Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 31 Aug 1977, p. 1

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Orono Weekýy TieWednLcsday,, August 313t. 1977 Cwomîmîttee ready to go for arena ,Mr. Charles Gray, chair- sary local funds for the new avaîlable from the likes of man of the, fund raising Orono arena. At a recent Wintario and through the committee for the new Orono meeting it was feit that somre cornm*un-ity services branch arena informs the Times that $265,000 would be needed of the provincial government. th~e comm ittee has voted to from local citizens in order proceed to raise the neces- that further funding would be The commiittee said Gray Clinton Brohmi, a tenî year old boy of R.ýR. 1, Bowman- ville, died on Saturday as a resuit of injuries he suistaîined ln a it and run accident last Thursday. Accordîng to police Brohmý and a friend were wvalking on the shoulder of a road near Mosport when a yellow Volks- wagon struck the youth and lef t. Charges were later presset against William J. Founitaine of Oshawa. Foun-, tainie is charged wth impa7ir- ed dlriïinig, leaving the scene of an accident and criminal negligence causing death. voted unanilmously to get tne campaign, rolling sometime in October. It is the intention of the commrittee to hold a door to door canvas of the commun- ity within the next month and a haîf at which time they will be asking for donations to the arena fund. The group are also having a booth at the Orono Fair when a model of the arenia-community centre and outdoor grandstand will be on display. Local citizens will be able to donate or pledge monies to the fund at thîsý timne if they so wish . -The chairman of the fund- raising committee also stated that on Wednesday the build- funding ing committee is to decide on which tender to accept and to set the 'final course for construction. The committee bas set the date of Septemiber 2lst -as an instruction meeting for ail canvassers 80 tbat fbeseý people may be pepared for the blitz campaign with al the information and data elating to the building of the new aena complex. Anyone wishing to assist with the canvas are asked to contact Mr. Gray. chairman, Mm. Doug Simpson, co-chairian or any other member of the committee or attend the meeting o n Septemtber 2lst. Mm. Ray Dickson and Mm. Walter Stapleton have been appointed treasumers for tbe fund raising committee., Blain Ronald Mrffat, son of Microbiology with honours at Mr. and Mrs. John, D. Mo1ffat, the Conivacation ceremoniies Orono, Ontario, received bis of the University of Guelph, Bachelor of Science Degree ln May 26tb, 1977. It bas been reporteci that Doug Moffatt, the defeated N.D.P. ëandidate in the Durham East riding, will flot go to court over the, election held last June. Moffatt bas spent considerable time witb, his lawyer seeking out cquest- joniable ballets of the said eletioil, bt had only cornie up with 105 questionable ballets. To get a controverted election Moffatt had to corne up wth ail 122 ballets that be lost by. Mloffatt said that the high cost and the length of imne it would take to, go to court w.as the decidîng factor, howýever Moffat will mun aýgain for the N.D.P. in the next provincial election. Whîtby Park receives grant An Approved Park wPl be ladon the njorth and west estabishecl in the Towfi of shores of Whitby Hlarbour. Whîtby with the aid of ai $25,000 provincial grant, Nat- A developmnent plan for the ural Resources Mînister site is being prepared by the Frank S. Miller an1nounced municipality, and will include today. provision of roads and ser- Thep park will be b)uiît oný vices, landscaping anid other some 50 acres of undeveloped genieral development work. NEWV WASHROOM COSTING $2,0,8q9. The Ganaraska Conservation Authority opened tenders on Frid.ay for the constructioni of a new washroomn at ttre Forest Centre. A tender of $2(1,899 was accepted being the lowest an! somne $899 above the estimrated cost of the builing and facilities. The washroom is being built la order that both boys and girls can be accommnodated at the camp. The first resîdential students are to corne to the camp in November. Thet newI washroo,(m is toi be completed by the end of Octolber. SCRHOOL MIGHT OPEN MlID SEPTEMBIER Work at the St. MIary,'s Separatce School in the Port H4ope area to decontamýinate the building foýr radon gas is alMosti comnplete and folowig tsting Couldý be open for studentls in mid September. The work included the removal of dirt,' a neýw veýntilaton sytmùew f'!oor ini the gym, as: well as other works including paving around the. seho-iol. in last week's, issue of' the Times an article appearedI con1-ýcerninig the Orono Figure Skating akAThnin aid of4 the ew Orono Arena Mrs. Fran Lun has Lad a number of enIqiries and wisheýs to et everyonekowtatsono shee-ts are available at HaîUlons Insurance Se-rviceý in Oooor, when school opens, atI most of the public schols WINTER IS COMING Not onfly the calendar is telling us that fal and winter is on, its way but also somne of the tbings of nature are furthering t1ehughts of faîl fast ap)proaching. A mnaple tree, midw,ýay u- -M_ Street is beginning eo colour andf bias been for the past 1 ýNeeks. This tree is always o3ne of the first to so colour vîTfi the approach of fiali. Warblers fromi the northern areas are pow lu. fuli. flighit south and can be s>een passing throuigh th~e thiekets on their southward bounid trip for the winter. Its soon te bundlle up for everyone. Slunday family outing at Orono Fair As a new promotion for the Durham Central Faim la Orono this year the society bas arranged for a Sunday afternoon Coutry music jamboree to be bield Septem- ber Mli. This Promotion now eitends the f2in romThurs-~ day eveningc witb horse-draw- ing events, preimninary tug-o- war tbrough to Sunday after- noon with the Jamboree starting at 2:00 p.m. The event is being held at the faim grounds and everyone is being invited to bring their own lawn chairs tIo enjoy the two bour or so of mausic. The format for the promotion ATill folo i tat of the. in.