Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 1 Jun 1977, p. 5

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WhtKendal1 Wa sso rare as a day in ine! Then if ever corne perfect days. Let us hope these perfect days include rain The cisterns are ail dry. We've had lots of time in May to get tem cleaned out. Now, willwe have to buy water ta News fi them?' Some of the top soul on te tobacco farms was blawing away because of te high winds on Saturday and the fact that it is powder dry to a depth of ten inches. Sunday was a busy day for some of the Kendal folk. 1. Freedom ca ite 'sustained only in a sacieti] wilitaut dis- crimination based on race, cal- aur, sex or creed. It can best be preserved in a saciety cam- mitled ta justice andite rule ai law and ta demacratic in- stitutions based upon the Briishi Parliamentary Systemn. 2. Faimness and eqÙatiy ai appartunity cao be guar- anteed only by a govero- ment prepared la ensifre that power isnfotused un- fairly ity any group fin saciet, including gaveroment tseli. 3, Real f reedrni Gan be aciieved and maintained anfly witen gavernent is prepareci ta limait ils awn growth,pae a nd casis. -poe 4. Thte strenigth, prasperity and ut i fail Canada is vital ta te future well-beingofA ahlie peaplcetai tatia.'lThe preser- vatian ai litaI uuity is Onlario's ptiman.j national goal 5. In a fair andI iree society, goverrnent must delineate andprotectitefollowingrigits ai te individual: a. The rigit tul build a secure future for ane's self andI anes family. b. The right la seek and earn fair wages. c. Thee ight'ta seek andI eamn fai, profits and fees. ci The righft ta work in peace and safety. eTite right la be.protecledfrom uiniair or uulawvful practices in the market place orîthe labour farce. f. Thte ight ta, a fair and equil- able lax sVsteni. g. The rigtt ta pursue personat fulfilîment, grawth andI self- impravemnenl. COM MITMENTS The Progressive Conserva- ive Governmnenl ai Onlario aifiris ils commient ta eacit ai te iollowing tasks. 1. A commitmenl loa a arget ai une fhundred tousanci new jobs eacit year for te next decade. 2. AcommnilmentiotIe contin- ued security ai fond-su pply for al Orilarians. This 15 la be achieveci through: the preser- vallon ai iarmuland; increaseci per-acre production; effective marketing ai surp lus agricul- turai exports and cautinueci support for-the farming corn- munity. 3. A commilmneni ta a targel ai 900,000 hausing starts over te nexl len years iu Ontario. There was the anniversary at Kirby with Rev. Dr. Norman McKenzie as guest speaker and the U.C.W. thank offering service at Newtonville with Mrs. and Mrs. Roy Biekie whofor the past 2 years have been warking in Germany under the Greater Europe Mission, as guest musiciansi J/E LI VE IN V HANGING TIMES. ALL fABOUT US, THROUGHOUT CANADA AND 71-JE WORLD, STANDARDS AND VALUES THIATHIAVE STOOD UNQUESTIONED) FOR A HUNDRED YEARS ARE IN]EOPARDY ATTH1lS POINTIN OUR HIISTORY WHEN COI'JIDENCE IN OUR FUTURE 15 MORE IMIPORTANT THANE VER BEFORE, I COMMIT THE ONTARJO , PROGRESSIVE CONSERVA7IVEPARTYTO THIEFOLLOW- INC PRINCIPLES AND OBJECTIVES. UNDER A PROGRESSIVýECONSER VAIlVE GO VERNMENeTHESE COMAMITMWENTS, WHICHFORMPARTOFA DYNAMvIC PROGRAMOFACTION, WILL GIVEEACH PERSONINONTARJO TI-IEASSURANCE WITFHIN WH1CH TO SHAPE HIS OR HERPERSONAL DESTIN 4. A comniulmenl la reducing te municipal tax burden an senior citizens, and ta work towards the ultimale elimina- lion ai this particular lax far the majorty af Ontatia's senior citizens. 5. A cammrilmoent ta reducing unnecessan]y wasle in aIl social spending ta ensure taIte truly ne(,ed and titose wito serve tem get adequale andi fair support. 6. A commitmenlta continue lte battie aginst inflation wiile providing te privale sector witit opporlunity and examrple for job creatian. 7 A camilmenit la replacing aI leasltIwo trees for every ana itarvesled itencefartitin Ontatio, and la regenerating every acre ha rvested. 8.A camiilmen laincreasing te sale o! Ontario gaads and services aulside- Canada by 540 a yeal. "The policies and com-imit- ments m tiCar-ter grew out of my New,\Year's, message as am lfed -i uThrone Speech and r-ecent Buidget. It dIe scribes how aPrgesv Conservative Govenmeint will lead Ontario ilvu ers imm..iediatelyiahead,. 1 beliecve it reflects an understanding of Uhe way 9. A cammiument la cantaining lte size andexpyense of govern- ment in Ontario, resulting in a balanc ed budget by 1981. 10. A commilment ta maintain- îng te igitestqualily aofitealtit and hospilal services, baseci ôn a system wiich allows indi- viduals la work together wilh teir own doctors for their own iteallh and well-being il. A commnient la preserve an educational system aifiigit qualitV, ith accessibility ta higiter educatian baseci upan individual citaice andI individ- ual Metit. 12. A commitment ta te value ai municipal govemrment in the deniocratic structure ai Ontario saciety. 