Board of education objects to raising additional $1 million The Northumnberland and Newcastle Board of Educat- ion is objecting to the province that it must raise an additional $1 million plus froni taxpayers thiis year for the purpose of assisting with the funding of teacher's superannuations. The Board is also asking endorsement of their opposition from ail other Boards ln the Province. Althougli there did appear some confusion at the meet- ing last Thursday in Cobourg of the Board it did appear that in one way or another the additional $1 million plus would have to lie raised withîn the jurisdiction of the board. In the past the teachers have paid seven per cent of their salaries in to the superannuation fund with the province matching this amount with an equal seven per cent. A recent announce- ment by provincial treasurer Darcy McKeougbh las appear- ed to make Boards of Educat- ions responsible for the por- tion previously paid by the province. In the case of the Northumberland anrd New- castle Board the amount of dollars would be over the $1 million mark. It was noted at the meeting that in Windsor the Board is claiming that education costs will rise by $60 per student within the Windsor systemn under the new terms set out by the province and to maintain the present level of 'education in the systemn. 1Last Wedniesdayevnn Open Hlouse was held at the Orono Public Scliool with a better thani average tr-u of parents. MVr. Simiser, prin- cipal at the school was -well pleased wixth the interest being shown and a num"ber of teacliers commented on the turni-out at the schiool. ï t was an opportunity for parents to talk to teachers and te view students wrk During the course of the evening and prior to a tour of tlie classroomis a presentation was made in support of setiing up a Block Parents programi in Orono). The Block Parent programi was first estaliished in Lon- don i 1968 and since lias been spreadlingtruhu ot A-merica. This chuld safety oriented programr is operated by concerned inidividuals is a non'-prof it orgariizatiori. in the spring of 1977 the programr was first set-up i Bowman- ville and lias the support not only of the Town of Newcastle but also the respective school boards, and the varjous police departmnents within the Town. ,lt was pointed -out at the, meeting that it is the goal of 'the Block Parent Committee to provide approved Block Parent Homes throughout the whole Town of' Newcastle thierefore affording chiîdren tlie opportunity to travel the streets anid feel secure that hepfromi a Block Parent home is ren2dily available. There is a nieed for sucli hmswhen chiîdren i nd themiselvýes sick, hurzt or in trouble at a t1ime when their own parents are not arounid to ta'ke carle of tliem. t was also pointed out lock Homne programis are a deterrentlË to happenings wicicoufld af- fect a child. P'ach home wouId lhave.a Iù x 10 incli white card with (Continued to Dne 3) Successfî bazaar The ladies of the St. Saviours Anglican Churcli in Orono lield a most successful bazaar qnd tea on Satvrdayý afternoon in the Oddfelow S Hall. The event followed the general format of former bazaars and teas. The booths at the bazaar included fliose for special crafts, penny sale booth, home baking, house plants as Well as a vegetable and fruit booth. The tea garden wa-s a busy operation as alwajys is at sucli events. A special draw ,ývfor, a lovely home-made alfgh-an and a bushel of groceries was hield at the end of the bazaar. Mtvrs, Donna Forrester wonr the afghan witlhe she 1o groceriecs being won by Mrs. Marguerite McLaren. Fromr a financial aspect the St. Saviour's ladies topped the previous 1976 bazaar by somne $200.00 and was termied a gieai, siccess. 'The ladies realized a sumn of ý$800).0 from I Orono WveekTie, Wednesday, Octoýber l9th, 1 977 E x plainBio ck parent .Program Arena funds total1 $37,rOOO' account which liring the total to date to aroundJ $37,000-00. Mr. Gray stated 'that ail the lists of namnes have now been circulated and that an ade- quate number of canvassers had provided their timne to conduct the canvass. The commrittee is endeav- ourinig to raise from public suliscriptions a total sum of $265,00o»,0 This amount is to be matclied by grants from Wintario, Community Ser- vices grants, Agricultural grants and a sumr of m-oriies fromi the Town of Newcastle to ra ise a total of ý930,,0(.00) to pyfor the cýomplete arena, communit-y centre and fair buildings complex at the fairgrounds in Orono. Wýork on the pr oject got uniderwvay last Teýsday at the fair grou'nds and is to be completed within thirty-six-, weeks. news The regular meeting of Heather Rebekali Lodge No. 334 was held tuesday", Oct- oher llth. Installation of the new officers was the higllihght of -the evening. - Distiniguished guests were Sister Ana Joies, District Deputy 7President, wýho was introduced by Sister lia Martin; and Lady Nelda Thompson introduced by Sis- ter Olive Milison. These Sîsters were received through a guard of honor and warmnly welcomed by Sister Betty Major, Noble Grand. Sister Maude Cooper, Vice Grand gave a good report of the work of the Visiting Committee. There were invitations rec- eived from Sunshine Lodge, Oshawa, and Mlaybelle Lodge, Bowmnanville to attend their, installatis also an invitation tIo attendf Beehive Lodge birtliday banquet. The follwing officers were very capably installed in a dignified manner' by, Sister Ami Jones and her teamn from Oshawa Lodge No. 3. Jr. P:N.G. - Sister Evelyn Glanville; N.G., Betty Major; V.G. - Violet Sutcliffe; Rec. Secretary, Mae Allen; Finan- cial Secretary, Carol Boyd; Treasurer, Irene Murray; Warden, Doreen Swan; Con- ductor, 'Violet Dunlop; Flag Bearer, Laverne Barrabaîl; Cliaplain, Olive Milîson;ý Mus- ician, lVildred Rainey; R. S. N.