:NJp and Down the Book Stacks ADULT Maximum Performance by Laurence Morehous-e and Leonard Gross 1,tbe authors of "Total Fitness" expands their exercises for every area in your life) Champagne Decorating on a Beer Budget by Doreen Roy (affordable ideas witb step by step instructions) How to Survive in Suburbia When Your Heart's in the Himalayas by Gwen Davis <witty sayings te help you overcome everyday drud- gery) The White Lions of Timbavati by Chris McBrîdge (the author bas found a f am ily of white lions, not albinos, bis concern for tbem. Fabuilous photograpbs) Act of God by Charles Templeton (an archaeolo- gist's "find" could change the worlds religions) A Sparrow Fails by Wilbur Smith, (powerful novel set in Africa> Many new ligbt romance novels. JUNIOR Picture Reference Australias by Barry Colett The Facts about a Pop GrouP introduced by Paui McUar- tney. For the Love of Benji 2 by 1. Love (including pictures from the movie) EASY READING AND PICTURE BOOKS I Have a Sister, My Sister is Deaf by Jeanne Whitehouse (in simple language and pictures it shows young children wbat it is like to be deaf) Thie Attic Witcb by Sonia Lisker Wispy the Littlest Witcb by Rosemary Varney. Don't forget to return-your- overdue books this week . .. it ,won't cost you any money. Fine Free Week. Madeleine Hadley. -Kendlal News "Tine eartn 15 and the fulnes the worid and these whe dwf Camn M/-o B<//tIfsCffl O. Cha Electical Ph 983-5546 Oron( B Y PLUMBIN4 Sales an 24 H BIJRNER ÇULF FI Low Tat Phone: Tyrone 263-2 the Lora's The weekend weather for ss thereof Thanksgiving wvas not the best. However in spite of thie rei ther-in." heavy rain on Saturday the Ps - 4 pupils of Mrs. L. Hoy's ana Mrs. C. Fonk's Sunday Schooi classes came to the church on~ Saturday and decorated it CUSTOM beautifully. They had a hiorn F R AMÎIIANG of plenty and even a paper turkey. Then instead of the wgraphicchiidren's story on Suniday morining ail tbe littie folks, took part. Mr. Mark Wagar sang, "There shail Jbe sbow- ers of biessing" accompanied Rev. A. Tizzard announced - the anniversary at Shiiob next r ,VÊWIOM(? Sunday at 2:30 p.m. We are ~I4T/t4T..! al invited to attend to bear ~f 1f .~Rev. J. Peters of omn ville. Tbere-will be ne church or Sunday Scbool at Kendal fTES. ~ next Sunday. The following % Sunday, Ocetober 23rd is 0~-'O~ Kendal Anniversary at 2:30' < t~~' p.m. witb Rev. Eari Nichol, ~ B.A.B.D. as speiai speaker. He is Mrs. Jas. Stevens' father and served as a jmissionary in Korea till the the commumist a rmy overran that country. Rev. A. Tizzard i ttetOtn chose as the topic of bis Contrcting sermon, "Be tbankful". ~ontrcting Then hie calied, "Tbankful for àone wbat? " Perbaps the lO04th or983-5940 Psalm wil tell us part of the io, Otarioanswer. PerhaDs as a survey o. Ontriein Germany found the people Were tbankful, for the Bible; the word of God more ÀM S than anytbing else.Th disciples found that Jesus was Gl - HEATING > always there, tbrougb sun- d Service sine and darkness. Jesus JOUR came eut of the storm at sea, * SERVOCE "Do net be afraid 1 amn bere". NANCING We give thaniks because Jesus beret Rtates is always there in sterm and ~ in sunsbine. Henry Ward, Beecher said, "The thankful .650 heart sweeps througb every heur and fi nds sometbing to -, be thankful for". Mr. Fred Thompson of W att Vancouver, B.C. visited with bis brother Mr. Arthur Tbom- pson and Mr. and Mrs. G. ;ray Ce~Iings Cathcart during the past ter Repair week. Miss C. Steart entertained dnting ber neice Mr. and Mrs. Danny Keene and famiiy for Thanks- e-lucyk giving. 518 ORNG 'Tle United Church Women ~18 RONOmet in the Kendal churcb with visitors there from Newiton- vi P tc w ti ci IV. a, p p F n E il a fi u c fi b a Orono Weekly1 Report on solar heating in Canada vile, Shiioh and Kirby on Wednesday evening, October ,th. Miss C. Stewart the acting President welcomned the visi- tors and opened the meeting with hymn 384, "Corne ye thankfui people corne" ac- companied at the ýiano by Mrs. J. Hellebust. Miss Stew- art read a Thanksgiving prayer. This was followed by psalm 103 and the offering. Four readers gave a special riumber entitled Harvest Blessings. Mrs. M.. Stevens introduced the guest speaker a cousin of ber late husband f rom Bingly in Yorkshire, England. Mrs. Ruby Eagling expres- sed ber pleasure at being witb us in this great country of Canada. She had just retur- ned from a motor trip to Manitoba and she marvelled at the size of our country. Forty-three years ago she had volunteered as a missionary. She had thought of working with Indians or Eskimos but, tbey sent her to Siam. The people did not like that name. They said they were free people their word for free was "Tye" so on the maps tbeir country was namned Tyland. They are light brown and small in stature. Their cli- mate is hbtand wet. Many of. their houses are built on stilts. 