13. A cammulmenl la balanceci growth andI development in lte Nort, saas tla make prosperillj, social, ad cultural advancemenl equaly avail- able ltote ciizens ai Narltern Ontario. and speakers. Somne of aur mrembers attended one service and somne the other service, both were very fine. Rev. A. Tizzard choose ta speak on the book of Ruth. Thtis book has only four chapters while first Samuel has thirty-one yet what a PRINCIPLES ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 117- wonderful story is told in those four chapters. A story of peace, famine, love and the itarvesl festival. Ruth 2, v. 4 Boar the wealthy land lord greelsins reapers with the words, "The Lord be witit you". And tey answered him, "The Lord bless titee." Whal a fine greeting: Ruth had begun life in a heathen home with many gods. Then site learned, perhaps from Naomi, of theone true Goci and site eventually became of theý great grandmother of King David. Boar said ta Rutht verse 12, "The Lord God recompense titee and a ful reward be given thee." After tite Kendal service some from Kendal aided wilh the service thlie Newcastle Rest Home. Tite rummàge sale Satur- day aflernuon at the Kendal Orange Hall had a wýonderful variely of articles donated sucit as electric irons for 50 cents eacit, ciildren's swings and car seats, boys hasebal sweaters, home baking of al kinds but unfortunately very few buyers. They plan to try to seil some of the articles in the faîl. Next Sunday is award day in Kendal citurch witen the Sunday School will put on the program a t the morning service. Corne and encourage the Sunday Sthool leachers and titeir classes by yo-,ur presence ai their special day. 14, A conmîmnent ta thte pursuit ai excellence in the, fields ai industry îchlnalagy, manage- men t iand collect ive bargaining Sa that illarina s m are, m thiecallective pride and seit-canfidecnce thait stems tramn iving in an envirnient ai pragress and achievement. 15. Aý commniient ta lair profit als the prime cencouragement tor indlividuial wvage-eamners, prtsinlentrepreneurls5 inveýstars and industries ta hielp Ontaria graw, alang with a cammitment ta encaurage the grawth ai the small busi- ness seclar ai aur ecanami]. 16. A cammitment la reducing wark stappages and slaw- dawns titraugit mare advanced labaur- management negtia- tians and titraugb the aullaw- ingai strikes and lackouls in such sectars ai the êcanamy as pravincial gaveroment services. AFFIRMATION We affirm that te Progres- sive ConservativeGavermuneiR't will upitald titese prmnciples and commitiments as a guarantee ai personal ireedom, ecanarnic We aiiirm aur belief that social justice for ail can be assured anlythrougitdedication tahigit quality programs aifiteallh an d educatian titat serve all wilh campetence, equit, effective- ness and aiiardabilitv Ta this end: *Healtit systems must allow dactbrs and patients ta wark taogetiter ta prevent, treat and cure disease. .Educatian pragranis must pramale basic campetence in basic'skilis as a prerequisite lai the advancement ai aIl. . Oppartunity must be main- lained for alI Who legitimatelV seek greater participalian-sucit as native peaples, women, te handicapped-so- that ail in Ontario share as a conimon iteritage te ighti ta pursue personai lulfîlîment Ibraugit titeirown efaort, initiativecom- mitment and seli-reliance. We affirmn' thai everij citizen ai Ontaria shares a common rigiti ta self-advancement, ta balanced and stable govern- meAnt, ta ireedoni, justice, equity and securitijas residents ai a great province witich bas a key raie ta plaV in advancing the interests ai a great nation Ta these principles, commit- ments and affirmations I decil- cate mV Party iu the service ai evew man, womau and citild ai aur province lu a X y, spirit ai fat, trust and camman purposeV. ~1 of life and the human needs and aspirations of people throughout this Province. It provides a plan to keep Ontarlo strong and dynamlic-a place. in which the need t o preserve the best of the past is balanced- with the need for future growth. The Progressive Conservative Party is committed to these goals.1 askyou tojoin ______ with me( in translatig this Charter into action by votirug Progressive ______ Conservative on dune 9th:'l William Davis, Premier lmu Your futur. Your choie. Four candidates view June 9th in Durham East Four candidates have reg- istered for lte June 9th election for the riding of Durham East. The ballot will carry lte names of Sam Cureatz, New- castle for the Progressive Conservatives, Joan .Downey of Oshawa for the Liberals, Lloyd Leitch, a nineteen year oId'from Toronto represent- ing lte ,Northt American Labour Party and Doug Moffatt, Kendal, for the New Democratic Party. In the ast provincial elect- ion four candidates contested the Durham East riding which was won by N.D.P. Doug Moffatt. Besides the Conservatives and Liberals a candidate ,represented lte Social Credit Party. IL Iii

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