Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 21 Sep 1977, p. 5

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Orono7Weekly Timýies, Wednesday, Septemiber 2lst, 1977.5 Kendal1 News Sunday rnorning it was my favourite temperature, 16 C. or 61 F. 1Iwent to the garden to cut a bouquet for church. The 'flowers neyer- were prettier than this fait with the abundant ramn and the young carrots are so tender to eat raw. They contain the yellow vitarnin which helps your eyesight. On an air force base carrots are always on the menu. However fait will have arrived when you read this'. If Auction Service Farmr & Estate Sales Furniture Modern and Antique NORM FAULKNER. Stouffville 640-5691 EARL GAUSLIN Sfouffville 640-3079 you want to purchase a wood cook stove, a new one will cost you aimosf thirteen hundred dollars. There is one on dispiay in a Port Hope Hardware Store made by the Amnish People of Elmira, ail hand crafted. They made eight stoves in thé past year but had orders frorn ail over Canada which they could nof begin to supply., There was a good turn out to the Kendai Jamboree.Th orchestra provided their us- ual toe tapping rmusic led by Mrs. K. Wood at the piano. Several sacred numbers were sung by Kendai Sunday Schooi led by the superintenci- ant Mrs. L. Hoy. Eric Lambier a gifted concert pianist gave some instrumen- tais. Mrs. A. Tizzard and MAr. M. Wagar sang as a duet, "God is not dead,.He lives in me." There wére several other numbers inciuding a duet by Terry Moffat and Julie Wiikin, moufh organ numbers, dancing, fashion show, etc. A fine programn concluding with cake, and coffee. Proceeds wiil help the 40 Ph one 623-3377 ~~"FLOFINERSWITHII'fIG 133 Church Street Bowmanville FRESH & DRIED FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS for WEDDINGS, FUNERALS, HOSPITAL and HOME Be n i.Anderson I Our 7ireplacés DO NOT Smoke I OXFOR I rclyrSoensn M. *RNNA I Ihn9;i50 OXFOATRDA * ORONOAREIG hNe 9&S-5 WilasAmeC.Hanc-allB B.om m. ChartH ieed DAccountcant Pae hcsoneCasDewcTcstand 987-4240 e and SuRdays '-ANOAFRE GN ARSG 98e3e-5e130condu ill tes n Sunday School carry out ifs good work in our communiity. Corne aiong this Saturday evening, September 24th at 7:30 to the Sunday School Talent night in the church. Visîtors with Mrs. Martin Foster iast week end was her mother Mrs. Awde and her daughter Marie, Mrs. Stukel of St. Catherines wifh her sons Jay and Mark. Mrs. Reg. Eiliott and her sister Miss Margaret Seens of Peterborough returned by jet f romn a two weeks tour of the British Isies on Saturday. Mrs. M. Stevens, and her sister Mrs. E. Waiton of Brandon, Manitoba visited with Mrs. G. Cathcart on Sunday. Miss C.-Stewart entertained Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Hawkins and daughter Sheila of Port Hope to ;Sunday evenring dînner. On Wednesday, Sept- ember l4th she had as an overnîght guest Mr. Cooper of the armed forces at Alert Bay. He is the great grandson of Mrs. Watt who spent several weeks in the Stewart home as a lad. He is beîng 'transferreci to the air force base at Gander, Newfound- land in October. Now he is visiting his mother in Listo- wei. Rev. A. Tizzard haci reach- UNITED CHURCH Orono Pastoral Charge Mlinister Rev. B.E. Long B. Th. ORGANIST & CHOIR 1DIRECTOR Douglas DewelI Sunday, September 25th, 1977 ORONO UNITED CHURCH Sunday School 10 a.m. HORTICULTURAL SOCI ETY SPECIAL SERVICE 11: 15 a. m. Therne Speaker - Mr. Eddie Warburfon of Courtice KIRBY UNITED CHIJRCH Morning Worship 9:45 a. m. Diai-A-Thought 983-91'51 Tennant Fuels L td. IPhone69 I NALEPAES Oronio Towing Pone 983-5249 Orono ed the book of Job in his ser les of Sermons. He read the 37 Chapter beginning at verse 9. This book was written bet- ween 600 and 400 B.C. He was a, rich ýman with a large famfiiy., He was rich towards Goci, rich spiritually. We tend to think of hislong suffering and patience but perhaps his greatest dlaim to fame was that he was rich towards God. Riches havea habit of taking, wings. One man Mr. Tizzard knew with a family stooci looking at -the ruins of his burneci home and said, "The Lord is my shepherd". "All thlings work together for gooci to thern that love God." Joseph was testeci. Each test brought hirn nearer the throne of Egypt. Mrz. Tizzard sang at this point, "Jesus 1 corne fo Thee". Out of the, storm and testing time cornes the glorlous liberty and faith. Jesus said f0 his disciples, "Go out into the world". You are the light of the world. In, verse 21, the cioud has a silver lining. So let your light