ý Jamborees held at the Orono Town Hall during the winter months by the Department of Parks and Recreation of the Abit of nostalgia Nés talgic memories will be revived for many at The Robert M,ýcbauýghlin Gallery during the month of Septem- ber. Something just a ittle different, Marvelous Music Muachines, follows tbe istory of coini-operated music boxes and orchestrions of the late m80's through the "Wlit!jz- ers ) f th)e 3o'sarid 4o's, tothie electronic Juke Boxes of today. This unique exhibition, org- anized by the Art Galery of Cobourg, will be ,at, The Robert McLaugihlin Gallery fromn Septemî--ber 2nd to Octo- be 2d, and will please both art, and music loyers. The officiai openïng of the exhibit will be on W,ýednesday, Seýpt-. emrber 7tb at 8:00 p.m. Some of tlit machines wil be actuà ï1< playing durinig the exhiÉbition and period settings will provide a visual back"- drop for tyhe seventeen pieces Musicachin'es of the leith ccentury were automi-ated ins- trmnswhich emphil-asized instrumental and mrechanical aspects as well as be"ing pieces of fine furniture in orneate cab)inetLs. Producing sound from a pin cylinder, a wide range of ins trumenta] and sound quality was pos- sible. Victorial ladies were entertained with music from these coin-operated mulsîc boxes over afternoon tea. The disc type music box followe, as did the orchestrion, wLhich provided the orchestra sound using an elabomate array of instrumnents. These are vint- ually extinct! today, and only a few are in priva te collections. Also in vogue in the 1920's were the coin-operated pian- os, whicb could be switched te maniual operation. These dif- fered from the player pianos in that other instruments were hidden away in the cabinet to provide a variety of sounds.- Although the pbonograph was invented in the- 18Ws', its inability, to amplify souind made it more of' a techniolo)gi- cal wonder than, an entiertain- ment device. Itsprgam was restricted, and not unil the 192's when electronic sound bïecamie a reality did the evolutfion of the Juke Bocx as w"e know it todlay ata occur, Modem m raterials and tech- nology thave ïmade thecabi lity of Juke Boxes of todayV far surpass anyýthing imag:ined by the flappers of the 2's, Modem» Music MJachines, with large selections of music, icro-circuitry, and the viaL mJ11nagic created witb lights and colour make todays music nmachines fantasy won- ders in their own rigbt. A series of entertaluments will accompany the exhibit- ion. Town 0 f Newcastle. On September 11th Fay Adams and the Country Hits will be the House Band witb guest artists including Tim Toye, Harold Fife, Johnny Curtis, Lyle Couch, Lori AlkneenadJackie Raggers, Michael Willie, Con Darling. Anothier feature of the event will be the appear- ance of The D & L Bluegrass Mjarvelous Music Machines Schieduled for a number of evenings of the exhibition.at 8:00 p.m. are live performan- ces of popular mlusic from the 50O's presented by a varityo Express witb Don Adams on the 5 string banijo, Lor ilen, singer, as well as Glory and Fay Adamps on bass guitar and rhythm guijtar. From past experiences this should. be a good attraction foirtlèeOrono Fair and one ta draw considerable interest for both area and district country music loyers. local, musicans and musical groups. Revive a memory or two of your ownl. Visit the Septem-, ber show at The Robert MeLaughlin Gallery. ItLS sure to please one and ah.l No effect on point systemn Convertirig bigbway speed limnits tg metric units wil haero efftect on -drivers assessed demferit points for speeding violations, Trans- prtation and Comamunica- tions Mijnister James Snow said today. Ontaio's 13,000-mrile pro- vincial highway network will be switc(hed to m.etmic begin- nînpg Septemnber 6ý, and kilo- mretres per hour (km,-b) will replace miles peýr hour on speed limit sigws. -Speed raniges in kilo- maetres convert coslyto current reulations.Motor- ists con-victed of speeding offences will be assessed demerit points as usual, accordinig to the rate of speed over the posted speed lirits." When. the rate of speed is exceeded by 50 km-hi (31.1 mph) or more, six demerit points ilil b, assessed; when the r-ate of speed is exceeded by 30 kmr-hï- (18.6 mnph) or more and less thian 50o km-b, four dlemerit points wllbe aissessed; wben the rate of speed is exceeded by more thian 15 ,kr-h (9.3 mph) land less than 30 km-h, 'tbree points wiIbe aSsessed-. It's a Sham stated Veldihuis John Veldhuis, chairman of the S.E.A.P. orgaiz-ýation, last vieek iniformed the Orono Times that no money wâOuild be available to the group to hire qualified people to pre- pare a report which the group couldà present tLO a public hiearing to be beld in later Septemnber concernîng the constructionl of a uranium refinlery in Port Ganby/. He stated that faCt tatthe group could nlot hire Qualiied persons to prepare a report mîade the hearings a "sham". "The hearing will be al oesdd"he sa3id. Mr. Veldhuis also said there was a good chanice that the construction of tbe nefinery would go ahead egardles0f the implications te the area. Bowmianville boy hit and run victimn No court action over June election

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