Orono Weekly Uines, Wednesday, October 5th, 19775 after their walk for the braved the elements in sup- chiurch ini a drizzling rain for port of the Outreach program the whole period of the walk. for the Anglican Church. Some thirty-eight wlkers WaIk-A-Thon., a wet experience Twenty-nine walkers from the combined congregations of St. Georges, Newcastle and St. Saviours, Oronio, braved the elemnents and completed the 15 kilometre route on Saturday, October lst, 1977 in aid of the Annual Anglican Outreach Project. The walkers both sexes and ail ages, met at the Rectory in Newcastle. The weather was not favourable but everyone decided to go ahead rather than postpone the event for another week or so. After hot chocolate or coffee was ser- yod. The Rev. A. H-aldenby started us off with a prayer for a successful and safe walkathon. Two and one hall hours later the first walkers having passed tbrough the check points arrived at St. Saviours Anglican Church Hall where hot coffee, sand- wiches and doughnuts await- ed the hungry and wet ýwalkers. No one seemed too exhausted and ail appeared to be in good sprits after the event. When aIl money is turned in approximately $500 will be realized. Not a bad effort for a rainey Saturday morning. Our thanks go out to those many people who help- ed in many ways to make this possible. To Truckers: Re Your Drivers Licences. If you drive a truck over 18,000 pou nds or towj a vehicle over 10,000 pounds. Yo umust haveyour drivers licence convertedi to the properclassifi ca- tion by January 31, 1978. After January 31, 1978, you wiII need to be retested, usîng the appropriate vehici e, before a new licence can be issued. Further information is available at your local Ministry of Trans- portation and Communications Driver Licence Issuing Office. Ontario Ministry of Transportation and Communications Hon. James Snow, Minister Harold Gilbert, Deputy M inister i i i-aineaand rained and e three young girls from ,castle, Linda Vanider- ritario ogri e Ganaraska Region ervation Authority will ive an Ontario grant of 50 for the purchase of an tional 225 acres in the iaraska Forest, Natural ,ources Minister Frank S. or announcod today. he Ganaraska Forest now sIsts of 11,000 acres of eh 10,000 are owned by the hority. Various other ts are owned by the istry of Natural fZesour- and the Peterborough [nty. The ongoing program ýand acquisition will ulti- ely lead to the establish- t of the 20,000-acre Gan- ska Forest. ast weok the Authority ed a land transfer agree- t with the Region of haîra in which 1,40e. acres stoop, Kari;e 1-ldyma d si an'. u.y as .vy lvaixe Colleen Wýelter, even covered last Saturday for the 197, wihgreen garbage bags, are Outreach programn. a nt for OooBidn iurchiase Cnrco in north Hope and the Town of Newcastle is under the ownor- ship of the Ganaraska with management being under- taken by the Ministry of Natural Resources. The Auth- ority is considering soeking a parcol adjomîing the forests now owned by Peterborough County. Theoecrrentl purchase of 225 acres in the Town of Newcas- tle, Regional Municipality of Durham, represonts a total cost of $129,700. The prope rty will be used as an activity centre for the southwAestorn section of Gan- araska Forest. Minimal dev- elopment is proposed and will include trail devlopment as part of the forest network. Road access, parking and was-hrooms wvil also be in- cluded. Wi*lfo and forest management will büe undor- taken on the site. I Brick - Block - Concrete1 Stone Work Carpenltry - Cabinet Work Floors - Tl.e 983-M41 Orono Clarke Public LU BRARY PHONE 983-51507 Monda.yTuesday," Thursday and Friday 2: 00 to 8:-00 P. M Satuirday JO: IOlto5: 00 p.!m'. Orono, ontalo 1 SALE Winter Jackets We are clearîng men's nylon winter Iackets (on racks) withI ..............quilted or borge lining for $16.80; also a few boy's winter jackets.* Prices as marked. Clearing winter jackets andI *snow suits for age group 2 yirs. 6x * yrs. at 1/2 price. Ladies' Dresses Our latest shipment of ladies'" dresses are smart new styles and I eaonably priced. We have some * large sizes. I Blue Denim We have a new boit of ~ot, * <dark blue denim 36" wide. Price I $2.25 a yard * ARMSTRONGSi Kim Mvitceli, Sharon Sim- pson and Shelley Gray are drying out at St. Saviours Church Saturday morning