6-rono Weekly Times, Wednesday, October 5th. 1977 THF.V (ROWV THEM,, BIG IN KENDAL LocalIs to attend judo championships Messrs. Raymond Wil-son and Randy Mlacbeod of Orono will be guest officiais at the Second Annual Women's Can- adian Judo Chamnpionship. The chamnpionship is being held in Oshawa at the Donevan Collegiate on Oct- ober 29tLh. Both men are xell known in the area for their Sexperience in Judo and are active in the local Judo club. Not only wýil the two be part of the organization of the annual event but some of thÏeir students AI take part in the comipetition.- Th ese stu- dents practice weekly at the Oroo Town Hall on Saturday mornings. Mr. Wilson and Mr MlacLeod are black beit holders. The event in Oshawa lateiý this month will be used as a mneans to select ,vomen rep- resentlatives for the 1978 pan, Americani games, the World Charnpionships and any inter- national event schedluled by the Canadian organization. Asking help from Fred Winn of Kendal dis- length but. weigh over two they are sound tbroughout but pînys some of the large ones pounds. Fred explains that few bousewifes now want a grown by hlm in Kendal this the recent wet weather spur- large potatoe. year. Not only do they red tbe growth of potatoes in He does report a good measure over seven inches in, recent weeks and even tbough potatoe crop. Kendal1 News We had twice as mucb rain as normal in August. Then we have bad tbe cloudiest Sep- tember since records began in 1882. One newscaster said, "Tbirty days bath Septemb- ber, and it seemed as if it rained everyone of them." In 1945 fourteen farmers at Erna, Ontario purcbased a corn cutting machine that not only cut the standing corn but also cut it into small pieces and blew it into a wagon that ' followed along behind. It worked perfectiy for the first farmers on the list. Then it began to rain So between the rainy days t.1hey pulled it witb' two tractors througb the mud. *But more ramn came until everythinig was stuck in the mud. The fourteen farmers got sickles, butcher knives even hoes and went out inito the Iast two farmers fields and eut the corn by band. On Sunday morning several large flocks of wild geese flew south but earlier in the morning about a dozen alîght- ed on the wheat field south of Mn. Lawrence Greenwood's barn, laten tbey circled and alîghted whene corn bad been cut around the field farther east. Somne Canada geese are becoming tame. On Saturday afternoon Oct- ober lst, 1977 a very pretty weddiag took place la Kendal cburcb when Neisha Ann daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Neal, Kendal, became the bride of Ronald Douglas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mumnby of Belleville. The maid of bonour was Monica Wilson and the bridesmaids were Cindy Neal and Maleen Braun. The pretty littie flow- er girl was Kari Lynn Campbell and the ring bearer Trever Braun. The best man was Ray Braun and the ushens Kenny Neal and Terry Mumby. Mrs. Everett Brown aunt of tbe bridge pnovided the weddiag music. The reception was beld in Tyrone Hall. Rev. A. Tizzard nead from St. Mattbew 14:13-21. The story of the feeding'of the f ive thousand. The subject of bis sermon was "Need and Love". A littie lad gave ail the lunch be bad saying take it Lord, do what you wish witb it. So love was able to supply their need, Jesus saicl, "To al those that co)me to me, 1 will give Eternal Life". Our Kendal Anniversary Service wîll be October 23rd a t 2:30 p.m. Tbe speaker will be Rev. Earle Nichol, M.A.- B.D. wbo served on the mission field of Korea. The Male Choir will provide tbe music. The U.C.W. bazaar wilbe Saturday afteraoon, November l2tb. The busy town of Liadsay on the edge of the Kawartba Lakes was at first, a smal haiet known as Purdy's Mill after a family wbo operated a grist mil. Tbe name was changed to Lindsay when a sunveyor of that naine died hene and was buried in the town. Tbis event was in 1833 when tbe population of the newly named town was just tbirty people. That was tbe same year that Kendal began with the arrivai of Robent Cascadden wbo bad eight sons and two daughters. They bad been twenty four weeks on the Atlantic driven almost back again by cotrary winds. Ris wife Flora Dean was huried at sea. The Carscaddea homestead is now a Provinc- ial Park just west of the Village. Seniors Want somnewhere to go, Mr. Leomard Venning of Bowmanville representing ninety-nine seniors in Bow- manville told counicil on Monday aight that the group wanted somewhene to go. We want a place like Oshawa, said Venniag. We waat a recreation club wbere one could have a game of pool, crochet with a kitchen at- tached. local M.RP In a letter to couacil from their lawyer, David Sims, it was pointed out that