Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 3 Aug 1977, p. 2

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2-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, August 3, 1977 O0rôno Weekly Times Second Class Mail Registration Number 6368 Published Every Wednesday at theofffée of Publication Main Street. Oronio Roy C. Forrest er. Eitorpï Erie Patterso. Advertidez ELECTION RESULTS NOT OUT THAT IMUCH Any effort by tbe New Democratic Party and Doug Moffatt to upset the resuits of tbe June 9tb Durham East election resuits seems to bang by a worn shoe string. With Moffatt out, of the country for the next two weeks tbe final decis ion to proceed further may be sometime in latter August, if sucb a decision is to be made, To say tbe least tbe recount held some weeks ago found ittie to be disencbanted with as far as the count of over 30,000 votes were concerned in the Durham East riding. In fact it may be somewhat remarkable tbat only a scant eight votes were readjusted out of the 30,000 and these could be on identifIcation rather than an error on the part of anyone. The examination of tbe riding polling books, from ail reports, do not seem to be getting anyone over excited at this point. No doubt one could find some irregularities in almost any election as the-buman element does comne into play. It is unlikely that irregularities would be of a magnitudein Durham East to negate tbe election of June 9tb. In any case Mo ffatt and the Ndp bave tbree months to make their decision if tbey are to go to the Supreme Court of Ontario. DEPARTMENT "JOHNNY ON THE SPOT" Monday evening was a good example of the quick action being recorded by the local department after baving received a cal. Being next door to the fire hall we bave a good idea on the quickness the calîs are answered followîng the sounding of the siren. Monday night the truck lef t witbin a few seconds of the sounding of the siren and fthbas been the case for quite somne time. The taxpayer is certainly getting is monies wortb from tbe departmnent. SIGNS COME AND GO Last week a For Sale sign appeared on that parcel of land that the Town of Newcastle was to trade in the Home Smith development back to the developer in lieu of other landis becoming tbe property of the Town including wbat bas been used as a walkway into the Village of Orono. By Tuesday the sign had disappeared. The question now, did someonejump the gun in placing it for sale or did someone feel it was time for a joke? The latest from the Town office is that theiland bas as yet to be turned over to Home Smith and wiil not be turned over until such time as the parcel of land is rezoned making it useable for commercial use. The rezoning of tbe lands may not be as easy as first tbought for residentLs of the Orono Estate bave opposed the move by tbe Town tbrough a petition and this petition bas been supported by tbe Orono Chamber of Commerce. There certainly is enough opposition now to the plans of the Town that wll force an Ontario Municipal Board bearing if plans for rezoming are carried out by the Town of Newcastle. The move by the Town. as we bave said beflore, does not appear to be a sound judgement in the interest of proper planning for tbe area. Ngllew watetr tanker for f ire de>partmeÊnt The Town of Newcastle counc il on Friday approved a tender price of $31,000.00 for the purcbase of a new water tank truck for the fire departmnent in tbe Town of Newcastle, The tender price of $3,000.00 was the lowest of three tenders witb the other prices bePig $35,2M.00 and The new tank truck wilI carry 1-500 gallons of water wb;ýih compnares toi 500 gallon-s for- týe regular fire trucks. The equipment also incluýdes soreeconnýecteýd one and une haîf incb fire bose as3 wýeIl as a poýýrtatank whicbi can be assembled at the scenie of a fire and lilled witb some 500 gallons of water to be used wile the truck is making another trip for water. The new water taink truck is to be located at the Oronoi fire halli and will be us-ed as a source of water for rural fires. It will be manined by the Orono fire figters but could be used by Newcastle as well as Orono. It is now possible that somne adjustment may be made to the tbree fire areas since the Orono department is equip- ped witb the water trucwk. The watýer truck can also, pum-p somie water at a fire. WORK LET FOR NEWCASTLE ARENA (Contiflued from page 1) ed by $4,860.00 because of additional work being requit,- ed by the contractor. Councillor Holliday saîd he found it difficult to support the motion to let the contract as council had not reviewed the tender prices witb the engineers nor were there enough facts available to council. He said he was, not opposed to the construction of the arena and certainly