-G., lia Martin; L. S.NM.G., Maude Cooper; R. S. V.G., Isabelle Trimmrr, L. S. V.G., Mary Thomnpson; inside Gu ard, Marilyn M1aj- or; Outside Guard, Joyce Major; RSPNGVelma Watson; R.S. Chaplain, Edith Gordon; L.S. Chaplain, Glad- ys Gamrsby; Degree Captain, Ma-e Allen. Sister Ann Jones in a fewv well chosen words thanked the Lodge for her corsa ge and her warm welcome. Sister Jones broughtgreetings from the President of the Rebekah Assembly S ister Jean Bolton. The Noble Grand is a figure, head and needs the constant support of every officer and memnber. Officers are urged to plan on attending every meeting but if it is absolutely impossible to attend please advise your Noble Grand early enougli for lier to get a replacement. Birtliday greetings were extended to Sister Velmna Watson and Brothier Clare Martin. The bazaar is to be held December 3rd and plans are well underway for each booth. Sister Violet Dunlop is the (Continued page 6) MUSCLARDVSTROPHY C ANVAS The Orono Fire Department is to condluct a door to oor Cnnvas tliis Sunday, October 23rd i.n aid of Muscular Dystrophy. The canvas will be held in Orono and area. In the past the local firefigliters have been a supporter of the fund contributing mnonies from their own treasury as well as that donated by local citizens. NEW LOOK-OUT PLATFORMI The Ministry of Natural Resources are constructing a new, look-out platform ai, Look-out 1Hll in the Ganaraska Forest. The growýth of trees in the area have blocked out the view from the hill located east fromr the intersection of Higliwýayv 115 and 35. The new platform will elevate view.ers to a new level above the growý,ingp trees. ,SUPPO)RTS DRINKING ACE The Nor-thumberland and Newcastle Board of Education has supported the raising of the drinking age and voted approval for such a request fromn the Oxford Board of Education. Harry Knapper, superintendent, said hie endorsedI the board's miove as there were some incident at scliool at aift'-r-schiool functiýons cdue to over-consumption of alcohol. PARENT ACTIONGR PMETN A organizational mi-eeting is _being lield in the Orono Public Scehool on October 2citl for the purpose of establisbing aParent Action group conneïccted with the local schaoo. The meeting has been called for 7:00 p.mi. wlien the possi4le funictions and purposes of the group will be outlined and clarified. Ail those interested in the educational systemn in Orono are asked to attend. TO PAINT ORONO WATER TANK The Orono water tank located in the north of the Village next to the Orono Cemetery lias been drained in preparation to painting the tank both inside and outside within the next couple of weeks. During that period of time the water system will operate without the use of the water tank with water being supplied from the two wells in Orono. The total cost of the project is estimated at $11,000.00. AGREE WITH REGIONAL SYSTEM A week and a haîf ago Mayor Garnet Rickard at a news conference said lie was pleased ithi the operational systemn of Regional governm-ent. This was almost like a voice from the wilderness but since that time Larry Hartmier, president of the Beaverton Businessmen's Association lias mnade a similar comment. SCHOOL, ENROLIMENT DOWN According to figures from the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education enrolmnent lias dropped this yeair over that of the same period, September 30th, 1976. On September 391th, 1976 the enrolmnent was 21,727 whîle for 1977 the total enrolment was set at 21,4110. Enrolment this year increased in Secondary Sehools by 63 to a total of 7,921 while enrolmernt in elementary schools dropped by 448 to 13,389 students. O n ASunday evening about a third of the canvassers wlio are canvassing for funds for the new arena complex turn- ed in their monies and pledges, received to date. Tlie meeting was held in the basement of the Orono Town Hall with another sucli meet- ing to lie held on Sunday, October 30th wlien it is expected ah canvassing in the area will be completed. Most canvassers stili have calîs to make. In speaking witli'Mr. Charles Gray on Mvonday' lie said he was somewhiat dissap- pointed in the funds raised to this point but that othier members of the committee feit it was a good return for, the initial meeting. On Sunday canvassers tu .rn- ed in a- sum of1 $25,000.00 in contributions and pledges. Prior to the canvass a sumn of $12,000.00 w,ýas in the special1 Ulm 1 j