-8 Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, April 27th, 1977 $44 Million for french over three yea rs The Ministry of Education will offer Ontario's school boards $44 million in incent- ive grants over the next three years to improve and expand courses in French as a second language for both elementary and secondary schools. Education Minister Thom- as Wells- said that the over-riding objectives of the new program are to encour- age school boards, through grants and other incentives, to: extend the availability of programs in French for pupils in elementary and * 9 SI Oà%rono To wing IGENERAL REPAIRS Phone 983-5249 Orono MAIN St 1ORONO, ONT. secondary schools; increase the number of hours spent in learning French; provide inc- reased opportunities for those students who have the ambit- ion and capability to achieve a meaningful level of biling- ualism and develop in young, people an increased apprec- iation for the presence of French as a major cultural element in Canadian life. "Certainly there is agree- ment that not ail young people can be, or should be, expected to achieve equal levels of fluency; it is niot our aim to make every pupil fuliy biling- ual,"' Mr. Wells said. The plan is based on three types of programs, a basic core program where students receive 20 to 40 minutes instruction a day in French, extended programs, which will be composed of the basic core program plus the teach- ing of one or two of the regular subjects in French, and immersion programi in which the majority of instruc- tion to pupils is given using French as the language of communication. The new grants will be based on the number of hours of French language instruct- ion students accumulate dur- ing their school years. The greater the number of bours 0 983-5009 OummmUm mm Mm mmmm : CLOR CRAFT INTRO LTXIL,ý INTERIOR AE LAT Semi Gloss Gai. $8.98 iRolph Ha rdware: *q Orono (Dominion) Phone 983-5207 the higher the per-pupil both Englîsb and French grant. fluently,,," NMr. Wells said. "It is important that ful opportunities be provided for ail or most English speaking pupils to re ach a basic competence in French and acquire a knowledge of Fre- nch speaking, people and their culture.. It is equally import- ant that opportunities be provided for those young people who want to speak In addition to the direct grants to boaïrds t'he Ministry will, over the samne three-year period, spend an additional $23 million on a wide variety of support programs, includ- ing teacher education, curri- culum and learnîng materials development and student ex- changes, Mr. Wells said. OBITUARY Ellen Matilda Brown Sunday morning, April3' 1977, there passed away sudd enly a t ber home in Orono, one of the pioneers of the community, in the person of Ellen Matilda Brown, wîfe of the late John Davey Brown. Born on September 4, 1886, on the Tamblyn homestead, the youngest and 'only rem- aining member of the late Albert and Elizabeth Tam- blyn family, Mrs. Brown lived her entire life in the Kir by ad Orono communities, where she and her husband spent their active years farming on the Brown homestead of Lot 25, Concession 6. Upon retire- ment in 1942, they' took up residence in the village of Orono and clebrated sixty- two years of marriage in 1967. Always concerned with the welfare of others, Mrs. Brown was very devoted to her family and home and was a faithful and active member of Orono United Church until lier later years. As a young girl, she sang -in the church choir and played violin in church orchestras. ,Mrs. Brown is survived by four children, Marion of Oshawa, Everett of. Oronio, LeRoyof Lindsay and Olive (Mrs. HE. Milîson) Orono. Her eldest son James, pre- deceased her in the year 1960. She also leaves to mourn her passing ,ten, grandchildren and 15 great grandchildren. Her memory will always live on in the hearts of ail who knew and loved her and will continue to be a source of strength and inspiration' to them. Her thouights were ail so ful of us, She neyer could forget, And so we think that wbere she is, She must be watching yet, Waiting tili we corne home to her, Anxious if we are late; W atching from Heaven's win- dow, Leaning from Heaven's gate. The funeral service was held in Orono United Church on Wednesday, April 6, 1977 ind was conducted by Rev. Basil Long. Temporary inter- ment was in the Lang Memorial Chapel, Orono Cemetery. Palîbearers were ail grand- ÇjWall TapÎng-Spray Ceilings Plaster Bepair Painting WaIIy Lucyîk 983-5518 ORONO sons, Messers. Earle Brown, Ft. Lauderdale,, Gerald Brown, Newcastle, Merrili Brown, Bowmanville, Lynn Brown, Orono, John Brown, Windsor and Robert Brown, Waterloo. Man y beautiful floral trib- utes attested to the esteem in which Mrs. Brown was held as did the c ontribututions to various charitable organiz- ations. B YAMS -PLUMBING - HEATING Salesand Service 24 HOUE BURNER SERVOCE (YULF FINANCING Low Interest Rates Phone: Tyrone 263-2650 Gui Orono Building Contractor Brick- Block - Concrete Stone Work Carpentry - Cabinet Work Floors - Tie 983-5441 Orono Nature hikes planned for this Saturday Staff of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Author- ity will be conducting nature hikes on Saturday, April 30, 1977. Emphasis will be the identi- fication of spring wildflowers within the 'various conserý'at- ion areas. 1Hikes will be given- from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon and from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. AIl those interested are asked to meet at the C.L.O.- C.A. office at 1650 Dundas Street East, Whitby (opposite the Whitby Mail) at 9:00 a.m. for the morning hike and 1: 00 p.m. for the af ternoon hike. If further information is required, contact the Author- D ave's Plumnbing Heating E Iectric Indu stria l-Com m erdîaI Residential 786-2471 R. R. i Oro -no ity office at 579-0411. How does it feel to bc out on the stet Find out. Take a walkJ Hamiltons Insurance Service Vour Friendly Agency Ail Persona] and Commercial Insurance Sue Sawyer For Dependable Service 983-5115, TELEPHONE 623-6555 JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A.' INCOME TAX AND RELATEO ACCOUNTING SKRVICES 67 kING ST. EAsTr - SýUITE 2 BOWMANVIILLE, ONTARIO -LlCICN3 Willam . HalM. comm. Chartered Accountani Phone Newcastle 987-4240 ALL DAY WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY See REZ SALE SPRUCE UP THE SI DI NGON YOUR HOUSE WITH REZ TAKE ADVANTAGE 0F THESE PRICES NOW 1 Gai. lQt. 1/2 Pint Reg. Price $13.20 $4.25 $1.65 SALE PRICE $9.90 Availablin Walnut, Mahogany, Maplewood, Teak, Red Wood, Cedar, Charcoal Oromo Fuzel 8 Luamber Ltd.i Lum ber & Building Supplies - Fuel OÙ1 - 011 Furnaces 983-9167 Station Street & ltwy. 115, Orono Ennaimrm