shihe. "You in your small corner and I in mine". The United Church Women met at the home of Mrs. M. Stevens at fîve p.rn. for a pot luck dinner on Septemnber 14th. Ten sat down to a bounteous dininer including everything from cabbage roils to lemon pie. Afterwards we enjoyed the flower gar- dens and the matching scen- ery. Mrs. E. Foster opened the meeting with a poern entitled, "O0thers". This was foilowed by. "What a friend we have in Jesus". Rev. R.C. White has been very ili and Mrs. Ethel Foster is now residling in Hope Haveni, roomn 204, Port Hope. Cards should be sent f0 them. Roll cail, "What is meant by Steward. ship at home?" One member said she set aside talent rnoney. Another set aside a certain tirne each day for devotion. Miss C. Stewart said she prepared affernoon tea in her home whi le Mrs. M. Stevens brought two ladies and a gentleman from Nel- Gor Nursing Home fo enjoy the food prepared during Senior Citizens week in June. Miss Stewart read the scrip- ture, Matthew 5-16 whi!le Rev. A. Tizzard explaineci the meaning of "Biessed are the poor in spirit". The purchase of one dozen larg e print hymn books was rnoved by Mrs. J. Stapleton, sec. by Mrs. M. Stevens. It was decided to order 25 calendars and also pay part of the expense of song sheets compileci by Mrs. K. Wood. 'Mrs. E. Foster called on our guest speaker Rev. A. Tiz- zard. He said he had always been interesteci in surnarnes. A surnyame represents our ancestors in other words ifs like a totem pole. Surnames in England, Scofland and Europe go- back hundreds.0f years. A surname rnay tell the profession of our ancest- ors like Parson or Masters. Stevens cornes frorn the Hungarian and was originally speit Stephenus, meaning a crowned one. Stewart was originally speit Sfy-art mean- ing a servant connected with the Sty but eventually the fer in French ports but Drake and the Engiish fleet sent in burning ships. The Spanish gaileons were forced fo sail north to the North Sea where a great storm wrecked them. Many sailors swamn to shore. One was rescued perhaps by a maiden. His name was Tiz- zardio. Later the last syllable was dropped. He was our minister's ancestor. This was most interestîng. Next week your scribe will tell you about some of the places near here, namned afferfamilies. Mrs. E. Foster thanked Rev. A. Ti- zard for a most interesting topîc and Mrs. Stevens for opening her home fo us. Orono Amateur Athletic Association Final1 Hockey Reg istration Sept. 16,1977 Orono Town Hallî 6:30 p.m. 9:O00p.m $30.00 Environmental Assessment Board NOTICE 0F PUBLIC HEARING PROPOSE D NEW WATE R POLLUTION. CONTROL. PLANTý Regional1 Muniçcipality of Durham Town of Newcastle (BowmanviHle>, The Regional Municipality of Durham has appiied to the Ontario Ministry of the Environrnent for approval to construct a new water pollution control plant and related trunk sewers, pumping station and outiet sewer to Lake-Ontario to serve a portion of the Town of Newcastle (Bowmanville). The plant, known as 1the New Soper Creek Water Pollution Control Plant, is proposed to be located on the west side of West Beach Road on Lot 11, broken front concession in the former Town of Bowmanvilîle, now the Town of Newcastle. The Envir-onment Assessrnient Board will conduct a public hearing to obtain 'information and fo hear the views of the public s0 that if can make recommendations in respect of the proposed new water - pollution control plant. Written and oral submisslons may be made to the Board at the hearing. The Board wiil not consider any submissions regarding the proposai1 af ter the hea r ing has been cioseci. The hearing wili be heid on September 27, 1977 at 10: 30 o'clock in thernorning, local tirne, in Court Room 2 of the Police and Fire Building, 132 Church Street, Bowrnanviile, Ontario. Plans of the proposed new water pollution control plant will be available for examination and inspection during normal business hours in the office of the Clerk of the Regional Municipality of Durham, 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario, in the office of the Clerk of the Town of Newcastle, 40 Temperance Street, Bowrnanville, Ontario and in the office of the Environrnental 'Assessment Board, Sth flbar, l St. Clair Avenue West, Toronto, Ontario, M4V 1 K7. STATUTORY REFERENCES The Ontario Water Resources Act, (R.S.O. 1970, Cha pter 332, as amended). T. M. Murphy; Secretary, Environrnental Assessment Board. Il , l ' ' -"Wý 1 M. à 1 m ! ý !!! nom mmm"

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