0f ten there is a énnal around the garden. They have flont- mng markets. One always buys their chickens alive. Rice is their chief export. Their royal family living i Bangkok was buddhists. Bud- dhism is a hopeless religion. Tbey do have a list of rules something like our ten com- mandments. They try to live a virtuous life so tbey won't becomne perhaps a dog in the next, world. They are in constant fear of evil spirits. One Buddhist doctor'sent bis wife to their bospital because she had a severe heart condition. Unfortunately she died but he was se impressed by the love and kindness shown ber by the staff that he decîded to becomie a Christ- ian. She told us of others who found that Jesus knows our deepest needs. Let us send Christian belpers to work amnoung those far away. Mrs. R. Elliott thanked Mrs. Eag- let for ber most interesting Orono Building Contractor Brick - Block - Concrete Stone Work Carpentry - Cabinet Work Floors - Tile 983-5441 Orono Clarke Public LIBRARY PHONE 983-Z507 Monday, Tuesday, Tbursday and Frlday rimes, Wednesday, October 12th, 1977-5 less than 100 solar beated -homes. SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL LUNG AS- SOCIATION - ITS A MArrER 0F LIFS AND BREATH, Len Marchand released az report whicb predfiets that( solar home heating willl become Yýfîespread in Can-1 ada within 25 years. Tbe report, entitled Solar Home Heating in Canada: Problems and Perspectives, was sponsored by tbe Advan- ced Concepts Centre of the Department of the Environ- ment, and was prepared by Drs. Harold S. Foster and W.R,- Derrick Sewell of the Department of Geograpby, University of Victoria. It reflects the attitudes of f our- teen different socio-economic groups wbo in some way could sway public opinion in favour of solar beating. Included in those poiled were inventors, equipmnent manu- facturers, architeets, build- ers, media personalities, ban- kers, labour leaders, realtors, and officiais of utilities and various levels of government. Most Canadian manufact- urers expect 40 per cent of Canadian housmng to be solar heated by the year 2001' wbereas provincial govern- ment nind utiity officiais address. Then Miss Stewart bad eacb churcb tell the date of their bazaar. Kenda's bazaar is November l2th. We losed the mieeting 'with bymn 197, "Now thank we ail our Ged" foiiowved by a social haîf bour. The Kendal Orange Hall willl be the scene of a home baking sale as well as a rummage sale on Saturday* afternoen, October 22nd com- mencing at one o'clock.__ Mrs. T. Stevens had her son Professer James Stevens, bis wif e and their cildren of Guelpb for Tbanksgiving. Her daugbter (Dlorotby), Mrs. and Mrs. J. Hellebust and famîly, Mrs. R. Eagiing of Bingley, Englaiid and Mrs. E. Walton, ber sister of Winnipeg. pumm m m ntmm m mom mmmmmum :>Special Bargain in *Whisper Knee Highs 1 A special bargaîn in Whisper Knee Righs. * (One pair FREE). The price is only 3 pair for $1.58 * Colours cinnamon and soft beige only., *Knitted Mitts Kaitted Mitts lu ail sizes. Ski Gloves in black, white and red combination in smoeth vinyl and also in *a brown Swede-type finish. Mitts in better quality and Ski Mitts.I *A Real Bargain *for the Men -I M/en's Pants that are a real bargain. They are * selling at the low price of $950 or es * Aise a few boy's Tops are seling cbeap.I Quite a number of items have been adIded f0 * our size 2 to 6x section of the store. ARMSTRONGSI Phione 621-3377 "FLOWERS WITH FEELING" 162 Kîng Street East Bowmanville FRESUI & DRIED FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS for WED»DINGS. FUNERALS, HOSPITAL and HOME BEV. & 7AL. ANDERSON lu * Town of Newcastle * NOIC à of Public Meeting *DATE: *Wednesday, cobr19, * M Ibe I 1977 TIME: 7:30 p.m. *PLACE:, Orono Town Halli SUBJECT: Propoged property exchange betweenq the *Town of Newcastle andi Glen Abby Po * perty Corporation and Rezoning of Block * "F", Plan 693 (Oron Estates).I m. mI mm anticipate that only 10 per cent of ail homes wili be solar heated by the same date. However, ail groups indicated tbat they expected solar he4tinig to mnevitably hic- rease. To date lu Canada there are