the Town of Newcastle had received a deed of land from the CNR, Wlminter sports enrolment drops Winter sports such as figure skating and hockey in Orono is witnessing a big decrease in enrolment this year. It is feit that the major cause is due to the fact that Orono will flot have an arena this year and that ail such sports for local children must take place at 'the Darlington arena. In hockey enrolment has decreased to baîf what it was last year. Some 95 to 100 boys have enrolled to play this year compared to 175 to 1801 last year when use of the Orono arena was permitted on a temporary basis for the winter. The largest decrease came in the Novice and Tyke teams as well as those of Midget wh,,rere onfly a few have enrolled. There will however be one Novice and one Tyke? team. In the Atomi division Orono expects to ice both an O.M.H.A. team as well as a house league teamn. This will also happen in the Pee Wee, division where two teams will play under the sponsorship of the Orono Atbletic Assoc- iation. There is to be one Bantama team and one Midget team witb botb playing ln the O.M.H.A. The Oi'bno Athletic Assoc- iation bas been allotted ice time at the Darlington arena every Monday night and Saturtiay afternoon. The first use of the ice came on Monday night-and will con- tinue on the two periods a wee during the winter season. The Orono Skating Club has experienced a dramatic drop ini enrolment this vear. This Venning said tbey tbought they *had a place in the Bowling green building but' have fouad that it is much too small. "We don't want to run 2round la cars.. we want a centre,"lhe said. "You will be seniors before very long, " be said, "think about it". Council members showed somne interest ini the presenta- tion and referred the matter to the Property committee for further consideration. club will also use the ice at the Darlington arena. Fnom reports it appeans tbat enrolment is down in winter sports throughout the ýP. relating to a portion of Station Street west of the Main Street of Orono. The Town has been seeking this deed in relation- ship to the proposed Senior Citizens development west of Orono. Further in bis letter to council Sims stated that the acquistion of other lands for big strain on the family budget. area inclucllng tme TOWn oi Bowmanville over prevîous years. Some familles ire finding the cost of equipment and facilities are placinýg a the road from the Ministry of Natural R'esources was not mnoving ahead at al. "The hiold-up appears to be the settling of the survey for the wvater course that the Miinis. try wishes to protect," stated the letter. There bas been no acceptance that a survey byv 1Mr. M. Berown bas been acceptable. The wvriter suggested that council ask MAr. Sam Cureatz to intervene directly. Council authorized the con- tacting of Mr. Cureatz in-this matter asking that he contact Mr. C. R.. Gray, district manager at Lindsay. Council was also requestedi to consider the subsidizing of rents in the proposed Senior Citizens developm-ent. IHe pointed out- CHMC had re- commended that 4C percent of the units be subsidized units, seven percent by the province and seven percent by the Town of Newcastle. This matter was referred to the finance committee for further consideration. BYAMS PLUMBING- HEATING Sales and Service 24 HOUR BURNER SERVOCE GULF FINANCING Low Interest Rates Phone. ob Tyrone 263-2650 Gu Ne-OTICE 0F APPLICATION by the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle To Dispense with a Vote of the Electors TAKE NOTICE THAT: 1. The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle intends to apply to The Ontario Municipal Board for approval of an extension -to the Public Works Building at Hampton at an estimated cost of $235,000. which amounit shaîl be raised by the sale of debentures payable out of the general rate over a period not exceeding 20 years. 2. Application will be made to The Ontario Municipal Board for an order to dispense with the assent of the electors to the undertaking of the said works. Any ratepayer may, within twenty-one days af ter the f i rst publi!cation of th is notice, send by post prepaid to the Clerk of the Town of Newcastle, at the address giveri below, "a notice in writtng stating his objection to such approval and the grounds of such objection. 3. The Ontario Municipal Board may order pursuant to the statute that the assent of the eleétors shall ot be required and may approve of the said works, but before doing so it may appoint a time and place for a public hearing when any objections will be cons idered. DATED at the Town of Newcastle this 5th day of October, 1977. J. M. Mcl11roy, A. M. C.T. Town Clerk, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. LI C 3A6