Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 1 Jun 1977, p. 2

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3-0RONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNES»AY,, JUNE 1, 1977 NOT EVERYONE AGREES With the proposai to move the Grand Prix race from Mosport Track to Toronto there is no doubt that many in the .Leskard area are hoping against hope that such does happen. The move however will neot be witbout disagreement from some factions in Toronto and especailly those in the area where the event is to be held. Already the Toronto Historicai Board has laid its objection to the move pointîng to the- disruption the event will have on certain undertakings in the area of the CNE and the lakeshore. It does appear that the Toronto project is attracting support, from-such as a number of Metro Mayors who have yet to vote on the matter in Metro council but are awaiting an opinion fromn the City of Toronto. There are a number of advantages in the event being held in Toronto none the ieast to accommodation and the nearness of a large audience. Whether or not it can catch the carnival atmosphere that does exist at Mosport bas yet to be seen. While those in Leskard area may be pleased there are no doubt others especially providing services that wîli suffer fromn the ioss of bus.ness. NE VER AGAIN Until two years ago we enjoyed a leisureiy summer getting the lawn mower -out possibly once every two weeks. But this has ail changed and it is due directly to a promotion of the Great Pine Ridge Jinsmnen Club who for the past two years have been selling lawn fertilizer. Our first purchase neyer reached the lawn unitil this. spring and this added to this years purchase has taken our ieisurely summer away. Now the grass has to'be cut tbree time every two weeks except for the recent dry speil. We have now decided that we can do without that plush iawn and that next year we will make a donation to the Kinsmen and let themn keep their fertilizer. As we write this article it is raining and this wil net improve matters at ail., LOCAL ISSUES ARE APPEARING An ail candidates meeting at thé Bowmanville High related to some local issues and -on some of the issues the three candidates took definite sides.. In the matter of the Oshawa second Marsh conservative Sam Cureatz said he was'in favour of development of the area as a harbour as a means to create jobs. Doug Moffatt bas been strongly opposed to such a move and bas been in support of retaining the marsh as it now exists. Moffatt and Cureatz also differed on the question of an environmental assessment regarding the proposed Darling- ton generating plant. Cureatz sees no need for such an inquiry while Moffatt feels such shouid be" held before construction gets underway. The students also were told by Cureatz that Rememnbrance day should be a school holiday while Moffatt and Downey said the'day couid be much more meaningful if special ceremonies were held within the school on this particular day. This corner bas voiced its opinion on these issues in thé past giving full supporet to the retention of the second marsh as a nature area and sanctuary. It is feit here that littie of the lakeshore le beîng retained for public use and that this particular area is unique as a nature area. On the matter of Remembrance' Day we do feel strongiy that nothing is gained by making it a school holiday. The school tbrough special program can give more meaning to this day by far than saying to the students off you go, its Remembrance Day. On the matter of an Environmental Assessment inquiry regarding the Darlington plant we feel very littie would be gained because few would be able to ascertain what is involved and would only become more confused over confiicting reports and opinions. We do feel however that Hydro, the province and the federal government should be more concerned over conservation of energy and give definite leadership in protectîng the future needs of this country. A definite conservation programn could do more for this province than a wholesale scheme of generating plants side by side along the great lakes. Who would have thought even two years ago that the president of the United States would have put the clamps on the production of gas-guzzling cars. This in itaelf should be a fair warning to Canadians. Just over a week lef t for the provincial camnpaign. A lîttie town is... A littie town je- where you don't have to guece who your enemies are. Your friende wilI tell you. A littie town ie where few people can get away with lying about the year they were bon. Too many other people can remember. A littie town je where people with vrusailments can air them properlIy to sympathetic ears. A uifle town îs where, when you get die wrong number, you can talk A lifle town ewer the ratio) of ait. is seriîusneeas with ms Scbool Spring Concert hela ance in the afternoon and evening witb both.before a fun group as they prepare to May l8th in the school. The rpated it again in the bouse. perform at the Orono Public. studenta present a perform- rp -A - Be careful with fire F-orest pesîs invade greenery It is the time of year again when insects become a pro- blem to various trees and sbrubs iii the Lindsay D;is- trict. Some forest insecta have shown major