Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 22 Jun 1977, p. 4

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Town's Industrial comnmittee to estabflish a biason commit- tee. The commrittee will deal in detail with imatters of mutlual concern regarding the prop- osai fro>m Eldorado to con- struet a uranium refinery in the Town of Newcastle. CLARKE MUSEUM ADVANCED $1,500 Clarke Museum has been! advanc *ed a sum of $1,500-00Oof their budget from the Town of Newcastle. Council has rec- ommended that in future such requests be channeled thr- ough the Town of Newcastle Museum Board*. PORT HOPERS HALF WVAY IN FUND RAISING CAMPAIGN Citizens of Port H-ope have reached the hiaîf v-ay mark in Pancakes popular breakfast diet Pancakes were the popular item on the menu last Saturrday morning for bI:eak- faist when close to three hundred treked to the Orono f ire halfl. The .Ororýo fire- fighters were>providing their usuial parîcakes, sausage and coffee for breakfast. subscribing funds to the proposed Port Hope C om- Munity Centre. t' has been aouneed that some $350,000OÇ bas already been subscribed througii the private sector which is the half-way mark of the needed $700,000.0ü. Trhey camne early, 7:00 à.m., and continued until weIl iîqto the morning whem al kad been served. In speaking with Mr. J. Duvaîl on Monday he said that figures had.flot been completed but he expected that the association would make somewhere around $400.00 frorn the venture which is to be turned over to the new Arena fund. He did say that attendance was of the largest yet over the past few years. Doni't forget the auction sale this Saturday morning at the fire hall. "Proud to be a Canadian- NMr. Hamilton resides nin and teacýhers. pins were presented on Mon- soiuth Orono and is a teacher Time will also be sýpent by day to Mr. Alex Hamilton by at the Anderson Colegiate in the group visiting many Mr. William Reid and Mr. Whitby. He along wîth a cultural and historical sites in Charles Gray on behaîf of the group of' educators frorn China and Asia such as Great Pine Ridge Kinsmen Can, da will be visiting south- Bank6k, Kuala, Lumpin and Club. Mr. Hamilton is to east Asia and the People's Mvanila. ditiuethe pins while on Repubiic of China. The group The Kinsmen through Mr. tour of southeast Asia and 'the wili visit a variety of schoois Hamilton are endeavouring to R'epublic of China this sum- and communes wýhere they spread the word of Canada ini merci. will meet and taik to studients t he soutbeast. IlISTORïLîuAL NATURE HIIKE As part of tbe Canada Week Celebrations thie Ganaraska Region Conservation Authlor- ity is SP(,ons<-ing a- hîstorical nlature hI)jk e tbroughll thie Ganaask FoestonSud, June 2 ,a 7:00 a.m. As partcipntsexplore various __ parts of the forest,Auhrt sitf and ntrisswill des- cribe fie hîstoryI of thle land prior to 1930) and ile events leading up to the formation 1f the Ganaraska Region Con1- servation Aubrt.The con- tinuinig sigrîifican-e of the for-est to tbe ]and and the people of thîs area will also be MobIl e horrm decision tai Regional cixincil on Wed- nesday tableçi a recommend- ation from the Regional Planning and Development committee that council in- form the Town of Newcastle that it is not prepared to related. b)es Erv ed a f rePe pa ncak e an d mln 1)1e syýrup breakfast . If possible, particiýpants shoud bring their owVIn reusable et ing uteonsils to belp us prsreour iatural resour- -es. P1roper footweaýr nd long panttts are (esseil Ias protec- tion against poison ivy. Thie hike wil begin atthle GanrakaForest Centre, fomly th Cold Sprinigs Camnp. To reach teCentre, take County Road 9) to the fine <ae for the hlue' .igns) etenKendal and Eliza- bet1hville. Turn north and followa the road for 21, miles. bed request the Minister of Hous- ing to modify, the Rgo' officiai plan to permît the development of a mobile home park in the south of the T'own of Newvcastle as propos- ed by Rice Construction. UFor SDecoration DayI n i4 I*~ adoz.~ Cash and Carry 133 Chiurch Street Bw avle Regional council will now await staff report onl mobile homes which is expected to be re1adyv withiin the next two we-,eks. !The report is to establish somne recommnend- af ions for policies on m robile hom1es. C 1lare Mason of Ajax Sý1ai at1herecent lregionial m-eeinig ithail t as ridiculus f0 dliscu1ss the proposai we the region had no0 policy for mnobile homies. He also said theeprtcoe Inglteirc- omimendat.iýon fromn the plan- ingcmmteewson-e of t'le mnost vinidici1ve ever to cm out of ithe commIittee. At the comiimitteemetn somne weeks ago Mr. S.Bý. Rutherford spoke in opposit- iýýion to te mobile homne deveopientstating that if soýciety istIo be effective it mnust bhe a imosaic and ithus mnusi iniclu i(il age groups. Segregationi, he said, could onflylead to social ilus. He said such devel1opinent wudre- mouve a life-imne of exp- erience from) society and wýould create a pseuido i:fe-' style. fHe also fell tsuha deve,ýlopm-enti and use would advance aging, accelerate healih problemns and hasten the day the retired entered a nursinig homie. Rut herford said the mobile hoýme concept was a popular conicept of ithe affluent sixties, but that it was rnot the sixties Ioday. Mirs. Sue Sawyer 0f 1-amil- ton1s ï1Insranlce' Serice (ý,also spoke ini oppo)sitiom to the developnet poinfltig to the liess, of primie agricultural lanid, lack of access, isolation oflthe location as \W1 as the leaýse of lanid for the mobile uit s. Sh e also> provided informiaitin ,hiclh she stated showed that m-Iobile home-s wee ot a preferredi class for iinsuranice and as t hus rates were somiewhat highier wheni issueod. News Briefs TO SET UP LIASON Thlie Town of N ewcastle bas aCCpte-d a recoeinidat ion frum ElMdorado -and jt1 he Regional Municipality of Durham Of ficiai Plan Amendment with Respect To Year-Round Mobile Home Parks P UB L IC NOTIC 1E Take notice that the Council of the Regfional Municipality of Durham will consider an amnendmnent f0 the Re-zgional Officiai Plan, with respect to year-round màobile homne park development. The mneeing will be held on june 29th, 1977 at 10:00 a.m. in the Counýrclb Chambérs,'Regional Headiquarters Building, 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario. A report related te the proposed amendmnent is available at: The Regional Departmnent of Planning and Developmenit, 105 Consumners Drive, Whitby, the office of the Clerk in Ajax, Pickering, Whitby, Oshawa, Newcastle, Scugog and Uxbridge, the Municipal Office in Beaverton, Cannington and Sunderland; and the office of the Regional Clerk. Information regarding the proposed armenciment may lie obtained by calling Mr. L. Kotseff, Department of Planning and Development, Regional Municipality of Durham, Whitby, Ontario (416) 668-7731. Requests for deputations before Regloenal Council should be forwarded to the Regional Clerk, Regfional Headquarters Building, 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario, and ýmust be received 48 hours prior to the Regiona1 CounICil meeting. C.W.A ýL in dy, AM C T. Regional Cleirk. Sta rt o ut ea rl1y Sundlay morning

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