6-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, JuIy 27th, 1977 Eagles shut-out Ajax port Hliffe 15, Kendal 9 On Wednesday, July 20, in Port Hope, the Kendal Eagles suffered a 15-9 ~defeat te the Flyers. Even though the Eagles out-it Port Hope 13-1~2, eight cestly errors proved te be the difference as the Eagles played their worst game of the year. Mike Carman started for the Eagles but due te the lack of support, suffered his fourtb loss of the season. Steve West led Nendal with three bits, including his sixth home run of the season, wich leads the league. B. Alldred, J. Thompson, Fraser Wallace and Erie Moore also had two bits apiece. R. H E Fendal 102 040 002 9 13 8 Port Hope 202 423 02x 15 12 1 M.. Carman (0-4), Moore 4th, Taylor 8th and B. Robinson, E. Hodigsoni (5-3) and Hogg. Hornerun: West - 6th. Kendal 6, Ajax 0 Eric Meore pi"cI-Led qp bis league leainîig sevexitb victory of the season on Saturday, July,23 in Kcendal as be sbut-out Ajax 6-o. This viCtory enabled Kendal to take the seasoni series with Ajax wiïh could be important in the uipcorin.g play-offs. Steve West continued bis torrid itting as he collected fout its and took over the league lead in batting, Bruc-e Aldred bad three bits for Kendal wbUle single its went te BÉil McCullougb and Eric Moore. R H E Ajax 000 000 000 0 7 2 Kendal 100 040 lox 6 9 2 Grubb (0-2) and Ryrnan E. Moore (7-3) and B. Robinson. ~.WMitby 6, Kendal 1 * On Sunday, JuIy 24, Wb tby MIer- chants defeated Kendal 6-1. Strong, pitcbing by Wbiitby'Is John T urner held tbe, Kendal batters in check as be allowed only seven bits. Turner aise supplied some streng hitting as be collected two bits mncluding his first horrierun of the season. Steve West, Pete Henderson, Fraser Wallace, Bill Robinson, Bill McCullough, Deug Rickard and Ralph Kennedy each bad one bit for Kendal wile Deug Taylor suffered bis third loss of the seasen. -.R H E Wliitby 003 030 000 6 10 1 Kendal 000 010 000 1 7 3 J. Turner (4-5) and Craigent D. Taylor (1-3), Kennedy 5th, and B. Robinson. Kendal Eagles play their next nome garne Wednesday, July 27 against Little Britain beginniing at 6:30 p.m. TAhe league cbamipionsbip tourna- ment will be beld thïs coming weekend (Jîuly 29, 30, 31)1,at, Little Britain so al basebailifans in the area please corne out and cheer on Kenidal as tbey try to defend their tournament caninbp The first gamzes of the tour nament0 will be h1eld on1 Friday nligbt anid as of yet Kenlal do not know who their first opponents wJil be. E....SENIRLEAGUE (including g ,ames of Sunday, July 24)ý W L Pct, GBL Port Hope 15 7 .682 Witby 12 10 .546 3 Peterborough 10 9 .526 3/ Kendal il il .500 4 Ajax 11 il .500 4 Little Britain il 12 .478 412 Oshawa 10 12 .455 5 Belleville 9 12 .429 5/ Bowmanville 9 14 .409 6/ Phone 6'23-3377 "FLOWERSWITH UFF-'I.INC" 133 Church Street Bowmanvillie FRESH & DRIED FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS for WEDDINGS, FUNERALS, HOSPITAL and HOME Bey and AI. Anderson Wtr Delivery SWIMMING POOLS, WELLS&I CISTERNS. 2000 Gallon Tank TAYLOR Sand & Gravel 983-5003 Pee Wee Girls On JuIy 21, the Kinsmen defeated the Hampten Pee Wee girls by a score of 18-6. Charlene Rodd was the winning pitcher with il strike outs and 1 walk. Homeruns went to Karen Irwin and Sandra Williams. Bantam Girls The Orono Bantam Girls bad a bit of a slump during the middle of the seasenE but are back te ferm now. On JuIy l8th Orono faced Bewman- ville No. 2 and were victorieus !8-9. Ad grand slamn went te Colleen Moffat witb o Heather Sawyer and Jenniter iievos having borne runs and'Tarnmy Beugben a r triple.P On, July Zth Bowrnanville No. 2 G played Orono at berne and Orono was D again victorieus 22-14. Arrange fictitious games Frorn all reports -it appears that tie local EOBA league is new a-wait-ing a report fromi the Ontarie Basebaîl Assoc- iation regarding an incident uneov,,ered last week where it is contended a doublebeader garne was fictitieusly created betw.een the Peterborough and Belleville t'eams of the leapgue. The garne was te bave CJarke Public LIBRRARY Vmnday, Tuesday, Tbur'sday adFriday 10-00 il"",12:00 a, m. The big bitter fer the evening was Eleather Sawyer witb 3 berne runs. Monday evening last, July 25th, Orene faced Hampton and were narrowly defeated 10-9, winning run scored bottomn of the 7th inning. 1Tina Peeters and Colleen Moffat received doubles and singles went te, Paisley Stutt, Kirn Richards (3), Betb Gatcbell, Tina Peeters (2) and Jen-nifer Devos. been played on July 8th but, since that date the Peter- borough Examiner has quot- ed the rnanager-coach lof the Peterborough team as saying the fictitieus game was ar- ranged to keep the tearn from folding. It bas also been said that Belleville was interested in rnaking Up the two games s0 Auction Service Farm & Estate Sales Furniture, Modern and Antique NORM FAULKNER Steuffville 640-5691 EA RL GA USLIN StouffVi lie 640-3079 m-rn----- they coul1d attenci a recent tournarnent'. A report from the O.B.A. is expected tonight, Tuesday, and word is rurnoured that the two coaches are to be suspended but the tearns not niecessarily dropped frorn the leaguie this yeýar. E Iectric Hierb and Gerry Duvail FLE CTfRIêCA L CONTRACTI-NG ELECTRIC HEATING Electrical Appliances T.V. - COLOUR T. RAIO Ul"-HI-FI WESTIUNGHïoUSE RCA Guaranteed Serv5ce 2 Sllding-wlndow air condiloners for hori- vewing height. Mounting kit mnci. 04' B. T.U. Floor area Product Pruce capacity in sq. iL. .code 6,000 450 500-0394 1333.95 8,000 565 500-0408 1364.95 10,000 700 I 500-0378 1419.95 Commerciat-duty window or through-t-he-waiI air conditioners (flot shown) Germicidat iller. For walls up to 17" thick BT U. Floor area ProductI Price capacity fIsq. it. Icode 28000 2000 500-0432 859M5 33,000 2300. 500-4578 939.50 ROLPH Dominion HARDWARE Phnn....a 0Q f 4I)n7 Orono, Ontario Ulass A LICE NSED MECHANIC 'f Cass B LICENSED BODYMAN Cýlass H LICENSED DEISEL MECHANIC Mecha n i cîaand General Repiairs te all vehicles ,includinmg Cars,-Trucks, Tractors Tune-Ups - ValIves - Brakes Engines - Tranismission E lectrica I W E AliEAl LICENSED SAFETY INSPE1CTiON STATION FOR BOTH LIGt,!'ýAND HEAVY VEHIC LES Bodywor and ParIntlng 983-130MILL STREET, ORONoi rnone Ytî;%-bzuî