Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 5 Oct 1977, p. 9

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Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, October 5thï 1977-9 M=IN VET WORK WANTED WORK %WAN TED HELP WANTED TENDERS OIGE NT MAINTENANCE PERSON SALE 0F SCHOOLS Wood and stone carving Ear piercing service. Peter Sùtherlnd Applications wili be receiv- BY TENDER demonstration by Michael Phoew 623-747 for appoint- I*'~ 4î.1k-qt fiqA,.+. - Hooper's Jeweliers Ltd. For prompt, rteous, efficient service when buying or seliing and for the largest selection of properties in the area. CONTACT,. ORONO AREA REPRE'SENTATIVES Bill Grady 983-5149 William Turansky (kendal) 983-5420 Christa Winterhelt 983-5465 Charlie Reid 983-5914 John Pritchard I 705-944-55 19 Pat Yen 983-5725 W. FRANK tEAL ESTATE LI MITED 234 King StE. BOWMAN VILLE tu23-3393 Monuments and Family Memoria Is Our quality and service leaves nothing te be desired Ask the person who bought fromn us, a neigh heur, f riend or relative The Rutter Granite Company il 1 lurninmProd. Sidng - Soffit - Fasia Trou -_l1 - Shiutters Windom-s - Doors - Awnings vor Free Estimate Nom, landling Vinyl Siding FURNITURE AND U-PHOLiSTERY REPAIRS STE VE'S FURNITURE SHOP R.R. 1, Orono, Ont. Complete furniture' refinish- ing. Antique and modern. STEVE JOHNSON 983-9630 SWIMMING POOLS FOR SALE_ 1977 Modeis slightîy acrat- chd in transport. Fuiiy warranted, complete with pump, motor, filter, fencing, walkway and deck. Suggested retail price $2,295. Now avail- able at $1,288. No payments until 1978. Immediate dellv- ery and installation. Cal colleet anytime 1-416-663-9508. SWIMMING POOLS TORENT Wili lease and instail for homeowner, famiiy size with alurninum swimming pool wîth patio. Choice of styles meeting ail fencing regulat- ions on a one, two, or three year rentai basis with option to own.. No payments till 1978.~ Try before you buy! Cali coliect any . Urne 1-4161-663- 9508. ARTICLES FOR SALE ANTIQUE CLOCKS Modern watches, and 400- day dlocks repaired. Ahl work guaranteed. Repairs done by Swiss-trained watchmakers. Free estimates available. Hoopers.Jeweilers Ltd., Bow- manville. 623-5747. FOR SALE 1972 Honda, CB 500, wil certify. Phone 983-9589. 5, ac. FOR SALE 1968 Suzuki Trail and Road Bike, 88 c.c. $12,5.00. Cali after F5: 00 P. M. 983-5014. HELP MWANTED Live-in babysîtter required. To discuss details phone 983-9643. Needed immediat- ely. 21,tf HELP WANTED TENDERS SNOW PLOWING Applications wili be receiv- ed hy the undersigned until Friday, October 14, 1977, for snow removal and sandin)g of school driveways and parking areas. Apply in writing stating the type of equipment and the number of units available together with the namnes of schools in which you are interested in servicing. M.A. NMacLeod, Business Aclministrator and Treasurer, The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education, Box 470, COBOURG, Ont. K9a 4L2. 28, 5, ac. 0. Chatterton Electrical Contracting Phone 983-5546 or 983-5910 Orono, Ontario luiay t AeUdi 1itis arts Crafts and Antiques, Satur- day, October 8th. Please joîn us for our final week of the 1977 season. ed by the undersigned until Wednesday, October 12, 1977, for the position of Mainten- ance Person for the schools in the Bowmanville-Newcastie area. Successful Applicant must have in depth background knowledge and proven ability in one or more of the following maintenance skiils - electri- cal, mechanicai, piumbing, heating, refrigeration or car- pentry. Reply in writing stating qualifications, address and telephone number' to: M.A. MacLeod, Business Administrator and Treasurer, The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education, Box 470, COBOURG, Ont. K9A 4L2. 5,12, ac. NOTICE WALK-A-THON Walk-A-Thon money wiil be coilected on Thursday even- ing, October 6th at the Orono Town hall from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. 5. ac. NOTICE Dr. A.F. McKenzie's office will be closed October 8th to l6th inclusive. 5, 12, ac. NOTICE CLARKE PUBLIC LIBRARY Fine Free Week, Thursday, October- 6th to Thursday, October l3th. Return those long overdue books and it won't cost you a penny - please. 5, ac. NOTICE The Senior Citizens wil hold their meeting on Thurs- day evening, October 6th at 8 p.m. at the Oddfeiiows Hall. 5, ap. