Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 26 Oct 1977, p. 4

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-erono Weeklyý Timies, Wednesday, October 26th, 1977 Mnayor supports public donation plan ~Friday afternoon at a news conference Mayor Rickard of theé Towýn of Newcastle sta ted that he was convinced that fund raising committees con- nected with the Orono Con- miunity, Centre and Arena Complex, the Ncwcastle Vil- lage arena and the SPLASH cotmmittee in Bowmanville could raise a total of $786,794 from the public for their respective works. H1e said the fund raising events must be a total mnicipal effort. H1e could sec no reason why residents 'in other areas, would not support programs in other a rea s. In mnaki ng bis statement the Miayor referred to the success of the Chrstian Reformed School and Church which has been financed~wol through public subscniption as well as the cost of operation. The Mayor said if there exists a short fail re-finiancing rnay bave to be considerod and after three years another compaîga may have to be organized. Rickard said that council bas commitmnents from local committes and thiat the pro- jects have been approved by. the Ontario Municipal Board. As a protec tion during con- A PAINY CAY, IS -ýFi CAP WE 140 ASHEO Ti4E DAYSUCRE. I OonoTowingI nGENEARAL REPAIRS Phone 983-5ý.249 Orono struction liaison commîttees have been set up for both the. Orono and Newcastle pro- jects. Contracts have been let for both the Orono and Newcastle arenas but in the case of the SPLASH project in Bowrnan- ville, an indoor swimrning pool and squash courts, the contract will not bo let until such time as the local comrnittec maises through public subscription a surn of $350,000 for the estimated $600,000 project. The Town expects a sum of $260,000 to be raised through public subscriptions for the Orono project and $176,764 for the Newcastle Village pro- ject. With these sums being raised the Town will receivo grants of $474,360 and $331,916 respectively frorn Wintanio. In the two the Town of Ncw;castlc bas allotted osti- mated sums of $45,705 for Orono and S33,500 for New- castle for engineering and other incidentais. in informn- ation provided on Fridlay no allotrnent was estimated for internim financing which cost is to bé picked up by the Town. The Mayor pointed out that if no public subseniptions were received the Town would bave to debenture a sum of $1,768,070 for tbe three projects which over a twenty year period with interest would amiount to a total cost to Newcastle taxpayers of $4,152,200.00 or $207,610 per year. - 1 1 The annual payment of $207,610 would represent a6. mill rate increase or $18 60 per ycar for a residence as3sessed at $3,ooo.OCo or $24.8o for an asscssment of $4,o0o.0o over a twenty year period. The Mlayor using bis own business, Ceresdale Fertiliz- er, as an examplo said it would be much cheaper for the cornpany,ý to make a sizeable donation to the public subscription t(han hiave COUNCIL TO ASK O.P.P. TO BE EXTRA DILIGENT' ON LESKARD ROAD Continued from page i notqify the concerns of the residents to the Ontario Provincial Police relating to excessive speeds of the grave1 trucks and request thie O.P.P. to be extra diligent in the enforcement of the speed limit on the Leskard road. The Director ani Chairman of the Public Works Commit- tee are to meet with Salco Sandand Gravel Company with a view to seekinig Salco's co-operation in assisting to alleviate the problcmr of the volume of trucek traffic on the Leskard road by havinig the trucks use an alternate route on their return trip. In a report to the committee the Director of Public Works, J. Dunham, said he could flot support a reduction of the specd limit below the present 60 km-b nor did, he feol that approval could be obtained for a' reduction in the speed limit. H1e said if speed were excessive that it was a matter of enforcement of the existing speed imnit. The D)iroctor reporting on the suggestion of a cinder path along Loskard road for some 6,600 feet hie estimated the cost to be $39,000. Further, in this matter he roferred to a former resolution of councîl that such works would have to be under local improvernent cost not accepted by munici- pality). Mr. Dunbarn also reported he had investigated alternate routes but duo to structural inadequacies there was no acceptable alternative. H1e suggestcd that contact be' miade wvitb Siaco to see if c onsideration would be given to reduce trucký traffic on Leskard Road by having the trucks rcturn on, an alternate route. 1le also pointed out that the, Municipality could not enforce the use of alternate routes for returning trucks. the costs carried on taxes. H 1n speaking of the ,operation *I'Ie Canaffian om of the arenas the Mayor said the Orono and Nowýca'stle Iii,% ilatoti ra marenýas would continue to MihO operate under local commiit- m a gu$3 0 tees and as in the past. he Itnow . wotJd hope tbey would bal- C heC .w ance their budgets. Ho said it * wouldi cost the Town Some M mnoney to operate the pro- Are ou ligîleposed indoor pool in Bowman- Are ou ligileville. The mayor said it was uf your home was bult before 1921. you may qualify for a grant the intention to cut costs and of 2,3 the cost of mateiala, up to $350. thus deficits lnaial arenas. ese, this is a rasidential building of three toreys or Ieaaetraedta h * lconstnicted before 192t. Hoe tiaed htte D Vs, i plan to insulate the attie, walls and floors over unheated deficit of the Bowrnanville Space with CMHC accepted "materials.