Fori There certainly ia JJULUIII the site with te remeval of auu ,covvi u. too exciting about a construc- the former ice pad in prepar- The $777,300 contract foIr tion site as that pictured ation for a new ice pad as well the new building is expected above~ being the site for the as the structure of the new to take thirty-six weeks to new arena and community complex. By noon Tuesday complete and to save trouble centre complex. However oni the old ice pad had been working this out the date for Tuesday activity started at. removed, pushed to the soutb completion is to be June lSth or there-abouts. Q)ronio Weekly Timnes, Wdnsay ctober l2th, 1977 Athough no definite indication has yet been noted by the finance committee concerning the canvass for funds for the new Orono arena the chairmnan, Charles Gray, said on Tuesday that everythinig appears to be progressing well. He noteci that somre have yet to be canvassed and stated that al lists bad flot yet been'handed over to canvassers. He saîd it would take longer than- the two week period initîally set aàside for the çcan vass. More details are expected by next week following a Sunday meeting of alI canvassers. WINS GOLD MEDAL IN JUDO Fifteen year old John Sutherland of R.R. 1, Orono brought, esteem to himiself and the Clarke Judo Club on Saturday wimning a Gold Medal in a cross-Canada Judo championship held in Toronto. John wvas eutered in the 145 pound class and is a promising member of 'the Clarke Judo Club which holds forth in the Orono Town Hall every Saturclay morning. ST. IMARY'S OPENED St. Mary's School ini the Port Hope agrea reopened on Tuesday after being closed for a period of 22 months dlue to the presence of radon gas. 220 students returned to the sehool. Lt is estimated that close to $400,000 was spent to clear the property of the threat of radon gans. THE PIG PEN - A RESTAURANT? A couple of weeks ago Mr. Don Staples, a local producer of pork, paid this office a visit following attending a meeting of the Ontario Pork Producers in Toronto. "Tbink of it"ý, he said, "The PigPen in neon lights above a restaurant." 0f course the. restaurarut, The Pig Pen, will feature pork, hanm on a sesame, bacon on a bun, etc. etc. Don explains we have our steak house-s, chicken outlets but nothing for pork. The Pork Producers gave approval to establish the first pork restaurtaut to be Iuiown as "The Pig Pen". The first such establishment wil be in the Toronto area and will operate as a quick serve restaurant. If it is a success the Producers intend to establisb a franchise and have the pork tidbits served tbroughout the province and further afield if profitable. MEETING FOR ARENA CANVASSERS A meeting is to be held in the Orono Town Hall on Sttnday, October l6tb to which ail canvassers for the new arena fund are asked to attend. The meeting to get underway at 7:00 p.m. WARM UP 'WOOLLIES The 1978 edition of The Old Farmer's Almanac, just published, predicts another winter as cold and as white as last year. Florida is to have a bard freeze in Decçmber according to the Almianac. These predietions apparently are based on a sunspot formula datîng back to 17~92. This ne fpie as no such formula otber than th>e red squirrels -e stripped an extremely heavy crop of cones from the chpine trees this faî11. SNAC(K BARS DEPLETING Snack Baurs at the M\,ospoýrt Track appear to be on their way ont. At one time there were sixteen which1 is now down (ContinuLed page 2> Last Tbursday in the Vil- lage of Newicastle the first phase of the Environmenital Assessment Board bearings relating to, plans by Eldorado Nuclear Ltd. to construct a Uranium Hexafeluoride refin- ery at Port Granby ended. John Klenavic, chairman of the heariug board, said h expects the board will have its report sometimne between November l5th and early Janutary. The technical phase of the hearing bas yet to be held nor bas any date been set for the second phase of the hearing, Close to seventy submris- sions and verbal presenta- honoured bý The memory of ue man, with former ties to Orono, who helped give wings to Canadian prospecting was honoured Tuesday by Natural Resources Minister Frank S. Miller at the unveiling of a commemorative plaque in Marmora Village Park in the County of Hastings. The late Harold Colman "Rick" Rickaby retired in 1960 after a record 22 years as Deputy