Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 27 Jul 1977, p. 1

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rticipation house prog ress y27th, 1977 m amnes years hence. The four turbine ýergy, generators atong are expec- rthe ted to, cost $200 million. Theseý [-ydro tuits wiil be pur-chas-ed out- plans side of Canaida but wil 'a foir coatain, about fifty per cenit plant Canadian parts. In cmetatone somne haif ar'e -million cublc eteers will ho ýetail- aeeded and Hydro expects a 'ation Cernent Plant will ha placed ïE tie on the property during the course of construction. hat it s f or Hy<frQ is also preparing to !here upgrade access roads te, the n. plant and aithougli payiag for the al the works much of the ~eted arrangements are to lie made eight, by the Town of Newcastle, arranges office, 1650 Dundas Street ist, Whiitby (Opposite Whit- Mai at 6:30 p'n..fo erdiag walks and 9:30 a.m.ý Sunday vwalks . Wii ho etd ain or lie. Please dress $Wptember 4i iiuclusive. Direc- Saturday, July 3 -Taik - tios frDrn iighway Re-ptiles-aind Amphibfas o, Eroc7k $treet {ighway 1>, Southera zar.Stargazýing iiorth to Tauntorx Road (Dur- afteýrwards. han Regioaal Road î), west 1 Sunday, Juiy 31 - Nature walk mile to Country Lane, niorth 1 at Harmiony Valiey Conser- inile - to Conservation Area vation Area sign,; woest i,ý imle to Co'roni- Monday, August i1 - No Walk ation iRoad, north ½/. mile to Tuesday, August 2 - Talk - Conservation Area. Colonel Sam McLaughlin. Wednesday, August 3 - Nature Nature and historical walks Walk at Cranberry Marsh, at various conservatýion areas Thursday, August 4 - Talk - to ho held on Monday, The Shaping of Our Land. Wednesday, and Friday even- Friday, August 5 - Nature irgs and Suinday m-'or-inlgs. Walk at Heber Down.- Conser- Mqeet at the CenitralLae vation Area ofieat 63 0intarie) Conseý,rvation Author- p.m,, camï-psi-te at 7:00p.o rn f~ Town cails arena tenders The Town of Newcastie hias calied tenders for the design and construction of a new arena for Orono.io Specif t- cations for the newf structure are avattlable from tLho engin- eering firm 0of Totten Sims Hubicki Thte tenders- will be receiv- od by the clerk's office untit Tuesday, August 161,1. week In- speakiag to Mr. Sam Cureatz, M.P.P. ý,for D-urham East on Monday, hoe said hie expects the review 0 f the poli books as req ues tedi by Mr. D. Mofý)fatt would take most of th~ ee. Mfe also said that he expected no change in the resui:ýts f the vote over theý study 0f the poil boioks. The examination has been report- oct to ho undertaken by one of Moffat's scrutineers and a studenit frein the office of JKarl Jaffrev. 500 pheasant for fali hunt A program within the Town of Newcastle whieh gains tittie publicity is that of raising pheasants- for the fait hunt in the formner areas of Darliagton and Carke Town- On Mlonday an allotmrent of 500 birds arrived and wiii ho housed at the pheasant harris at the Ganjaraska For est Centre until someitime in Octohberý. At this time they wii be reieased throughout the rural areas of the Town of Newcastle for the annuai ph nl .A' Lt total oif 1500 irds were raïsed by the Town of New7castle Gamfe Comirssion. The Town of Newcastle Gamne Commission came into existance with the Region -,f Durhiam heing the resuit of the almagamnation of thje former Darliagton Gamre Commission wvith the Clarke Township Game Commission, The Gaine Commiýissin op- erates with funds created through the sale of Townshi'p licences and last year the Commission was ahle to provide a sum 0of $3050.00 for feed and other supplies to rear the 1500 pheasants. It is eicpected that at least $,0. 00 will be needed this year ta feed the five hundred birds. Thle chief feed for the hirds is turkey grower and heing a balancedr food does mnount in cost. T'he bilrds or ta previous cases, yo.ung chicks, are suppiied free of charigeo by the Ministry of NaturmilIResot:r- ces with the ianderstandiing released fer the pheasant huâjt ini the fait. In the past the yowing chîcks were hatched at Codringtuon. Chairmian of the Comm.