ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MAY llth, 1977-9 SPORTS Gold medal for Orono gym nast Saturday, April 3oth started out to be a good day and ended up even better. Mr. Gary Eames conducted the western area gymnastie competition for the second year in Bowmanville High School. Thirteen Orono Public School students went tLo rep- resent Orono at the junior coînpetition level. The participants from Or- ono were Janette Armstrong, Patty Biaschke, Brenda Bunt- ing, Debbie Gooch and Tena Battamns for junior girl floor. The junior vaulting boys were, Duffy Haàmre, Charlie ORONO FIGURE SKATING Forbes and Parker Pepper. The vaulting girls were Patty Blaschke, Brenda Buntîng, Tammy Madill, Colleen Mc- Leod, Denise Maher and Carol Lee Parry. Orono Public School is proud of Duffy Hamre. -He was the only one that did a hand spring off the vault from Orono. He also brought home one gold medal for coming in first place in the junior boys level. Congratulations. This meet was 'very weil prepared for we students sPent our lunch hours and most of our recesses in the gym practîcing about a month before the competi- tion. We students involved would also like to, thank Mrs. Deremoand Mr. Witheridge who spent a lot of their free timne with us, helping us correct our bad points and improving our good points. A thanks also to Mrs. Clark who added grace into the girls routines. Without these peo- pie I'm sure none of us would have dune as weil as we did. All told the day was a very successful and ah 0of the Orono students-did very well. Brenda Bunting, Patty Blaschke. $8753 to'operate, skating clu'b Pictured above are the award winninig gymnasts at the County Meet. Back rowý, 1 to r, Jeff Gray, Cathy Bevan, Steven Adams. Front, Megan Kirby girls win f ive medalIs SAt the County Gymnastics Meet held at Bowmanviile High School, Saturday, April 3th, Kirby girls earned 5 medals out of a possible six. In a class of 34 competitors, Robin Munro placed 2nd and Cathy Bevan tied for third in the floor exercises set to music. On the box horse- Kirby girls won al] the medais in a ciass of 23 competitors. Megan H-urst placed first, Suë Forth, second and Robin Munro third. In the boys section in the floor exercises in a* class of il competitiors, Jeff Gray rec- eived a medal for first and Steven Adams a medai for H urst, Sue Forth, Robin Mlunro. third. These students were coach- ed hy Mrs. Lois Adams. The competition ran from il a.m. to1:30 p.m. The meeting was held on April 14, 1977 in the Orono Town Hall, with 25 'people attending. We have had a good year with many skaters being successful in passing tests; both at the badge and C.F.S,.A. levels. We had some financial probiems due to the necessity of, renting ice in Hampton at the beginning of the season and for our senior students throughout the sea- son. t was necessary to continue this ice for our Seniors because the C.F.S.A. tests for dances above the Junior Bronze level must be tried on regulation size ice surface. The executive feit that our skaters above this level needed saine practice time on regulation size ice. Our Junior Club suffered somnewhat from our ice sche- dule which did not allow our Junior Coaches (senior skat- ers) to be available on.Sunday afternoons. In previous years much of the teaching of junior skaters has beeni done by these coaches, under the guidance of the Junior Club Prof essional. Our financial report for the 1976-77 season is as follows. We have requested a grant of $600.00 from the region. We are net yet aware of the counci's decision on this request. Orono skaters in Scarborough event Several Orono skaters com- peted in Scarborough over the Orono Soccer This Saturday evening, May l4th, at the Orono Public School, the Men's Orono Soccer teanropens ils third season in the Darlington League, hostîng the Hampton entry. This year it looks like the Orono teamn wili be much improved with the addition of several new players, which should compliment last year's crew. The Oarington League has expanded wîth the addition of two new teams, a Bowmanville Q>entry and the "Flying Dutchmen". The local boys would appreciate your support in tbis e3eciting and entertaining sport, so corne out and give them a boost. Game time 7:15. HOME GAMES Sat., May 14 Hampton Sat., June 4 Bowmanville Wed.,iJune 15 Courtice Sat., Juiy 2 Fiying Dutchmen Wed., July 6 Tyrone Wed., July 13 Salem Wed., July 20 Zion Wed.. Aug. 3 Solina AWAYGAMES Sat., May 21 at "Flying Dutchman" Wed., May 30 at Salem Sat., Juneilî at Zion Mon., JÙne 20 at Solina Sat., July 9 at Hampton Sat., July 16 at Bowmanville Mon., July 18 at Courtice past week-end, Apr. 29, 30 and May 1. Mari-Lou Powell competed in the Intermnediate Ladies category, placing tenth in her flight. Beth Gatchell, in Novice Ladies (over 12), placed eighth in her flight. Heather Sawyer in Pre-Nov- .ce Ladies (over 12) piaced first in her flîght and fourth in the finals. Weil done Heather! Stephanie Hood competed in Pre-Novice Ladies (under 12) piacing fourth in her flight. Janice Gatchell in Juvenile Ladies (under 12) placed tenth in her flight. Each of these girls skated well and are to be congratul- ated on their fine efforts. FINANCIAL REPORT DEBITS C.F.S.A. $ 376.00 Hampton Ice Rentai 2,790. 00» Music Boy 244.38 Professionai Fee, 1,541.00 Skating Competition 570.05 Carnival 14i9.56 Orono Ice Rental « 2,533.25 Miscellaneous 278.86 $8,753.10 CREDITS Sav. Acct. $ 555.20 Feesreceived 3,702.00 Guest skating 5.9 Draw profit 950.92 Skating competition 586.50- Carnival 887.30 Booster.Banquet 600.00 Current Acct. 789.82 '$8,152.69 Total outstanding balance $600.41 1977-78 OFFICERS President - Hilda Gatchel Fîrst Vice Sue Sawyer Second Vice Bertha Buchanan Treasurer Elaine Haines Corresponding Sec. Dianne Brachvogel Recording Sec. Donna Hutton Publicity and Advertising Carol Graham Club Delegate Pat Irwin National Test Chairman Lyn- da McCullough C.F.S.A. Test Chairman Nancy Hood. Directors: Shirley Henry, Rita' Deriet, Cathiie Carleton, Betty Mer- rick, Marg Gorman, Fran Lunn, Sharon Miller, Audrey Buck ley, Faye Burnhamn, Our New Location 170 CHURCH STREET BOWMANV ILLE 623-5054 CUSH ION FLQO R fro m $3.95 sq. yd. Great Pine Ridge Kins men Club 2nd ANNUAL ROCK 'N ROLL REVIu,,'L NEWCATLF QUNITY HALL SATU" 04Y, MAY l4th Dancing from,9 -1 to B&H SOUND TIJNESOFTHE S0sand6os Admission $5.00 per couple Refreshmient and Lunch Spot Dances- Contests Contact Charles Gray at 983-5920 for tickets