ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1,.1977-7 CIaimn Durham taxes a bove those in London Last Sunday some twenty from the community took Avantage of a walk in the Durham, Forest sponsored by, the Ganaraska Region Con- servation Authorîty. The walk started at the Durham Forest parkiihg lot east. of Highway- 115 and penetrated the forest for some two miles. Above Doug Gibson, a summer emnployee of the Authority, draws attention to the f orest floor in the centre of a red pine plantation. He pointed out that due to the lack of sunlight and the acidic compost of pine needlesi lttue plant if e could survive or did survive. Later he compared plant life in a natural hard- wood stand of trees where a varied form of plant life existed. PLAN BIG FOREST WALK FOR S UNDAY, JUNE 26th SMiss Kelly Ballentyne, c6- ordinator for the Ganaraska Forest Centre, recently in- formed the executive of the Authority that a walk in the forest had been organîzed for Sunday, June 26th in recogni- tion of Canada Week. This walk is to start at the forest centre, north east of Kendal on -the, Hope Clarke boundary. The executive was further informed that pancakes and coffee would be served for this outing which again would be conducted as a nature hike wîth qualified personnel out- lining the many features of the forest. Furthèr details will be made in the near future.' AIl1 out of focus, states, Woodyard Following a meeting last week with the Region Dur- ham concerning the Senior Citizens development in Oro- no Councillor Woodyard stat- ed that charges to get the project rolling were ail-out of focus. "Its bloody ridiculous" he said. Charges by the region and the Town of Newcastle for lot levies as well as bearing the cost of running water from the Orono Main Street to the site totaled $93,00.00. 'This cost will bc a lot higher for the proposai in Newcastle Village stated Councillor Woodyard for in Newcastle the Senior Citizen Lodge group will also, have to pay the cost of lot levies for sewers as well as purchasing the land. Woodyard exclaimed, there is no possible way the Senior Citizens can build affordable accommodation under this system. The Orono cost of $93,000.00 included $36,000.00 for a watermain fromn the Main Street to the site west of a ~ on Station Street. The k~h of main is 1200 feet. The only answer to this said Councillor Woodyard is to, move the undertaking to Millbrook, out of the Region, In speaking with E. R. Lovekin, who has been aceting on - behaîf of the Senior Citizens he said he'hoped they were making progress but he likened it to digging in the sand where you take out one shovel and another rolîs into the hole. "We are going to have to do somnething," said Lovekin. In speaking on the condition- of Station Street west Mr. Lovekin said that it was not the Senior Citizens that, had created or were to create the problem with the condition of the road. Council is ging to have to do something somne- time with this road, he said, "it is a connecting link to Orono and it will neyer be closed. ", The Senior Citizens Lodge have over the past three to four years been planning on building eventually forty sen- ior citizens units on some six acres which they purchased from the former Township of Clarke. At the time the Lodge group had somne one'hundred thousand dollars avaîlable for the work and with provincial and federal funding felt they could buîld both in Orono and Newcastle Village. The NewDemocratic Party at a news conference on Monday mo rning attended by lan Deans N.D.P. Hôbuse Leader. and M.P.P. for Went- worth held in Doug. Moffatt's c ampaign he adquarters in Oshawa said they would establish a citizens enquiry in each of the regions through-, out the province to study increased expenditures with- in the regions. This inquiry woull be completed within two months. The three N.D.P. candid-, ates in the Durham Region stated they supported the proposai and said there was no benefit in having someone' from Toronto hold an inquiry as each region differs, some- what from the other. They also said too many inquiries had been held with reports only being shelved. During, the press confer- ence the N.D.P.s compared the rising costs in Durham with that of the London area as they pointed out in 1973 both areas were comparable in size and population. The expenditures under consider- ation included both regional, municipal and education costs. It was stated that in London in 1973 the expenditure per person was $204.44 comparing with $219.69 in Durham. By 1975, it was declardd that London's expenditure per person had risen to $285.34 per person while in Durham the cost per person had soared to $469.58. Deans and Moffatt also restated that the N.D.P.'s position that the election of a New Demnocratic government would see no increase in the Provincial budget. There is an alternative to NDP Socialismand, ifs announced dletermination to nationalize our natual esoucesindustries There9 is- an alternative to BiII Davis and his Tory Regional Governments and ,Regio'nal Schooling System Your Alterna tive? June 9th VOTE Joan DowneyX Uibera DURHAM EAST *Jobs for our young people e Housing for Senior Citizens eCommon sense in public- hf e Alter 34 years of Conservative rue..."it îs time for a change" Bowmanville 162 Ki Newcastle Village 721 COMME King Street East 623-2303 King Street West 987-5387 ROOMS- Oshawa 1210 Simncoe StreetNorth 579-9542-43 Orono Main Street 983-9350 il K-M