* an Drigtn resfo * ElV, this unit la uaad as a principal rasidence.1976 amonteto ara for oeIf you've answered "Vas" tail threa questions, we'II send along our $120,000 to $140,000.00. Finan- informationfaçiplication kit.M cial statements for the two Please phmt. Thi- you , iIingIabel. arenas show a deficit operat- NAME* ing cost of approxirnately, ADDRESS _________________ $40,000 for Bowmanville and * cîrv$32,000 for the Darlington PROV PCITA CD arena. Costs including deben- I urcs, repairs and operating nglhkt Send to* Canadian Home 1Insulation Progra deficits at Bowmanville St. Laurent, Quebocaontt 10,o adi 0& through your operator cal ol Oect:- * D ~ o$4,O ni TeMayor strongly recorn- nended the support of the GovmmntGoueremntpublic subscription carn- oý Cnadadu Canada canaianHore Po,3rrmn d'aclt'.o thurnqua paigns as a mieans of elirin- Insiation Ptogram des réddo!ces cansdienn.s ating the loss of Wintario Honurale ndé Oellt 'hoorale ilré uefetgrants and added tax costs Miffiser uiistr~e nrOaltdued to possible debenturing *with additional interest char- ges. TO RECOMMENI) PROPOSAL NOT PROCEED Continued from page 1 built between those in Orono Estates with those in the Village property. In speaking of the Orono business section he said the Estates have supported themn and in return we have been lookced after. "Wc are here for one reason"-, he said, whethcr we want a commercial devclopmnent or not want a commercial1 devel- opment on Block F in Orono Estates". We don't want a store, he said, it will be nothing but trouble for us. Mr. Bob Tomkins said he was a businessman and that the people of Orono Fstates did not want a store nor would they use it if it did corne. On nurnerous occasions during the meeting residents of the sub-division said they were deeply concerned of increased traffic in the sub- division'and the safet-Y of children who now live in a quiet secluded environmient. The agreernent to trade lands and to, rezone Block F for commercial use was passed by councili in July of 1977 following a recommend- ation fromi the 1977 council. Neither couincillor Dystra or Mavor Rickard were- able to state just wbat position coun- cil was now; in if they did flot proceed as recomimended by the agreernent. it was sugges- ted that they would have to get legal advice. Councillor Dykstra assured the meeting that those in the area would be notified when the matter cornes before council f'romn his cornmittee. The cornrittee, he said, will rnake a recorn- mendation to couincil. 11e also said hoe would recorn- mend that the trade- of land and rezoning flot be followed up. It was suggested at the meeting that Block F be usedt for residential homnes instead of the commercial develop- ment. Mayor Rickard said he would be afraîd of this as residential dcvelopment was not profitable for the Town. In speaking walkway, could be of Lot 21, the the Mayor said it developied to the SNEAK PREVIEW Contined frorn page i related to the upcoming production of Plaza Suite November 10, Il and l2th at Bowmanvillc High Scbool. Thursday night theatre-goers will be trcatcd to a special event planned by-SPLASH, a, comnmunity group which is point that it could bDe used for cmcrgency veblicles. A resi- dent of the Estates said that if it becomes open for traff ic the subdivision roads could thon be used for through traffic ýwhich they werc opposed to. Counc. Dykstra said the miessage for no commercial developmient has corne throught, strongly and he would tLake this mnessage to his committeo. 1He also thank- cd those attending stating that in many cases thoy cal a meeting and only a few turn up. This bas been a good turnout. hie said, and a gciod discussion. Dykstra also said hie was going to investigate the "For Sale" sign which was placed on Block F as no one adrnitted to having auth- orized the real estate corn- pany to place such a sign on the property. raising funds to build an indoor pool complex for the Town of Newcastle. Tickets for 'Tl>irsday night will h $5.00 and wilI include{, pre-theatre Wine and ChebE" Party at the ticket holders' choice of three bornes, The homes belong to Splash sup- porters who have agreed to open their homes in order that this Opening Night Theatre Party sb ould, be a special event for the participants. Those buying tickets will be able to enjoy an excellent cvcning' of theatre and to support a worthwhile fund- raising project at the sarne Et to Chance Be sure your home i is t ruly protected by a good policyý Cali us nom. Milison Insurance Agency Office: Corner of Church and Cobbledick Street 983-5032 - Announcement - Riýenstra' s Garage (fonuerly Lancaster Garage) Now Open for Business under now ownershlp. Art Rienstra is very pleased to announce the oànership of the business formerly known as S. J. Lancaster Garage. You are cordially invited to drop in and'say hello at any time. FARM EQUIPMENT m l= SALES and SERVICE Mass.y Ferso Monday to Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturdays, 8. 00a. m.to 12 Noon R. R. 2. Newcastle 786-' - w w 2424 Attention FarmeruU. Reasonable Prices SAVE ON SDiesel Fuel SMotfor OuI Plhone 668-3381 Collect 1.517 Dundas St.E, Whitby uXFUE"LOIL CALL US TODAY Openlng Specil Permanent AntiÎ-Freeze 4i - LIMIT 2 PER CUSTOMER - ýo79 GaL

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