supported the construction but there was just not enough information available. Counillor Gray said the engineers had been reviewing the construction of the arena witb the construction firmn since July 7th and that they had verifîed the letting of the work on Friday morning. Counillor Woodyard. said be was under the impression that. the engineers had re- viewed the tender prices and had verified the conditions under whîch the arena is tobe constructed. Woodyard said he feit council had a firm price for the work. Mayor Riekard read à letter to council from the engineering firm of Totten Sims Hubicki in whicb it was pointed out that the contrac- tor had agreed to the constru- ction of the arena at a price of Councillor Holiday asked if the sprinkler system was required in the arena and if not why not. Counillor Gray said the Ministry of Labour will make that decision and tell the committee. He said that Peter Fleming of the engineering firm feit that the sprinkler would not be neces- sary. The addition of a sprinkler systemn would add an additional cost of a llttle over $23,000.00. The motion to sign the contract was supported by Counillor Wood,'ard, Gray and Mayor Rickard witb Councillor Holiday voting' 'Nay'. It was pointed out during the discussions that a letter had been received by council from the Newcastle Arena Fund Raisingc committee that they wvere committed to raisîng the funds outside of grants througbi public subsc- ripions. Under the conditions of the Winitario grant these funds are to be raised within three years. The Town of Newcastle is now commritted to provinding interim finarc- ing for both the Newcastle and Orono arenas. On.tario',s electrical energy demnand rose to 47,3310,235,000- kilowatt-houars during the first six îmontbs of the year, 4.7 percent greater than the corresponding total for the iniial baîlf of 19,76. Primary peak demand dur- ing Junle reached 12,812,000 killowatts. Almoést 34 percent 1Of ýeergY genjeratýed and purcbased dur- ing the mnth came from Miss Durham CentralI viewing CN E crown Those living in this area and wbo were in attendance at the crowning of Miss Durham Central at the 1976v fair in Orono will find much interest in the annual Cana- dian National Exhibition - Sweet Heart of the Fairs Pageant being held on August l7th. Miss Jackie Canfield of Bowmanville crowned last year, Miss Durham Central, will be representing the Durbam Centr icultural Soct at the SMiss Canfield was chosen 'lx-om six contestants at the local fair but this Urne will compete with eighty other girls representing their re- spective agricultural societ- ies for the Mis,,s C. N.E. crown. Tne event wll be staged in the main arena at the Coliseum with pre-judging ini the morning and the final judging at 2:30 p.m. on August 17th. Miss Canfield bas met moest of ber competition earlier tbis year and is reported anxious to meet witb these girls again. The Miss Durbamn Central has in the past been cbosen Courtice Snow Princess, Miss Kinsmenl in Bowmanvile and Miss Ceasarea Regatta Queen. Miss Jackie Canfieki is pictured above with ber- sister, JII, on the left and Maureen Shetier on tbe rigbt. COULD NEED e263,000. FROM PUBLIC (Continued fromi page 1) include both an arena and community centre room in the arena building. The est- imatLed price also includes the construction of a new hor-se barn but Mayor Rickard was doubtful that it inc.luded the price of building a new grandstand on the east side of the building. BYAMS PLUMBING - HIEATING Sales and Service 24 HOUt)R BURNER SERVOCE ;GULF FINANCING Low Intereet Rates Phone: Tpyrone 263-2650o O rono Towing IGENERALRPAS Phone 983-5z49 Orono Complete ServicE CARS - TRUCKS - FARM TRA<' AND FORE GN CARS Arc anad Acetylene Welding Liîceniced Mechanic on duty at ai Class A Mechankc Class B Bocl Class H Licenced Deisel Meci Safety checks on Cars, Dump Trucks ani A 983-5 MOURS: :û0e.m-8:GP eOWE 8:0am. -2:00 p. m. (Satu rdl CIoseDd Sundays AANGARS GAR1 e for chanic _ id iMotorcycles ays) A GE water-powere<l stations. iNue- lear power provided 23.1 percent, coal, 20.7 percent, natural gas, 7.3 percent, and purchases, the remainder. Sales of surplus ïnterrupt- ible energy to the United States by Ontario Hydro continued upward during June. This was due mnainfly to; a heavy air coniditîoning load in] the U.S. YEOMANS& SONS LIMITED PLUeBIPNG& HEATING 24 Hour Service New Installations Migerations - Repairs Specializing in Hot Water Heating Forced Air Heating Oreno, 983-5624 Electrical use up 4.7 percent =- 7 z -- ý -l- - 71 - ý M", !e 7: 7- 71-77777- 7 l ý M, l? , ý 7 ýý ý'ý ", m r* !' ' ' 1 - l".1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 , < 1 - 1 -

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