NEW MONTE CARLO .. ERSONAL LUXURY LEADER - Showing new sculptured lines la a lighter, shorter but roomier body, the 1978 Monte Carlo debuts as a completely new size personal luxury car. Some 81'7 poiunds lighter and a fwot shorter- than previons niodels, the new vMonte Carlo is roomier inside, especially in the rear seat.' The exterioïr look features sweeping contour lines, "soft" front and rear body color bumpers, and gri style grille. Trwo roof options are removable îinied glass panels and electrically operated sliding steel sun roof. Other higblights are a GM 3.8 litre (231 c.i.d.) V6 engine as standardl, and full frame con- struction and extensive anti-corrosion treatment. 1978 OLDSMODILE DELTA 88 ROYALE SEDAN DIESEL The Delta 88 and Delta 88 Royale continue to be off ered in a two-door coupe and four-door sedan modela. The standard engie la the 88 and Royale ia the 3.8 litre (231 c.i.d.) V6 with an automatlc transission. The General Motor-s 5.7 litre V8 Diesel engine is optloaal on the Delta 88 and Royale. Shown above la the Delta 88 Royale Sedan Diesel. Metrîc comnverters -ol% dier moes Daily life in Canada has already been influenced by the natîon's conversion to the metric system of measure- ment. During September, 1977, most highway signs in Canada will be converted to metric measurement, wi th al destination signs in kilo- nietres only and speed lîmit signa in kilometres per hour. To help Canadian drivers during this conversion period, General Motors of Canada is makçing available two speed- omneter conversion systenis for late-model GM cars. The GM of Canada Metric Speedomneter Conversion Kit is a fully-approved method of converting speedometers from "miles" to "kilo- metres" in most 1971 to, 1974 cars. Selling for $4.75 through General Motors deaiers, it consists of a vinyl sticker which is applied over the face of the speedometer, plus a deta iled set of instructions for the removal and replacement of the speedometer head. The metric conversion sticker is easy to instali by "do it yourselfers", is suitable for Town of Newcastle Public Library Board TENDER'S * The Board w;ll receive tenders until 12o'clock e noSeptemnber 3th, 1977 for caretaking services * or fihe Clarke Lîbrary, Orono, Ontaria. Furt'her information available from M. * Hadley, Clarke Lbrary, Church at Centre St., s * Orono, Ontario, 983-5507. day and night driving and will withstand varyingy temper- atures without shrinking, ex- panding, peeling or fading. The second metric conver- sion kit is the General Motors Universal Metric Speedo- meter Conversion Kit which f its ail models. This inexpen- sive system consists of eight transparent stickers that can be applied to'the glass over the speedometer face. It selis for 99 cents at General Motors of Canada deaiers. Quantitiesof the GM Metrie Speedometer Conversion Kits will be in GM of Canada deaier showroomns and parts counters by September 30, 1977. Clarke Public PHONE W8-,550.7 Monaday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 00 to8: 00 P.m Saturd-(ay 10:0)0 t'O 5:00 p.m., Orono, Ontarlo r M-Nu mm-S -m-mut jCLARKE MUSEUIMj I CORNER I Just a reminder this week that you have only finie or ten more days - depending on when yau receive this news- paper - ta visit the Clarke Museum during itsregular season hours. We will be closed after Monday, October loth, except for group visits, so if yau can't get in a visit bef are then, get a, group together and phonie the Mus- eum to arrange for a tour. We have had several recent additions to aur street scene display - photographs of the wav streets and1 store-fronts usý Or an Orono Weekly Timies, Wednesday, September 28th. 1977-5~ cd to be in Newcastle, o)pen for the 1977 season. rono, Newtonville, Tyrone Museumn Hours: id Bowmanville. Some are Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, hrdaFriday - 2 - 5 p.m. fram our existing collection, some were loaned to us by Mrs. Helen Schimid from hers; some are postcards, a mnost welcome donation from Mvr. Robert Chater; - and several others were kindly mtadeaiale ta L our collect- ion by Mrs. Ethel Tyrreil. If you hiave any photo-. graphs you would lîke to donate, or if you would boan them ta us so we could have copies made, please contact the 'Museum at 983-9425 - we will be very happy to hear from you. Meanwhile, don't forget that Thanksgiving Mondav ,wîll he our last day Thursday evenings, 6 - 8 p.m. Brick - Block - Concrete Stone Work Carpentry - Cabinet Work Floors - Tite 983-5441 Orono BOWMAN VILLE OrP*R Y NO0RTHF RO( AD S HO0W WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1977 -TV's Funny Faïrm PHast BLAKE EMMONS - Amber ecrdn Artist M'iK GRAHAM Broodland lRecotrding AtssDALLAS HARMS, EBIEPOST RONN!i KARTMý!,UAN R...Artist MARY BAI! -Graupwîii be CV s Fnny Farm niID M C RONNYNALECORai 0 W MA N VI1 LL E HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM 6:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. 900 pm.-11:0 p.m., ADVANCE TICKETS-$5:0o - AT THE DOOR-$6.OO0 ADVANCE TICKETS AVAILABLE AT: JEFFREY'S SUPERETTE lUET STREET SOUTH>) BARRY'S VARIET'< (WAVERLEY PLAZA) iiM. VI'RIET TR RN OR PHONE 623-9311 BWE9Om 4:00 p.m SWEATERS Do we have sweaters?' Sweater Coats and Pullovers - light or bulky - blue,* grey, beige, camiel and ail sorts of patterns. You nameg * it .... we have it and no two alike. Be sure to see Our large selection soon * Polyester Tops * Cawl Neek Polyester Tops are in several beautiful faîl shades.. S, m & L sizes. -I Some mnade in Taiwan seil at $7.00O and a very simullar style and maâterial made in Canada at $1o.95. * Flannelette SheetsI * ~~Flannelette Set are now -insok *8xpaîr$20.25 80X90 pai-r $18.25I 70X90 pa ir $16.50 I- * HOUSE COATSAU'LEI A -number 0' Laies' Housecoats Pre* * ~ ~ ~ ~ / onSl iVegular price v-I - ----- - -- -----