7 tario ýng to ffset nt out iouse, ;ch :ing nd Lte to: Other ideas on how to, save energy and money are included in'tbe Ministry of Energy's booklet "Energy Conservation: The Choice is Yours. Among the money-saving suggestions: e lowering daytime and night-time temperatures e installing storm.doors and windows * replacing air filters on warm air heating systems once a month & closing window drapes on winter 1nights For your free copy, Write to: Ontario Energy Conservation Programi Ministry of Energy 56 Wellesley Street - lZth Floor Toronto, Ontario M7A 2B7 Taylor, wr of Energy m Davis, Premier