declines over the past years while otherg have shown increased activity. The populations of spruce budworm and cedar leafminers whichi have prov- en troublesome for a number of years, are greatly reduced, Other forest insecta showed increased activity, namely the forest tent caterpillar, eastern tent caterpillar, red- headed pine sawfly, fal cankerworm, basswood loop- er, birch leafminer and larch sawfly. The eastern tent caterpillar is very evident because of the unsightly feeding nesta that can be seen on choke cher- ries, black cherries, flower- ing crabs and roses. The forest' tent caterpillar is a severe 'defoliator of bard maple and poplar but does not form the unsightly tent and is therefore not as conspicious. The oak leaf sbredder, which bas éaused severe damage to the oak in the soutb part of the district for the past five years appears to be on the decline. If you have problems with insecta and disease and are unsure what they are or wbat to do about them, you may caîl your local office of the Minstry of Natural Resour- ces. Please remember tbat pest- icides are dangerous. Rend labels carefully and follow the directions. Do not use more chemical than prescribed on the container. Store ail cbem- icals in a safe place, out of the reach of childi-en. More AIB excess- revenue Sevnt-theecompanies te- cently dec ided to freeze or reduce prices to eliminate or avoid excess revenue, bringing to -366 the number of companies whieh have taken pricing action to comply with the Anti-Inflatiqn Guidelines. A report by the Anti-Inflatio)n Board shows that a total of $ l64 million in excess revenue xas generated by the 73 comparues. This money'must be returned to the market through compliance plan-s approved by the AýIB These plans miay involve either reducing prices or holding prices vwhile absorbhing- cost increases. These additions to the excess revenue list brin- to $44.4 mil- lion the amtouint retumned or soon to he returned to the market. Excess revenue can resuit fromt a variety of factors and is not in itself an indication that the corn- pany bas contravened the Anti- Inflation Act. It is, bowever, a situation which niuLst be corrected if the firmi is to comiply \vith the anti-inflation prograrm. *ZSt#uie~m"ms aa----~ good people t0 bad people ie something like 100 to one. That's nioe t0 remnember. A littie town je where it is bard for anybody t0 walk to work for exercice because it takes to0 long to stop and explain to people ini cars who stop, honk, and offer a ride. A little town is where city folks say there je nothing to do, but those who live there don't have enough night ini the week to make ail the meetings and social functions. A littie town je where everyone becomes a 'neighbour' in time of need. A littie town ie where those saine businessmen dig deep many times to help with countless fund.raising projects. A fittle town ie where many teenagers say there's nothign tô do and they are surpriced t0 learn that their big-city peers are saying the camne thing. A littie town, when ail je caid and doue, ie a njoe place te live. Sunshine, clear skies, tem- peratures hovering in the eighties and nineties; it's a perfect spring for outdoor f un. It's perfect on the surface but the lack of ram bhas pushed fire danger ratings too high or extreme over ail of Lindsay *forest distric.t. So far this year we have had fifteen fires in our district and unfortunately must anticipate more. Two or our regular staff have afready gone north to assist witb fires in other parta of the province. When you are out enjoying the perfect spring weather, eXercise caution as weli as your muscles. Sit down for your smoke break, or better stili do without it. Don't burn anything until we've bad a good long ramn, and if you are in the fire district, make sure you have a valid fire permit. Remember, only YOU can prevent foi-est fires! Plus 2 Mentality ln a recent speech, June men- zies, v ie- chai rwomnan of the Anti-Inflation Board, said Cana- dians had adopted a '-CPI plus two mientality" about annual wae ncr*eases, an idea she feit miay have been inadvertently, caused by the anti-inflation prog- riamt. Ms. Menizies told a forum in Win.iipeg,:1 "This is the mentality that everyone isentitled to achieve an incomie increase of the consumer pr7ice index plUStwo per- Cent or to maintain bis historic margin. In fact, it seemns to mie that one of the tbingýs we mnust do, once conitrols aire lifted, is to wa ourselves off the belief that we ail have an entitlemnent to real income growth every ' year. WVe have to he prepared to accept 110 real income growth in somne years while bieing prepared to see incomes increase in other areas of the economy. asel BRI 'A ta,.il ceb needs .... YOUR taste .... OUR price bracet. Getting what you need and like cornes first. Getting the home at a fair price makes the home a "Bargain". Farms - Homes - Land - Commercial and Recreational Properties. We cordially invite you to, give us a cail and let us, find VOUR bargain. ; DXSER VICE STATION. Highway 35 and 115, just north of Newcastle I * Premium Quality li>rodurts i At the Most Reasonable Prices Stove 011 Diesel 011à Avallable i any quaatitY id qilPhone 9874215 . . . ............... .

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