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Charles Herbert Frpste, late of Orono, Ontario. AIl persons having dlaims against the estate of Charles Herbert Froste who died February 2nd, 1977, are hereby required to send full particulars of such dlaimas to the undersigned on or before the 27th day of October, 1977, after which date the estate assets will be distribuited having regard only toi daims that have been received and the undersigned wili not be liable to any person of whose dlaims she shall not then have nlotice. Elizabeth Froste, Executrix of Estate of Charles Herbert Froste, Executrix by her solici tors, Lovekin and Ewert, Barristers and Solicitors, Box 9, Newcastle, Ont. Loa LHO 5, 12,19, ac. BIRTH Carol and John Coulson annourice the arrivai of their son Christopher John. Grand- parents are Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Coulson, Scarborough and Mr. and MIrs. John Caldwvell, Orono. 5, ap. IN MEMORIAM JONCKHEýERE - In loving memory of my very dear husband Eugeen, who passed away October 4th, 1974. Dear Eugeen I wathched you suffer I watched you die Ail I could do was just stand by, When the time came I suffered too. For you neyer deserved What you went through God took your hand, we bad to part He eased your pain and broke my heart You feulla sleep without goodbye. But memories of you wili neyer die To your resting place I visit and place your flowers with care, But no one knows the heart- ache . When I walk away and leave you there. Deariy ioved and neyer to be forgotten by your always loving wife. Eugemie Jonckheere. 5, ap. SPECIAL Ail the fish and chips you can eat, $1.85. Tuesday and Wednes- Vda ys. Nom's Kitclen f main St., rn 93-5310 The following closed school properties are to be offered f or sale by public tender: I.. .Bethesda School Pt. Lot 10, Conç ' 6, former Darlington Township. Town of Newcastle. Lot size 1.04 acres, one classroom, brick veneer building, with wash- rooms and carport. 2.. Soina School Pt. Lot 25, Conc. 5, former Darlington Township, Town of 'Newcastle, Village of Solina. Lot size 1.25 acres, 2 classrooms, brick building. 3..;.Bewdley School Pt. Lot 29 and 30, Con c. 7, Hamilton Township, Lot size 1.75 acres, 2 classrooms, cernent block building plus frame portable. Conditions of Sale 1. Deposit of 10 per cent of each tender by certified cheque payable to The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Edu- cation, to accornpany ten- der. 2. Successful bidders must arrange to pay balance in cash within 60 days of tender closing. 3. The Board reserves the right to reject any or al tenders. 4. Separate tenders to be subnitted for each prop- erty. 5. Tenders, in sealed envel- opes cieariy marked as to content, will be received' at the Board Office, D'Arcy St. N., Cobourg, Ont. not later than 4:00 p.m. Monday, Octobér 17, 1977. 6. These properties may be inspected by arrange- ment with the Plant Department of the Board of Education. 7. Ail envelopes should be addressed to: M.A. MacLeod, Business Administrator and Treasurer, The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education, P.O. B ox 470), D'Arcy St. N., Cobourg, Ont. K9A 4L2. 5, 12, ac. Our shop closes Monday, October lth. Open il a.m. to 5 p.m. We are located on Durham Rd. 9, 2.8 miles east of Kirby (highway 115 and 35). Phone 983-9339. 5, ac. COMING EVENTS The Orono Hi-C will be canvassing for the blind Monday, October l7th, 1977. 5, ac. COMING EVENTS Mixed Movies, Orono Town Hall, Saturday, October 15, 1977. 7:00 pmi., "Snoopy Come Home", admission $1.00, pre- schoolers 75e. 8:30 p.m., "Eat My Dust", admission $1.50 ail ages. 5, ap. COMING EVENTS The Durham-Northumber- land Federal Rîding Progres- sive Conservative Association will hold a Special Meeting at the Acres Restaurant, Taun- ton Rd., just east of Hampton, on Wednesday, October l2th, 1977 at 8:00 p.rn. toeiect delegates to the National Annual Meeting to be held in Quebec City in November. Allan Lawrence, M.P. wil report on Government activi- ties in Ottawa. Everyone welcome. 5, ac. 73 Ontario Street- PORT HOPE Phone collect V.W. RUTTER Office - 885-5216 Home - 885-5522 e** PI-ocessing CUSTOMI FRAMIANG Cameras and Photographic Supplies 78 Kîng St. W., B"wmanville 623-2'404 FOR BUYING or SELLING Let us help you wvith our experience - it's our business. Antimte is the right time, if you can get the price your property deserves. Cali us to-day 'for a freeI consultation. Fa Il App les Mac ntosh Bartlett Pears Fresh Vegetables Sweet Corn Pickling Cucumbers Peaches - Plums Maple Syrup - Honey FR E D' S Fruit Market Highwa y 115So uf Orono

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