-is- sion is MIr. Bll Ashton with Mr. Gerry Duvail being the treasurer.* Mr. Fred Wian of jendal is in charge of looking after the birds at the Forest Centre and over the past f ew days bas been checking out water supply and makiag somne minor reLairs to the building. Monday afternoon the first sod was turned for Particiî- pation House ProjLect (Dur- haqm Region) Tici. which is to be constructed in Bowtna- ville, The site for Partici- pation House is iocated ini the east end of Bowmianviile,, just north. 0f Concession Street nlear the PIne Ridge Schooi. for Boys. The proposai started some seven years ago whien the Oshawa and District Cerebral PaIsy Parent Coundcil for Crippie Children conducted a survey to determine the noed for the physicaiiy handiçap- ped in this area. in 1974 the Parent Counicil dec-ided to build a participation house in the area similar to that in Markham which at the time was the only residential facility in the Province of Ontario. communities as well as to service clubs andi interest groups and interested indivi- duals. Further informnation is availabie fromn Participation bouse.Project Durhamn Reg- ion, Room 463, Oshawa Gen- erai Hospital, 24 Aima Street, Oshawa or by phoning 579- 5252 frorn one to four ail days excepting Thursday, -Satur- day and Sunidays. Participation House oper- ates for, disabied boys and girls of age niineteen wbo at that age are no longereligibie for care and help at Crippie Childrens' Centre. The House in Markhamn is now fuit beyond eapaeity and it lias been reported that over 463 have aiready made appli- cation for enrolment at Parti- cipation House in Bowmran- ville with new applications arriving daily, The plan for the Bowman- ville developmnent wiil have Region to three residentiai homos with expropria te acecommodation, for 24 full- lands time rosidents and six orner- The public worics depart- gency care - family relief meto te gin f residents, a diinrg roomi as wveîî as an iavoîvemertý contre Durhamn have given their focr theraputic and rec- approvai for the exprop- reati)ni pogras. he ac-riation of lands tn the Village ?retionwial oaniTe fa-of îNewcastie as required for workshop, a smail greenl- the construction of Pa water house, a pool with -hydro- supply plant toýC service the therapeutic equipm ent. There TVillaef. e xrprae as eaccommodation Teln'obeeporae foiiti also ho iape e-is part -of lots 28, 29 and 30 In sofoti thandmicape npea-the Brken Front off the Town sonsfro th comuuty n aof Newcastle. The purpose 0f, Partici- pation H-ouse is to provide the opportunity for the severely disabled to participate to the lîmits of his abiity. iii Orano Work has heen comlpieted with renovations and paving of Churcli Street South, During the past few days the shoulder area up to the sidewalk had beeni removed and refiled with gravel. The project cf pa--vingi was com- pieted thîs week betnig paved fromù sidewlak to sidewalk. The work was done under the supervision (if the Town 0of Newcastle. been mafide rst.ruct the .y, that they Ietting i0fa gtneers aid rrs wthouit a renIa lWas $456,000' e f'or the building. ci to up the cent OUATES FRPOM HUMBER COLLEGE Miiss. Mary Vogel 0of R.R. 1, Orono was- one of the 1974 nts who rauated this year, from Humliziber Coilege, it thSe argest graduatag cdass in the past ton years. Miss 1graduates o the- w year MentalReaato EDE7STROYS SMALL SHED. Fîre on Friday ttally destroyed an smnal shed oni the .rty 0f' Mr. andi Mrs. Sunierlaad in CareTownýshi.P, a houses nortf Crooked Creek on the road frýom, onville to! Kendal. Upon arrivai of thne Orono Fire rten te sh-ed wascom-plet!e1in laflameIs. The local rirentfhad cle h services f the water tanker from navilebutd on arrivai found there was rcn eed for the rtanker. On Mondaiy the lJocal fire department was calied to a fnr onhe farmiiof Mr, Doniald Evan-s east of Orono. M 41el

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