l2.Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, MÏAY 25th, 1977 Tie Detergent BOX .4 Ouikki Utiity Bags f55V KitClen Garbage Bagsfe chub ut 325Ff.r 1 b20 minutes a pound (ta 14e0 f internai temperat ure> in a barbaque sauce. SlmlyremOvethQwrappi.@,g ad Buste occasianaiiy wth the sauce. Bnders " are added ta procesed meat s ta imprave h. emulilon stabilit-y. the coaking yteid, the si ici ng characteristics and the flQvour. The Iaw controais5he anlunt of creal, ski- mIlk powder and spices thot may be used in processed meat;. Sa buythem with confidence, for they are nutritiaus. high- quaâlity aten tivs v ourargular menu. IGA CHOICE Peas or - Cream Style 14r Corn 3 OZ T INS N ;fL TaMAT SAUCE OR MIUSTARD SAUCE Brunwick 3ýû.1 Sardines 4 TINS PRCSEFFECT IVE WEO., MAY 25 TO SAT., MAY 24, 19-T WE RESERVE THE RICNT TOLUMIT GUANTITIES. M;Pý ARMSTRONGS,ý