Minister of Mines for the Province of Ontario. Mr. Rickaby was born in Orono at bis residence on Cob Hill. Be received bis early education at the Orono Public School and attended bigh sehool in Newcastle. He also taught for a short period at tee former Antioch school, and was a teacher at Barrie. Mr. Rickaby enrolled in the University of Toronto in 1915. Mm tions wxere made before the board during the eighti days of the hearing. Tbe majority of the submissions eitber were opposed outrigbit and concer- ned with some form o(f the developmnentL. Support for the project did corne fromr labour wvith the view of additional 3o1bs5ilu'the àrea as well' as from tbe Town of Port Hope who stated teat Eldorado bad been a good resident of the Town over the years. The Town of Newcastle submission was recorded in the latter part of tbe bearing by Mr. John Willms, a Toronto lawyer hired by (Continued to oagýe 3) During the World War 1, he was decorated witb the Croix de Guerre. Af ter graduation in 1922 be was a researcb assistant at the University of Toronto and the following year was awarded a Master of Arts degree. The plaque inscription, un- veîled on Tuesday, reads: -He was largely responsibe for the first government airborne magnetic survey in Ontario (1949)." Symbolically, the plaque itself is mounted on an eigbt-ton cbunk of magnetite - magnetic iron ore - from the (Continued page z)~ ini Toronto area The Quebec Monks who were refused a rezoning in Caven Township to enable them to build a monastery lu the Township by Cavan coun- cil are now reported to be locating west of Toronto. It bas been reported tbat they bave made an of fer to puirchase and that the offer bas been accepted. The report came from a spokesman for tbe Cisterician Order's mon- astery at Oka, Quebec, some 50 kilometers west of Mont- real. The exact location of the néw monastery bas flot been given otber than it is a former oprhanage west of Metro. Ganaraska camp reacly for students The Ganaraska Forest Cen- tre camp and educational program is now alI set to receive students from the area for weekly programs starting the early part of November. The camp located north- east of Kendal in Hope Township was obtained from the Ministry of Correctional Services in late 1976 wbich at that timne was known as Cold Spriýngs camp and used by., Correctional Services as an, outdoor camp for boys from the Great Pine Ridge School in Bowmanville. During 1977 the Ganaraska Conservation Autbority witb assistance from the Mlinistry of Natural 'Resources bas re-equijpped the camp with new kitcjen equtppnent, new beds, dressers and the addi- tion of a new washroomn in order tbat tbe camp can be co-educational. The entire camp bas been redecorated and repainted. Miss Kelly Ballantyne was hired lu late 1976 as co-ordin- ator for the camp, to prepare an educational programn for students and to approacb the two scbool boards in the area to gain their backing for tbe program and theý use of the forest centre camp as an educational experience Ln the midst of some 10,000 acres of forrested lands. Both the North umwberland and Newcastle Board of Education and the Separate Scbool Board have giveni their- àpproval of tee programn with tbe former designating the centre as ani educational centre maiking. it possible that husing to, and from the camp is a grantable expendfiture. The educationial programi and'( renovations have botb advanced according to scbe- dulewitb tbe camp now in a position to accept-students on a residential 'basis. During the 1977-78 scbool year four- teen weeks were set aside for residential use. This will be expanded to over forty weeks inî 1978-79. In speaking witb Miss Ballantyne she states teat al the fourteen weeks are book- ed for fthis year and she sees -.(Çontinued to ýpage_ 3) . Pictured above is thé M & consecutive year for tbe teamn Cullough, Don Mercer, Randy Cullough, statistician, Har- M Lobb Balil team which to bold tee championship in Thom)(,pson, John Witheridge, vey Partner, Stani Greene and recently won tee league Lobb Baîl1. and David Staples. Bottom Dean ox Missiug fo the chamypionship in the Town,,i of Top, row, left to right, Jim row, Bill Hansen, Grant Yeo, picture are Ric2k Patterson, Newcastle. This is the second Moffat, Gary Cox, Pete Mic- Myles MlacLeod, Linda Mc Tom MfftBob) O'Neil and Tom Reed.